Battle Paradise: Starting from the night of the Uchiha Genocide

Chapter 50 - Decisive Battle (2) (asking for votes, brothers)

Chapter 50 - Decisive Battle ([-]) (asking for tickets, brothers)

"Twenty times, black light pulse!!!"

Different from the previous use of Su Mu's body, in the previous battle process, Su Mu only relied on Susan's body to fight, and Susan's combat power depended on Su Mu's physical fitness.

Of course, Su Zuo alone is enough for Su Mu to sweep through the first-order dungeons.

In addition to being unnecessary, the more important thing is that Su Mu can't support the consumption of Xu Zuo's black light pulse now, um, even if it is double the black light pulse.

There is no other reason, Su Mu's body is only at the first level of perfection.

The black light pulse on the main body and Susanoo are just two different fighting states for Su Mu now.

This is like Goukong driving the super blue. Compared with the super red, the super blue sacrifices the super red's battery life, but also gains a stronger explosive power.

And using Susan to open the black light pulse is equivalent to opening [-] times the Kaiouquan in the ultra-blue state, um, it is a great burden on the body. (There should be some readers watching Dragon Ball, right???)
In short, Su Mu was not strong enough to do it before, but now...

Barely can! ! !

And the shattered void also means that Su Mu's strength has broken through the limit of this first-order dungeon world! ! !

After seeing Su Mu's current state, the clown, who was still listless, felt excited.

"Hohohoho, is there any, is there any more?"

"It's not over yet!!!"

"The black light virus finally materialized!!!"

Amidst Su Mu's roar, a drop of black liquid floated out from Su Mu's heart.

And the moment it floated out, Su Mu spat out a mouthful of black blood.

This is most of the body of the black light virus, accounting for almost [-]% of the total, and it is all that Su Mu can strip out. If there is more, Su Mu will die on the spot! ! !
It can be seen that the black liquid melted into Susan like a baby swallow returning to its nest. Afterwards, the energy that shattered the void no longer overflowed, but returned to Susan's body.

In the next second, Susan, who was originally close to a height of [-] meters, gradually shrunk. With the shrinking of Susan, the color of the outer coat of Susan became more and more dark, until finally, the shrinkage stopped when it was about five meters high.

For Xu Zuo at this moment, no matter what the clown uses to detect him, it will be useless. If he hadn't seen the transformation of Xu Zuo with his own eyes, the clown would think that Su Mu's Xu Zuo had a congenital deformity.


This is what the Joker said about Sumu's shrinking Susano.

Before the space around Susano would break apart, it was not only because the strength of the power escaped, but also a large part was because Su Mu couldn't control the energy perfectly.

But now, Su Mu not only perfectly controlled the energy but also compressed Susan's energy to reduce his size.

This level of energy control is really good.


In the face of absolute strength...

What's the use of this?
The clown laughed, and then threw out the purple ring in his hand.

The purple ring floats out gently, the speed is extremely slow, but it seems to be extremely fast, giving people a sense of going against common sense, but for some reason, Su Mu is firmly locked, and Xu Zuo can't get rid of it even after tossing and turning. .

But since you can't hide, then fight! ! !
Su Zuo's abundant physical strength at this time gave Su Mu great confidence.

It can be seen that the white-striped sickle blade was held by Susan with one hand, and then Susan's waist arched slightly, and then sprang out at a speed exceeding the speed of sound, and the ear-piercing sonic boom sounded in the void.

The next second, "Boom!!!"

A purple mushroom cloud rose over the western part of Gotham, and the huge impact made the whole of Gotham tremble.

The shattered void sucked large pieces of buildings into the turbulent flow of time and space.

Well, it's really a nuclear leveling of Gotham.

Really, nuclear ace!

Above the purple mushroom cloud, the black Susan is suspended in mid-air.

In Xu Zuo, Su Mu's spirit was unprecedentedly focused, and the co-spirit searched for the figure of the clown with all its strength, but there was still no trace!

"Hohohoho, that's really good, Su..."

Suddenly, the clown's words came from behind Su Mu, but Su Mu didn't pay attention, and Susan rushed out the moment he saw the clown.


Susano's speed was as fast as lightning, attacking the clown, white light appeared on the sickle blade, and then changed into black light under the influence of the black light virus.

This was the most powerful blow, the sickle blade tore through the sky, leaving a long and narrow crack in the sky.


The clown in mid-air didn't finish his sentence, he was imprisoned by Su Mu's sickle blade, and then he was killed with one blow!

Terrible sounds resounded from the sky, the void was collapsing, and the dungeon world could no longer bear Susan's combat power.


The huge sickle blade was still nearly six meters long, so this blow did not tear the clown apart, but smashed the clown's entire body into pieces!

Turning around, Su Mu knelt down weakly among the Susanoos, unable to raise his strength any longer.

Being strong has a price to pay.

Even, it is life! ! !

Fortunately, the result is good. Looking at the green clouds in the distance, Su Mu thought, a smile appeared on his pale face.

But the good times didn't last long.At this moment, the green clouds in mid-air suddenly began to gather, and then turned into a clown again. This time, even the broken right arm grew back.

He tidied his hair in a mess, and just as the clown was about to raise his head to say something, the next second he saw a black cloud covering the sky.

The next thing that greeted the clown was Su Mu Xuzuo's whip kick.


The clown's body was kicked into the ground by Su Mu like a fired shell, making a big hole in the already devastated factory.

"It's not over yet!!!"

Su Mu yelled, and the scythe blade gleaming with black light was lifted high, the unparalleled light of the knife tore through the universe, and the black Xu Zuo rushed to the ground with an indomitable momentum, like a comet falling from the sky.


The black sickle blade shone with black light, like an erupting volcano, continuous and powerful.

The clown's torso was once again swept by the sickle, torn apart, and then the sickle pierced through, blood and flesh flying.

The clown, died again.

And Susan in the deep pit is also full of cracks at this time, and the sickle blade that was unparalleled before is now also a large area of ​​potholes.

Among Xu Zuo, Su Mu's face was pale and he wanted to activate the sympathy to investigate the situation, but in the next second, the dots of light began to dissipate, and Xu Zuo, who has been fighting until now, finally couldn't hold back and turned into light rain and dissipated.


Su Mu, who was in mid-air, fell heavily to the ground before he even had time to stand up.

Struggling to stand up, but at this moment Su Mu really has no strength at all.

Lying powerlessly on the ground, due to the excessive burning of vitality just now, the energy in the body did not show up before, but now the energy is exhausted...

The aftermath, begins...

Su Mu's brain began to feel dizzy, and his whole body became extremely sore. This was the result of overloading his body. Su Mu wanted to cry out in pain, but right now he didn't even have the strength to do so.

Just like that, in the company of severe pain, I don't know how long it has passed, a series of crisp footsteps sounded in Su Mu's ear...

Is it a clown?
Or Han Xian?

Su Mu thought in a daze, but it doesn't matter, he won't live long anyway.

Then, a familiar voice rang in Su Mu's ear.

"Ha, isn't this our dear Human Race Sequence Six?"

"I haven't seen you for a few days, so why?"

 I wiped it, and it exploded, what server, it stuck me.

  Two ranks, one wins and one loses, playing for nothing.

  The peak game also lost.

  Depressed! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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