Chapter 57 - Master - Reincarnation
Sighing insignificantly, "World" walked in front of Su Mu a little lonely.

"Black Light Virus..."

The eyes of "World" flickered slightly, and white light emerged, continuously healing Su Mu's body, while Tang Haofei watched nervously.

After a while, "World" shook his head slightly, and then said to Tang Haofei: "Su Mu's current situation is much more serious than I imagined, and I didn't expect him to choose to fight against "Arrogance"."

"What he burns is not only vitality, but the upper limit of vitality, and even the body of the black light virus is not spared."

"In this case, even if he wakes up, he will be almost a cripple."

"Although I have a way to save him, but..."

"That also means that Su Mu will completely lose that opportunity..."

The words of "World" became hesitant, "For now, the only thing we can do is to see what the paradise rewards him this time."

Tang Haofei's face became gloomy, "That is to say, Su Mu's only chance is to rely on the unknown reward from Paradise?"

"What are you kidding?"

"This is not fair!"

"How can the weak be fair?"

"World" asked rhetorically, and then continued: "This time, the only one who can save Han Xian in the first rank is Su Mu, and I have no choice."

Tang Haofei just stood there in a daze for a long time, picked up Su Mu mechanically, and then said: "I will send Su Mu back to the task settlement space..."


[Drip~ It is detected that the player is in a coma state, so the task settlement is delayed...]

[Drip~Player detected &%¥...%#]

Suddenly, the mechanical sound of the paradise became noisy, and a burst of digital turbulence suddenly flashed, and then a man in a blue robe appeared in Su Mu's exclusive settlement space.

The man was very handsome, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and regular facial features, but he gave off a holy look that made people afraid to approach him.

When he came to the unconscious Su Mu, the man smiled and sighed, "Tsk~ the young man is really naughty~"

"Dare to do anything~"

Su Mu only felt that his head seemed to be stirred violently by someone inserting a stick, and the brain would be stirred out.

It hurts, but it doesn't seem to hurt that much.

The mental state of the whole person is muddled, and even the perception of pain has been weakened.

I don't know how long it has been, but it's been so long that Su Mu feels that it's good to continue like this.

Without the copy, without the demons, I don't have to bear those burdens anymore.

Most importantly, I seem to have finally gotten away from that fucking world.

Except for the occasional burst of analgesia that comes from time to time, this kind of life seems to be pretty good... what a ghost.

For some reason, Su Mu became more and more conscious after each analgesic, but what followed was a boundless sense of loneliness.

In the pure white spiritual space, Su Mu didn't even have a time reference.

When a person is trapped in a small dark room with nothing but food to survive, what do you think that person will do?How long can you live?

Su Mu is in this situation now, oh no, people in the small black house can commit suicide, but Su Mu can't even commit suicide.

After recovering his memory, Su Mu even tried to return to his physical body right away. Well, after many failed attempts, Su Mu gave up this plan.

With nothing to do, Su Mu began to recall the past, well, after all, he has nothing else to do besides these.

He thought a lot.

He thought of the familiar voice before he passed out.

This accent is definitely the Sequence One of that brazen-faced guy who wants to accept him as his younger brother.

But how did he appear in the dungeon?
Is he also reborn?
But even if he was reborn, how did he enter this dungeon?

Or is it hallucinations due to excessive consumption?

Su Mu thought with a sad face, his whole face wrinkled into a ball.

Is the clown dead?

Should be dead?
Or am I dead?
Is this what happens now when a person dies?

That's not right, this is my spiritual space?

I'm sure I'm not dead.

Grandma Li's, rebirth!

According to the routine of the novels I read before, shouldn't it be that I am reborn and come back every second, every second, every second, every second?
Why did you meet that monster, the clown, right after you came back?
I still thought about beating Tang Haofei in the future sequence battle...

Tang Haofei...

Thinking of Tang Haofei, Su Mu subconsciously thought of the messy things in his No. [-] territory in his previous life.

The demons have invaded, why do those mentally retarded people still fight for power?
Even dare to leak the security information of the territory...

When he thought that he was cheated by those mentally retarded people in his last life, and died so sloppily, Su Mu was full of anger.

And just when Su Mu was swearing, another burst of great pain hit him, and this time, Su Mu didn't even frown.

Just kidding, how many times?
got used to it.

You just hurt a few times more... Hey, hey, shit, it hurts so much! ! !

Su Mu's soul body fluctuated for a while, as if Rong Rong gave you an injection when you were motion sick, um, it was so "cool" that you flew up.

Suddenly, when Su Mu hit the wall in pain in the mental space, a burst of blue light flashed, and a blue spiritual tentacles almost occupied the entire spiritual space of Su Mu, and then rushed into Su Mu's soul body.


The huge tentacles disappeared from Su Mu's soul body like snow meeting the warm sun.

At this moment, a thick voice resounded through the spiritual space.

"Little guy, you'd better hold on~"

"My spiritual tentacles..."

"It's a bit big, bear with it."

But at this moment, Su Mu didn't have the time to pay attention to where the sound came from. The intense pain went straight to the soul, and Su Mu's entire soul was trembling, and there was a possibility of collapse at any time.


After an unknown amount of time, Su Mu opened his eyes tiredly.

What came into view was a handsome man, the man stroked his chin, squinted his eyes and stared at Su Mu, his naked eyes made Su Mu feel uncomfortable.

Although Su Mu was puzzled about who the man was, out of caution, he still wanted to use the spirit to investigate him.

But the next second...

The severe pain hit again, which made Su Mu, who was already collapsed, slump on the ground, breaking out in cold sweat.


"What a restless kid~"

The man in the blue robe chuckled, and then slowly said: "Su Mu, the Blue Star Great World Sequence Six, in his last life he awakened the hidden profession "Spirit Man" and absorbed the undead for his own use..."

"Skill system..."

"cause of death……"

"Comprehensive evaluation of the park: A-"

"Tsk, not bad."

"who are you?"

"Why do you know this?"

Relieved, Su Mu looked at the opposite side cautiously. The secret Su Mu who had been reborn had never told anyone, but the person opposite not only knew, but even the skill system of Su Mu's last life. From the great spectrum of the world.

"Hehe, you can call me 'Samsara'."

"Of course, you can also call me the master of the paradise~"

(End of this chapter)

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