Chapter 53 - Prison Lord - Prison Thunder

"Hehe. It really surprised me~"

"A mere human race can do this to this extent~"

"Arrogance" held the spear on his chest with one hand and sneered at Tang Haofei.

"But, enough is enough!"

"God, don't insult!!!"

A purple light emerged on the surface of the body, which was the origin of the abyss in the body of the clone of "Arrogance".

"Arrogance", as one of the seven demon gods in the endless abyss, naturally possesses peerless power, and what matches it is its arrogant and perverse personality.

As the avatar of the arrogant avatar, the clown naturally inherited this personality. Even if "Yang Jing" gave supplements before leaving, his energy reserves are still not much. From the beginning to the end, he still played with the attitude of playing games. , is just a clone, and it dies when it dies.

The original words of "arrogance" meant that he was going to blow himself up directly. Since Su Mu couldn't catch it, it would be good to be disgusted with "order", but the moment he saw Tang Haofei, he changed his mind.

The chaotic and disorderly abyss camp has always been the sworn enemy of the lawful camp where "Order" is located, and the entanglement between "Arrogance" and "Order" before, um, or Liang Zi, it has been forged for a long, long time...

But now, Tang Haofei's appearance has severely stimulated "Arrogance", he doesn't care about your Tang Haofei's combat power, he only knows that order despises him, and sent a human race from the new world to humiliate him!
You sent a human race from the newborn world to deal with me?

Who do you look down on?
Especially in this world where the blockade has not yet reached the fourth level, are you blatantly provoking my bottom line?

Therefore, "Arrogance" decided not to blew himself up. He wanted to crush Tang Haofei's head with his own hands, and then imprison his soul forever, let him endure the burning of the soul fire forever, and then send him to the Temple of Order to be severely Slap "Order" in the face.

At present, it seems that he kicked the iron plate...

But can the living be suffocated to death by urine?
People are old and mature, let alone an old monster like "Arrogance" who has lived for an indeterminate amount of time?
Previously, Su Mu hacked down "Arrogance" twice in a row by virtue of Susan's exclusive characteristics. Apart from the careless reason of "Arrogance", it was more caused by "purification".

If it is said that it is outside the paradise, only the first-order sumu can't exert the power of "purification", but who made this paradise?

You are here, you have to follow the rules.

Even if you are the "arrogant" avatar, isn't it still suppressed in the paradise?

And now, since he has achieved his main purpose, "Arrogance" doesn't care about his useless clone anymore.

Um, so Pride is about to turn the tables.

"If you can reach the tenth level, maybe you can still cause a little trouble to my main body, but with your current combat power..."

"But so..."

The corners of the scarlet mouth curled up slightly, "arrogant" looked at Tang Haofei with a sneer.

Tang Haofei is absolutely powerful, even if he looks at the heavens and the world, he is a first-class genius, but "arrogance" is still so ironic that he shows contempt for him, even if the current clone is rubbed on the ground by others.

The turbulent demonic energy gushed out from the body of the "arrogant" clone, and the thin body began to swell. This was a sign of detonating the origin of the abyss. The energy fluctuations caused Tang Haofei's face to change slightly.


"Prison Lord—Prison Thunder!"

I saw Tang Haofei slowly let go of the spear in his hand, and then let out a roar, his five fingers clenched into fists, and the blue spear suddenly changed into purple lightning and poured into the body of the "arrogant" clone.

In the next second, like a firecracker, the purple prison thunder turned into chains and bound the body of "Arrogance" to death, and the original turbulent abyss also calmed down.

"Stop looking down on people!!!"

The golden light emerged from Tang Haofei's body and turned into mysterious lines, and the entire arm became very bright.

Tang Haofei squeezed his fist and blasted towards "Arrogance".


Under Tang Haofei's invincible punching power, cracks began to appear in the imprisoned body of "Arrogance", but it did not shatter.

At this time, Tang Haofei did it on purpose, killing "Arrogance" was not his goal, his real goal was the source of the abyss.

Faint white steam rose from the surface of "Arrogance", which is the origin of the abyss began to disappear under Tang Haofei's purification.


I don't know how long it took to beat, but with a loud shout, the lines on both arms suddenly converged into a golden rune towards Tang Haofei's right fist, which was dazzling.

It was as if a fist made of gold smashed into the heart of "Arrogance", and with the fall of the fist, the imprisoned "Arrogance" suddenly spit out a mouthful of black blood, and the purple chains on his body shattered inch by inch.

"Arrogance", who had completely lost the origin of the abyss, knelt down powerlessly, unable to exert any strength in his whole body.

"Arrogance", defeated!

"Is this the so-called Demon God? That's all!"

"It's just a chicken and a dog that lived a little longer!"

Tang Haofei said coldly, his words were full of disdain for "arrogance".

Lost, he lost!

The Demon God of Seven Sins, who is majestic in the abyss, will be defeated by a junior of the fourth rank.

Especially the loser is the demon god "arrogance" with a strong self-esteem, there is nothing worse than this.

Earlier, neither Su Mu nor Tang Haofei was taken seriously by him, but now, the record is here.


Struggling to raise his head, the "arrogant" laughed crazily, black blood kept flowing out of his mouth, but he didn't seem to see it, just continued to laugh.


After a while, the scarlet eyes fixed on Tang Haofei, and then slowly said: "Interesting, is it really interesting?"

"According to the breath on your body, if I remember correctly, that area is in charge of that guy "Lazy"?"

"Well, yes, that guy."

"Don't worry, it won't be long before I twist that guy's head and kick it with my own hands."

After brushing the dust off his body casually, Tang Haofei responded indifferently, and then moved his fingers lightly, and the blue chain wrapped around "Arrogance", dragging "Arrogance" towards Su Mu like a dead dog.

"That's it~"

"Hehe, then I'm really looking forward to it~"

"Arrogance"'s eyes were slightly darkened, and he didn't know what he was thinking about.

On the other side, Tang Haofei walked slowly in front of Su Mu, checking Su Mu's body with some worry.

"It still doesn't work, the vitality of the second child..."

"That guy in the world is really stingy, can't the world itself give a little more?"

"It's all the fault of this guy, otherwise the second child wouldn't be in such a miserable state. What kind of successor to the Holy Spirit should be saved? If you want me to say, it's better to give the second child the origin of the world..."

At this time, Old Tang changed his previous cold look, and watched the fainted Su Mu chatting non-stop, muttering constantly, venting his resentment towards the world.

Suddenly, Tang Haofei shuddered, recalling what the world entrusted to him before he came.

"Old Tang, remember it for me. You must ensure Han Xian's safety no matter what..."

The world exhorted Tang Haofei with a serious face.

Dots of cold sweat oozed from Old Tang's head.

He, it seems, seems to have forgotten something, right?
(End of this chapter)

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