Chapter 28 - Rachel Got Caught
At the same time, in Rachel's apartment.


Rachel watched in disbelief as Bruce was kidnapped on TV.

Even though Bruce was not the Bruce she used to know, he was the man Rachel had stuck with for seven years after all.

In other words, Bruce has not disappeared from Rachel's heart from the beginning to the end, otherwise she would not hesitate to face Harvey's marriage proposal.

Fate seems to treat this lady very favorably. Every boyfriend she has ever had can be said to be the dream lover of many girls in Gotham
But fate seems to be too rough for this lady.

Just yesterday she was devastated by the loss of her boyfriend.

And now, even his ex-boyfriend is going to go home run with Jesus.

A heavy sense of powerlessness filled Rachel's heart, and tears filled her pretty face.

But apart from futile grief, Rachel was completely powerless to change that.

Save Bruce?
Stop messing around, what do you expect an ordinary woman to do?

These should be left to the police. Of course, whether they are reliable or not is another matter.

This isn't some superhero movie.

Even if it is, Rachel is not the main character, she doesn't even have cheats.

At least Pepper still has equipment and battle armor.

Where's Rachel?
She has nothing now.

Of course, this was Rachel's own idea.

But unfortunately, in the eyes of others, she still has value.

In the quiet room, apart from the rustling sound from the TV, Rachel was exhausted physically and mentally after two consecutive days.

Just as Rachel was about to go to sleep, a gunshot came from outside the gate.


It was an ordinary anti-theft door that could not withstand this kind of torture, and it was kicked open by someone.

In the bedroom, Rachel, who was still dazed due to exhaustion, woke up with a "swish", and got up from the bed the moment she heard the abnormal noise.

But when the incident happened suddenly, where was the time to hide?
In desperation, Rachel could only get under the bed.

Without making her wait too long, the intruders, or intruders, had already arrived in the bedroom.

Fortunately, Rachel's flyer was a very long one, hanging from the bedside, and it was not found for a while.

The doors of the closet were roughly opened, making a creaking sound.

"Boss, there is no one, she must not have escaped."

A magnetic voice sounded in the room.


The person in charge gave a thump to the person next to him.

"Idiot, use your brain."

"This is the sixth floor, can she still jump out of the window?"

Hearing this, Rachel's heart raised again, and she was so frightened that she didn't dare to take a breath.

The black leather shoes walked past the bed, and the dust brought up caused Rachel to close her eyes subconsciously, and then came to the front of the bedroom.

The boss of the intruder reached out and touched the TV screen, um, it was warm.

"The TV is still hot, she can't run very far."

After finishing speaking, the leader actually slumped on the bed, which caused the bed legs to shake slightly, and his feet stopped right in front of Rachel.

The leader stretched out his hand to touch the quilt, um, it was still warm, and then said: "The quilt is still hot, we opened the door, and there is no one in the closet..."

The sheet covering the bed was lifted abruptly, and a white and terrifying face appeared in front of Rachel.

Come on, it was the clown. No one thought that the clown who was supposed to be in the studio at this time escaped somehow.

"Hello, Miss Rachel."

"It seems that you don't welcome us very much..."


The moment she saw the intruder, Rachel screamed involuntarily, but it had no effect.

The blond hair was roughly grabbed and then pulled, and Rachel was pulled out for a long time by relying on the hair.

The severe pain made Rachel burst into tears.

Subconsciously, she still wanted to call for help, but in the next second, Rachel's mouth was pinched, and then a slender thing was stuffed into Rachel's mouth.

"Stop shouting, it's really noisy."

"You're annoying me~"

Feeling the cold touch in her mouth, even though she was terrified in her heart, her body still trembled instinctively, but Rachel could only hold back.

Because the knife is in the mouth.

Really, it will kill people.

Looking at Rachel who was crying with pear blossoms and rain, the bright red lips of the knife holder slightly curled up.

"It's a beautiful face, but why is it so serious?"

The slender knife was stuck to the inside of Rachel's lips.

"Tsk tsk, looking at you reminds me of my mother."

"Although I have tried my best to make her happy, I even cut the corner of my mouth to make her happy."

"But it's a pity that she doesn't seem to understand me very well."

Having said that, the clown let go of Rachel's hair and pointed to the scar on the corner of his mouth. The smile on his face made Rachel shudder.

With Rachel's eyes full of horror, the clown enjoys laying his face on Rachel's hair, absorbing the negative emotions overflowing from Rachel.

Afterwards, the sharp knife easily cut the two corners of Rachel's mouth, and the dark red blood slowly dripped onto the floor.

But Rachel's mouth was still tightly pinched by the clown, she couldn't make any cry, she could only whimper continuously.

The severe pain constantly stimulated Rachel's brain nerves, coupled with the exhaustion of the body for several days, the pain in the body and the exhaustion and fear in the heart directly made Rachel faint.

Looking boredly at Rachel who fainted on the ground, the clown sighed helplessly, and then waved to the people behind him.

"Give her some medicine, and the wound at the corner of her mouth will be sewed like mine."

After watching a few people leave, the clown dipped a little of Rachel's blood on his mouth with his finger.

After thinking about it, the clown threw the knife in his hand at the glass window.


The knife easily smashed the glass, feeling the power in his body, and an excited expression appeared on the clown's face.

Walking slowly to the window, looking at the dark clouds in the sky, or the storm.

In less than an hour, the negative emotions at this time have almost doubled.

The door of Rachel's house was opened just now, but it was forced open with a gun, but so far?

Still no police came here, or in other words, in order to prevent the clown from messing up again, almost most of the Gotham police force was stationed in the Wayne Building, the Studio Building, and used to rescue Bruce.

Looking through the window, the entire street is almost deserted.
Occasionally, there are only some gunshots and the victim's cry for help.

Looking at Gotham, which is gradually starting to "nuclearize", the clown chuckled a few times.

Suddenly, in the sky, a black storm shot a black light towards the clown.

And the clown didn't evade, and accepted them all.

Black lines emerged from the clown's neck, and then spread upward at an extremely slow speed.

(End of this chapter)

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