Chapter 120
"Yado, I know you're inside, open the door!"

The sound outside the door became more intense, and then the entire wooden door, which seemed very thick, was knocked and knocked, as if it was about to be knocked down.

More violent fluctuations of death energy spread out.

Ya Duo looked dignified and focused, and he took out a long sword from the interspatial bag.This kind of long sword uses the special forging technology of the wizarding world. The entire sword body is made of thunder black steel, which is extremely light and sharp, but also extremely strong.

After stabbing the enemy, it will bring a little paralysis.One-handed weapon, one-handed spellcasting is already the routine setting of ordinary wizard apprentices.

Yado is naturally the same, but this sword cost him a full thousand gold coins, which he only bought after he got three thousand gold coins from Gundry, otherwise he would not be willing to buy such a long sword.

Seeing that Yado hadn't responded for a long time, the person outside the door waited impatiently, and the knocking on the door gradually stopped.

Immediately there was a sound of footsteps, and they walked slowly into the distance, as if they had already left.

Yado frowned when he heard the voice go away.

With his strong mental power, he can easily feel everything outside.

In his induction, that person was still outside the door and did not leave, but who made that footsteps?
Does this guy have a companion?A companion he could not sense.


At this moment, a loud sound sounded, and then the wooden door finally couldn't hold on, and was smashed open by a huge figure.

"Ha, ha, I caught you! Sure enough, you are here."

A voice full of lifelessness came, and the intruding figure was wearing a lead-black uniform, and his swollen muscles were torn apart.

The person's eyes were already blood red, and the exposed skin also showed an abnormal gray-black color.

"What are you?" Yaduo asked coldly.

In an instant, Yado scanned the figure in front of him.

'Junior Ghoul, Strength 20, Constitution 22, Dexterity 15, Spirit 8'

It turned out to be a ghoul, but his attributes didn't look very good, not even comparable to Yado at this time.

"I'm your colleague, hehe, don't you remember? It seems that I should let you wake up."

After all, this strange man rushed towards Yaduo suddenly.

The huge body brought a strange wind, and a pair of big hands grabbed Yaduo with a black light.


Yado snorted coldly, and then sent out an arcane impact, knocking the ghoul flying out, and then he slammed forward.

He is faster and stronger than a ghoul.

Before the ghoul could react, the sharp sword in his hand had pierced the ghoul's heart.

Then the ghoul twitched violently a few times, and then died no more.

"Hey, kill a low-level ghoul and get 60 experience points."

Yado immediately searched the body of the ghoul, and at the same time, he spread his spirit all over the surroundings to prevent the owner of the footsteps from appearing.

But until he finished searching, he didn't encounter any attacks, and the owner of his footsteps never appeared.

In his hand was a book of papers and a letter.

"A detective certificate, second-level detective, Iliad, it seems that he and I are really 'colleagues'."

Then Yado took out a letter and found that a stamp had been affixed to it. The address was 44 Westminster Street, and the recipient was a man named Constantine.

Yado took out the letter and saw that it read, "I suspect that this person was sent from above to investigate us. (There is a large block of redactions in the middle, and only the word 'ritual' can be seen.) He already has Before he finds out, I am going to take him to the third meeting place and kill him there."

After reading the letter, Yado fell into even greater doubts.

What kind of identity has been arranged for this Tower of Advent!Just came here and fell into this kind of incident.

"Hey, what is this?"

Yado, who was about to leave, suddenly saw a dark red crystal precipitated from the heart of the ghoul Iliad, but cracks appeared on it, apparently stabbed by Yado's long sword just now.

Yado immediately used the scan: "The damaged blood can crystallize, (because of the damage, it has lost its effect)"

"This turned out to be the crystallization of blood energy! It's a pity that it's useless if it's damaged."

Yado picked up the damaged blood energy crystal and found that the progress of the mission hadn't changed much.Just know that the task requires intact blood energy crystals, and such damaged ones are useless.

In other words, as long as fifty ghouls are hunted down, the task can be completed.

Then it's time to find the ghouls.

New Andrews is the name of this city, built on the former site of Andrews City.

After Yado came out of that room, he searched the old apartment building up and down, but of course he didn't find any valuable clues.

Then he came to the street outside, just a simple inspection, coupled with the spiritual induction from the powerful mental force.

Yado easily got the information he wanted.

This is a chaotic world, filled with old horrors. Dracula, the ancestor of vampires, defeated Van Helsing and established a new dark kingdom in Transylvania.

There lies the real horror, the real darkness, the burial of all the living.

Dracula opened the gate of hell there, and then countless monsters flooded into the world, and the whole world was plunged into darkness.

Of course, at such a time, a savior will often be born, the founder of the great Freedom Alliance, Speaker Extus, who will lead the remaining human beings to fight against those dark monsters, and finally kill those dark monsters through the Battle of Black Castle. The monsters were defeated and the current alliance was established.

And here is the northernmost city in the Freedom Alliance, New Andrews, and the city closest to Fortress Black.

Dracula, Van Helsing, isn't this the movie I watched in my previous life?It's just that he didn't expect that Frankenstein had taken refuge in Dracula long ago, and successfully gave birth to Dracula's offspring.

Facing that huge vampire army, Van Helsing naturally had only one way out: defeat.

As for the gate of hell afterwards, Yado thinks that the people here are afraid of the dark monsters, so they say that those monsters come from hell.

By the way, and Speaker Extus, thinking of this, Yado's complexion couldn't help but be a little weird.

I don't know if the speaker and the dean of the elementary school, Extus, are alone.

(End of this chapter)

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