wizards descend to the heavens

Chapter 101 Comparison

Chapter 101 Comparison
North 34th Street, Stratford Community, a large crowd gathered at the gate of the community at this moment, and the dark crowd filled the entire street of the community.

It was so dark that there were almost no less than a thousand people.

The wizard safety committee in the industrial area even sent some patrol guards in charge of security to take charge of the security work here.

"Look, this Hank family really knows how to choose a date. Today is Sunday, and many workers take turns off. Otherwise, how could there be so many people here. After all, many people still have to support their families. They will not give up a day just to see this." wages.”

"Oh, but I want to come here too, but as you can see, I still have to drive to support my family, otherwise what will I do to support my family."

The middle-aged driver chattered a little, his tone full of some kind of complaint.

As a member of the ghetto, fate seems to have been determined. If you don't work hard, you won't even be able to fill your stomach.

"Well, this is the car money."

Ya Duo paid the fare, took his luggage, and walked towards the community.

But he soon discovered that the dense crowd blocked the gate of the entire community so tightly that he couldn't get through at all.

"Oh, I'm so envious. Now I'm admitted to the Higher Wizarding College!"

"You must learn from others, and strive to be admitted to the Higher Wizarding Academy in the future."

"It's been a long time since we've had talent like this in our community."

"I heard that they were directly sponsored by the Crohn family this time, and immigrated to the rich area."

"Yes, yes, the Crohn family is really very courageous. In addition to helping to buy real estate, I heard that they also donated a whole thousand gold coins."

"One thousand gold coins, it would be great if it was mine!"

Yado listened to the discussions of the people around him, and he was nothing more than envious and jealous that Hank had been admitted to the Higher Wizarding Academy.

There are even many people who wish they could take Hank's place and enjoy this glory.

"Thank you, everyone, for being able to attend my entrance ceremony in spite of your busy schedule."

At this time, on the stage set up in front of the community, the tall Hank spoke.

His eyes were steady and sharp, and there was always a smile on the corner of his mouth, which made him look extremely confident.

Hank wore an extremely luxurious dress today, which had obviously been professionally packaged. It clearly set off his temperament, and he suddenly transformed from an ordinary poor family into a successful person.

But Yado is very familiar with Hank. Although after entering the academy, because of the gap in spiritual talent, the two drifted apart. From then on, Yado knew that Hank had a strong vanity.

Even now, Yado can still see the extremely obvious vanity from Hank.

"I can achieve today's achievements, first of all thanks to the Crohn family, Master Diss Crohn's help."

"After all, Master Diss is a helpful and extremely talented person. It is thanks to Master Diss' selfless help that I can achieve today's results."

In the voice of Hank's words, Diss Crohn, the young master of the Crohn family, stood up and waved gracefully to the crowd under the stands.

Of course, Diss didn't attend this event originally. He looked down on these mud-legged people in the slums from the bottom of his heart, thinking that they were the city's scum and a source of pollution. The wizarding world should expel all these poor people to those barren worlds.

But because of his father's stern admonishment, it was also to win over Hank. After all, he also applied for the Dark Wizard Tower. After getting there, he would definitely lack an errand boy around him.

In his opinion, this Hank is just right, otherwise how could a person who just barely passed the exam be seen by him.

"Oh, what a pity. The family's orders cannot be violated, otherwise he would choose the Bauhinia Wizard Tower. After all, he can be with Susie again when he gets there."

Diss thought a little bored.

Suddenly, Dis saw a familiar figure in the crowd below. He actually saw Yado in the crowd!

Immediately, Diss made a subtle gesture to Hank who was speaking.

Hank understood, and looked in the direction that Diss pointed.

"Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Yaduo. This is really an excellent opportunity!"

An attention came to Hank's heart instantly. The curvature of the corners of his mouth became wider, and a sinister smile crept onto his face.

Today he had an appointment with Susie. It was very clear that the time was coming soon and Susie was going to make a big fool of herself.

At that time, Susie will know who is more outstanding and who is more diligent.

"Of course, I can't get to where I am today without the help and encouragement of one person, and he is here today."

Speaking of this, Hank paused deliberately, he intentionally stimulated people's curiosity.

And Yado, after hearing Hank's words, had an inexplicable feeling in his heart that the person Hank was talking about was him.

Yado's mental power has reached 28 degrees, and his mental power can already interfere with reality, even among formal wizard apprentices, he is not considered weak.

At this moment, in Hank's words, one can clearly feel a deep malice, and this malice is coming towards him.

Sure enough, Hank's next words confirmed his guess.

"This person is my playmate, classmate, and good friend since I was a child, Yaddo Fitrolles."

"Yado has given me a lot of help. I can't get to where I am today, I can't do without Yado's encouragement and help."

As Hank said, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a beautiful figure appearing beside the crowd, and Susie finally came.

Hank was overjoyed. It came at the right time. It seemed like luck was on my side.

Immediately, his heart moved, and he continued: "What is even more gratifying is that Yaduo is here today, and I will invite Yaduo to come on stage."

Hank's posture was very full, and he greeted Yado in the audience.

Following Hank's footsteps, the crowd separated automatically, exposing Yado who was mixed in the crowd.

When Yado left the academy, he had already taken off the academy's uniform robes and put on his own clothes.

The simple clothes have been washed and turned slightly white, and the messy hair has obviously not been tidied.

This is the normal state of most of the slums like Yado's age, dirty, messy, and poor.

But today, standing with Hank, compared with Hank's luxury, grace and confidence, Yado seems rustic, and the gap between the two is undoubtedly highlighted.

On the contrary, it also made Yaduo even more sloppy and unbearable.

 Thank you Red Blazing Angel for your reward
(End of this chapter)

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