Chapter 125 Report
"Please take a seat, Agent Yado."

Chief Intelligence Coscoville pointed to the chair in front of the desk and said.

Yado sat down, and carefully looked at the middle-aged head of the intelligence department. Although this Skevier was nearly 50 years old, Yado felt a strong vitality in him, even stronger than many people in their 30s and [-]s. To be strong is to be strong.

Could this be the so-called extraordinary person in this world? He is physically strong and energetic. Of course, he may also possess other special skills.

It's just that Skevier hasn't made a move now, so Yado has no way of judging which superpower this intelligence chief is proficient in.

"I called you here this time to inquire about the progress of that case. Have you found out the hiding places of those voodoo villains?"

Chief Skvill asked, his eyes flickered, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Sure enough, Iliad also joined Voodoo. He wanted to attack me, but he was lucky to be on my side. Then I searched the residence of the rich businessman Straw, but unfortunately found nothing, no valuable clues. could not find it."

As soon as Yado's heart moved, he knew that Scoville must be asking about the rich businessman Straw and his partner Iliad.

These two people turned out to be voodoo!
So as soon as he opened his mouth, he told some details of this matter, and even what happened afterwards.

Of course, he concealed his combat strength, so it is even more impossible to say that Straw was also killed by him after being transformed into a vampire. He just said that when he entered the house, Straw Has lost track.

The head of the intelligence section, Scoville, listened quietly, and waited until Yado stopped.

"Then the Iliad is indeed a voodoo remnant, and it would be too cheap to let him die like this. Did he really not say anything?"

Skevier said that the anger on his face turned serious here, and he stared closely at Yado, hoping to see something from this young man's face.

"You see, the voodoo remnants have hatched a great conspiracy, and we must subdue them and capture them before they succeed, responsible for God knows what disaster it will bring to New Stratford."

"Of course, sir, but it's really nothing. After Iliad became a ghoul, he has lost his mind and has no way to communicate." Yado said.

"Oh, then think about it after you go back. If you think of anything, remember to tell me as soon as possible. After all, it is related to the safety of tens of thousands of people. Well, you go down first."

Skevill spoke with great concern.

When Yado left, Scoville, the head of the intelligence section, suddenly darkened. His face was distorted with anger, as if he were a ferocious ghost.

But immediately, a weird smile appeared on his face.

When Yado came out of Scoville's office, a strange smile flashed across his face.

Unexpectedly, in the special power department of the Bureau of Strategic Resources, there is also a dark creature hidden.

Although the chief of the intelligence section, Skvill, was hiding deep enough, his excessive performance still made Yado suspicious.

So Yado used his mental power to perceive.The powerful mental power immediately made Scoville's malice, like a bright light in the dark night, too obvious.

He is obviously the chief of the intelligence department, but he is full of malice towards him, especially when he said to kill Iliad, Scoville's malice reached its peak, as if he wanted to kill him.

This also allowed Yado to discover Scoville's strange beginning and guess his identity.

Yaduo immediately became vigilant in his heart, fearing that these dark creatures would attack him again in a short time.

Of course, these creatures in the darkness would never dare to take action here.

Then Yado went to the reference room of the Bureau of Strategic Resources, and he was going to inquire about something about Westminster Avenue.

This reference room is located in the deepest part of the office hall and is one of the most important parts of the Strategic Resources Bureau.

It has collected a lot of very important materials, as well as some extremely valuable ancient documents.

Entering here requires a triple inspection, which of course is nothing to Yado. He is a second-level agent of the intelligence department, who happens to have the lowest level of authority, and can read some materials with a lower confidentiality level.

After inspection, Yado walked into the reference room.

He can only look here, but he has no permission to look at the basement floor where more important ancient documents are stored.

Yado scanned row by row, and his powerful mental power played a huge role here, allowing him to quickly scan row by row of shelves and clearly see the content information he needed.

Soon Yaduo found a volume of information, which recorded in detail the changes in the entire city of Stratford.

Later, Yado dug out detailed information about Voodoo.

Then Yado began to read meticulously and attentively, and time passed quietly while waiting.

Soon it was time to get off work, so someone came to notify Yado, telling him that the time was over.

Ya Duo closed the information in his hand and left the Strategic Resources Bureau.

Wood Street, South Wales, is the busiest street in New Stratford.

Here, in a dark alley.

The dancing girl whose beauty had begun to wither, was dressed very coquettishly. She leaned against the wall by the side of the road, and the lights from the main street shone in, so that passersby walking outside could clearly see her.

I hope I can attract customers and earn a little bit of daily necessities.

There are many such women in New Stratford.

Although the salary level here is much higher than that in other cities, it is also more dangerous and more prone to accidents.

Many women have to engage in such jobs after their husbands suffer accidents and lose their main source of income.

Soon, a staggering drunk man entered the alley and walked towards the woman.

When the coquettishly dressed woman saw someone coming in, a look of joy and subtle disgust appeared on her face.

The drunken man obviously quickened his pace, and soon walked deeper into the alley with the alluring dancer.

Soon in the alley, there was a deep scream and the piercing sound of chewing, as if some ferocious beast was tearing at the bone.

Not long after, the drunkard staggered out of the alley and continued walking further along the road.

(End of this chapter)

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