Chapter 131
"Huh? This is the dark prison dragon, a third-level hell creature."

Yaduo walked through the ruins, and soon he saw a huge shadow appearing in the ruins in front of him, with Henghuan in front.

The body of more than ten meters is like a hill. The majestic body exudes a wild and evil aura, and the black scales shine with a cold light, filling people's hearts with a cold feeling.

Yado only felt a chill rising from his back, and his hairs stood on end in an instant, and cold sweat dripped down his face in an instant.

At that time, Yado realized immediately that the Dark Prison Demon Dragon was dead!

Along the way, he encountered many such creatures, various monsters, and humans wearing various armors.

But these people, whether they are monsters or humans, have been dead for a long time.

Now it is only preserved intact under the effect of some kind of special seal or formation.

Otherwise, these are basically first-level and second-level existences, so how can they withstand the passage of time and keep the corpses so well preserved.

It's just that along the way, most of the books he saw were no more than a first-level existence. This time, he suddenly saw the corpse of a third-level dragon, and was frightened by its aura.

"Oh, it would be great if we could dismantle this Dark Prison Dragon and bring it back."

Looking at the huge corpse of the monster, Yado couldn't help thinking.As a third-level regional creature, this kind of magic dragon can be said to be full of treasures. As long as it is taken back, this corpse alone may be worth tens of thousands of gold coins.

At this moment, there was a rustling sound, and hundreds of ghouls surrounded Yaduo from all directions.

"It's you!"

Yado keenly felt that the black ghoul was among the ghouls.

Unexpectedly, this black ghoul that escaped from his hands actually got so many ghouls to surround and kill him.

However, this also saves him from looking for these ghouls.

It's just that he sensed it slightly, and there are about two-thirds of the magic power left on his body at this moment.

Yado frowned slightly, this magic power should be enough.


The black ghoul let out a loud roar, and then those lingering low-level ghouls rushed towards Yado in the middle.

The group of ghosts roared, looking extremely terrifying in this weird environment.

"Hmph, to capture the thief first, capture the king. It seems I have to kill you first!"

Yado had fought this black ghoul before, so he naturally knew that it could command ordinary ghouls, so if he wanted to win quickly, he had to kill this black ghoul first.

Ya Duo had a plan in mind, and immediately put it into action.

"Flash Technique"

He shouted loudly, doubled his magic power, and a white light group that was brighter than usual suddenly rose up, and then began to shine brightly after a third of a second.

The intense light immediately illuminated everything within a radius of dozens of meters. Even though Yado had already closed his eyes and lowered his head, he still couldn't help but feel a glare.

Then, at the moment when the light disappeared, Yado moved. He held the thunder black steel sword in his hand, and like a cheetah, he broke into the group of ghouls and launched an assassination at the black ghoul.

Yado's speed is very fast, and his strength is much greater than that of ordinary ghouls. In addition, these ghouls were stimulated by the flash technique.

I can only hear, poof!puff!puff!
The sharp long sword fiercely cut through the ghoul blocking the way, and within a few breaths, it covered a distance of more than ten meters and rushed to the black ghoul.

At this time, the black ghoul naturally knew how powerful Yado was, and the editor let out a burst of roars, and immediately mobilized the surrounding ghouls to stop Yado.

And it itself retreated quickly, trying to distance itself from Yado.

Those ghouls who received the order immediately stood in front of the black ghouls.

The long sword in Yado's hand was finally blocked after piercing two ghouls in a row.

At this time, several ghouls finally rushed to Yado's body, and their sharp claws immediately clawed down Yado's body fiercely.

A layer of lavender passport was revealed, and the attacks of these ghouls were taken for granted.On the originally solid shield, ripples flowed like water waves, and the color instantly dimmed by three points.

At this time, more ghouls in the distance rushed towards Yaduo, and suddenly there was a terrible wind.

'Aaron Shock'

A vigorous arcane energy, centered on Yado, rushed out in all directions in an instant, and immediately knocked away several ghouls around him.

But there were too many ghouls, and a few more flew over in an instant.


Yado released a double flash technique again, and the intense light shrouded it again.

But when the light faded away, Yado was surprised to find that this time only a part of the ghouls were affected, and there were still many ghouls who seemed to block the light, and were not affected much at all.

The ghouls roared again and surrounded Yado, while the black ghouls on the periphery let out a small growl, as if mocking Yado.

You see the same tactic doesn't always work.

Yado frowned immediately, and swung the long sword in his hand impenetrably, constantly blocking and slashing the attacking ghouls.But even so, Ya Duo has not received any systematic martial arts training, but has only received some simple martial arts moves in the world.

So when faced with so many attacks, many attacks still fell on the shield.

In just a few seconds, the shield dimmed a bit, and it seemed that at least half of its defense value was consumed.

Yado looked around, stabbing the ghouls with the sharp sword in his hand continuously, adding a magic attack from time to time, and finally managed to maintain the situation.

But at this moment, the black ghoul roared again, waiting until the black ghoul's voice fell.

However, within a few dozen seconds, roaring sounds continued to sound one after another in the distance of the ruins, and the sound was constantly approaching, and soon there were densely packed ghouls everywhere in the street. Three hundred.

Seeing this scene, Yaduo's face suddenly darkened.

It is necessary to break through, and a hundred or so ghouls can still rely on spells and sharp swords to circle around and even destroy them, but at this moment, there are more and more of these ghouls, and his magic power is not much left. If you don't break through, you won't be able to run away even if you want to run for a while.

Yado once again released a flash spell, and relying on the gap shrouded in bright light, he added an arcane shield, and immediately flew out in the direction he had identified before.

(End of this chapter)

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