Battle Paradise: Starting from the night of the Uchiha Genocide

Chapter 35 - Father's love is speechless, it's good, yes, "it's good"

Chapter 35 - Father's love is speechless, it's good, yes, "it's good"



What is an abyss?

What is the demon race?
At least, in Paradise's judgment, the abyss is formed by the overflow of negative energy in the world.

And the demons are bred by the abyss, just like the world bred all things, what does this represent?

This means that as long as you have a lot of negative energy, and then add a little trick, theoretically speaking, you can create any demon race.

Well, it's easy to say, but how difficult is it for a race to have its own wisdom and grow independently?

The most important thing is to have a strong potential...

This not easy to do.

But as it happens, the clown really does.


In a courtyard not far from the western factory, Yang Jing was still thinking about his future life.

Looking at the rejoicing crowd around him, Yang Jing sighed inexplicably. Although they said they saved Bruce, after all, their original intention was to save Gordon...

Even if they had a private jet, they would not be able to escape from the Wayne Group in the future, so Yang Jing had no intention of living since sending that email.

Of course, Yang Jing would not say these things.

Different from the young man at the side, Yang Jing knew those chaebols too well, they would not let Yang Jing and them off easily.

The family is not as bad as the family. The family is Yang Jing's Achilles' heel. The reason why he planned this action is also because of his despair about his future.

Thinking in this way, Yang Jing recalled his past, when he was old, he always liked to recall when he was young.

He is 45, but he is still relying on his own strength to eat, which is the only source of income for the family.

Yes, he, Yang Jing, is a little clever, with a brilliant mind, and he is talented and interested in making money, but what's the use of it?
The conditions at home didn’t allow it. If he didn’t go to work early, he would starve to death, so he didn’t have the conditions to learn those things when he was young.

I have grown up and have my own family. There are old ones and young ones at the bottom. I really can’t open my eyelids after work every day. Although I have this thought occasionally, I really don’t have the energy to learn it.

But this is Gotham. Although the law and order is chaotic, it is still a Gotham that is rich and luxurious.

He himself doesn't care, he's been a rough person all his life, he's nothing, basically he takes everything lightly, he's just a simple person, and just because of his big-budget and rough-natured posture, generally there won't be any hooligans who won't open their eyes to trouble him.

Just when Yang Jing thought he would spend his whole life like this, God seemed to have a beautiful accident with him, about five or six years ago or how long ago?

Yang Jing scratched his head, working day by day, the concept of time has long been blurred.

Oh yes, six years ago, he just gave his daughter a six-year-old birthday last month, um, yes, he welcomed a beautiful little angel six years ago.

To be honest, Yang Jing couldn't believe it when he really heard the news. After all, he had been married for more than ten years, and he didn't say any protective measures during that time, but his wife's stomach just didn't move.

At the beginning, Yang Jing still didn't believe in evil, and spent money to go to the hospital to give the couple a physical examination. The results showed that everything was normal. After a long time, Yang Jing stopped thinking about it.

But sometimes surprises come so suddenly, until the child is born, Yang Jing is still ignorant, feeling like a dream.


Finally, the cry of the baby broke Yang Jing's dream, and the whole world seemed to be clear.

Maybe it was a coincidence, maybe it was God's will. At that time, Yang Jing stretched out his index finger out of nowhere to poke his daughter's little face. The baby who had been crying hadn't opened his eyes yet, but subconsciously grabbed him. Fingers on the face.

At that moment, to be honest, his fingertips were already covered with calluses, and he couldn't feel much of the baby's delicate touch, but at that time Yang Jing's eyes were full of this little angel.

The day after he came out of the hospital, Yang Jing no longer drank heavily, and seldom smoked. He couldn't bear it anymore, so he hid outside and smoked to relax. There was no other reason, because the doctor said that second-hand smoke was harmful to children's health. good.

In the past, after finishing work every day, alcohol paralyzed himself, but now, Yang Jing sometimes wonders whether to buy something for the child when he is working, and always wants to do something for the child. In short, he feels that life has hope.

It was really a wonderful time. He was still young, although he was almost forty, but he was still in his prime, and he was very strong. The work he worked hard by himself was almost worth the work of three people, and the boss did not default Salary, life is beautiful.

Going home from get off work on time every day to play with the children, Yang Jing happily accepts the occasional overtime, thinking that with the overtime pay, he can add a chicken leg to the little princess tomorrow.

Such a good day, but people always have to grow.

It always slips through the fingers inadvertently.

Yang Jing's temples are also a little grayer, and his young wife also has a lot of wrinkles unknowingly, but it's not without good things, for example, the little princess has finally grown up.

Although it may be said that in the eyes of others, the little princess may be an ordinary little girl, and even her skin is a little dark, but Yang Jing doesn't care, she still holds it in her hand for fear of falling, and holds it in her mouth for fear of melting. .

And our little princess is also very competitive, she has been very good since she was a child, she has a good personality, lively and cheerful, she is very popular with the neighbors, and her grades are also very good. She is simply a template for other children's children. Yang Jing is naturally very proud of this.

But gradually, Yang Jing found that her little princess seemed not as happy as before.

She would show wanting expressions when passing by the toy store with Yang Jing, and she would look enviously at other people's luxury cars after school...

But the little princess never messes around, she is very sensible, and she understands that her parents have tried their best to give her the best, even though her grades can get her into the best school in the neighborhood, but the high The tuition fee...

Yang Jing also wanted to say that he gritted his teeth and went through the formalities. No matter how hard it is, the children cannot suffer, and no matter how poor they are, education cannot be poor.Yang Jing understands this truth!

But a penny can really stop a hero.

That tuition fee is really expensive, so expensive that Yang Jing can't afford it even if he borrows usury.

But the little princess just hugged Yang Jing's neck lightly and said: "It's okay, Dad, it's the same when going to other schools, I will definitely study hard."

At that time, Yang Jing and his wife could only force a smile on their faces, the two big ones and one small one didn't want to make each other sad.

Yes, she is so sensible, so sensible makes people feel distressed.

Perhaps it was the guilt in his heart that made Yang Jing a little afraid to face the little princess. During this period of time, he worked desperately to earn money.

But when he saw that the young guy moved his goods with ease, Yang Jing realized for the first time that he was old, and if this continued... he didn't even have the money for the little princess to go to school.

Yang Jing fell into confusion, but not long after, the appearance of the clown disrupted Yang Jing's life.

When he saw that many of his neighbors were drawn by the clown to act as lucky spectators, Yang Jing had no choice but to do nothing, because neither Batman nor the clown could be provoked by a small person like him.

So, the lifelong candid mustered up the courage to march.

So, he recklessly went to rescue Director Gordon.

Therefore, he proposed a ransom of tens of millions.

Since he had no intention of surviving from the start, he would have kept his share of the money in a secret place.

This is what he agreed with his wife after he planned it. He wants to let his little princess fly to the sky happily, and he will bear all the thorns and strong winds on the road.


While Yang Jing was still recalling his life, applause suddenly came from the gate of the courtyard, which quieted the noisy atmosphere in the courtyard.

A purple figure walked out from the door and waved to everyone.

"What a brave man, everyone."

The sudden appearance of the clown plunged the whole room into a dead silence.

Then a black figure emerged from Yang Jing's shadow, and then grabbed Yang Jing's neck.

Ignoring other things, the clown slowly walked up to Yang Jing and drew out a small knife.

"I see something very interesting in your mind, hehe."

"Is this a father's love?"

"That's great, it's really enviable..."

(End of this chapter)

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