Chapter 170 – Sunshine

Howls rang in his ears, but he couldn't care less about them.

The blazing flames engulfed his body, and the choking smoke poured into his lungs, which made his body want to cough instinctively. He trembled violently, but only made a hoarse sound .

That's right, his vocal cords had already been scorched by the flames, and he smelled a burst of burnt aroma, which was the breath of his roasted body.

He is the king of the tribe, he is the most ferocious warrior of the tribe, he led the army and rushed to the fire porpoise beast without hesitation, he was fighting on the front line, what he wanted was for the tribe to gain a foothold in this forest , instead of being randomly ravaged by those giant beasts as ants!
But the reality is cruel. He led his tribe to attack. The fire porpoise they specially selected had just fought against other giant beasts, and the power in its body was running out. This was their great opportunity, but unfortunately, they Still miscalculated the strength of this behemoth.

His fully armed body was burnt into coke by the fire porcupine beast as early as the first time, but his will is so tenacious that his body has lost its vitality, but he can still influence himself body of.

But now, he discovered the truth.

he died.

He was already dead, I don't know if it was him, even his clan members were already mostly dead or injured...

Yes, he has already died, and now he is just a residual obsession...

An invisible suction force came from above the sky, and his soul floated upwards uncontrollably. As the height rose, he saw a lot, he saw the souls of the dead clansmen, and his face was hung with a dying expression. Fear, he saw a lot, he saw unwilling warriors, they were the elite of their tribe.

He saw the slaughtered clansmen, the civilians who stayed behind in the tribe.

He saw cubs without a foot in the mud, where they should have been lying in cradles lined with straw. ,

He saw the clansmen who were being eaten as snacks, and he even saw the ten-meter-tall fire porcupine beast, which was eating food with big mouthfuls, and there were no broken limbs falling from the gap at the corner of its mouth.

Suddenly, the Pyroguine's body froze, and he let out a cry of pain, and then it coughed instinctively, leaving a lot of saliva at the corner of its mouth, as if something stuck in his throat.


During the painful cry of the fire porcupine beast, a large string of iron armor mixed with blood was spit out from its mouth. The fire porpoise beast's IQ is not high, but it still looked at the pile of things annoyed, it didn't eat carefully The habit of swallowing slowly, when it feels hungry, he will eat with big mouthfuls. The unique digestive system makes him not care about these foreign objects. Rumination.

In the short period of time just now, he ate a large number of humans, which were the elite of the entire tribe, but he swallowed them whole. Now, as the rumination began, the iron armor was spit out by it.

Naturally, with his IQ, he didn't know that this was a weapon created by those primitive humans who worked hard to mine it. This should have been the beginning of human expansion, but he didn't expect it to be the last glory.


Red flames spewed out from the mouth of the flamingo, this time the flames were far hotter and faster than the previous ones.


There was still a bit of its saliva on the iron helmet, and there were bursts of hissing sounds under the burning of the flames, and then the weapon that the primitive tribe spent countless efforts to forge turned into a puddle of molten iron.

The pyroguin roared loudly, and the sound wave made the surrounding towering ancient trees tremble!
At this moment, he has floated to a height of tens of meters, but he is still staring at the fire porpoise below. His eyes have changed from anger, self-blame, guilt, and disbelief at the beginning to bewilderment , he looked at everything that happened below with some dementia.

He didn't understand why things happened like this.

Why, their tribe's all-out attack resulted in a massacre with no chance of winning!

He clearly estimated everything. He observed these giant beasts for a long time, and understood their daily routines and physical weaknesses. He even knew this pyroguin better than he knew his wife.

He has observed this fire porcupine beast for ten years, and he gave everything in exchange for the defeat and massacre of his own tribe!

There is no negative emotion in his expression, his eyes are full of blankness, he doesn't understand why they live in this forest so difficult why there is no hope at all, he doesn't understand why these giant beasts can control those supernatural creatures the power of.

His soul flew higher and higher, and he saw many, many souls in the same state as him. In addition to their tribe, he also saw other tribes, and he even saw the souls of many wild beasts !
He watched all this silently, and he found that those souls were unconscious, and their faces were filled with the emotions before death, panic, fear, helplessness...

Countless negative emotions, he looked at the human beings who were still insignificant in front of these giant beasts even in the form of souls, and an indescribable emotion suddenly emerged from the bottom of his heart.

Oh yes, that emotion is called anger.

Primitive tribes generally have beliefs. The sun, moon, stars, and even some wild beasts can all become the beliefs of the tribe.

This kind of thing cannot be changed even if he is the leader of the tribe, but he is different. He knows that these things are false and he doesn't believe them, but he still doesn't say anything, because in this world where people can die anywhere A kind of sustenance that can make people temporarily forget their troubles may not be a good choice.

He resented the injustice of the heavens, he resented what happened to him, and he felt sad for his people...

His will became more and more firm, and suddenly, as if he had reached a certain limit, a blue light appeared in front of him.

A hazy voice rang in his ears, making his anger that had already reached its peak disappear suddenly.


"Hate it all..."

"Then if I give you a chance like never before..."

"A different life, a life with power!"

"What will you do?"

A trace of blankness visible to the naked eye flashed across his face. Compared with primitive humans, his IQ was indeed outstanding, but at this stage he still couldn't understand why he heard such words when he was dead.

He was silent for a long time, his overclocked cerebral cortex and nerve cells could not understand what happened, but soon, he nodded.

He is dead, he has nothing left to lose.

Obviously in the state of soul, but he still took a deep breath, and then stretched his palm towards the blue halo that appeared in front of him.

Invisible fluctuations began to spread around him, and his eyes widened angrily.It was an indescribable pain, deep into the soul, his soul twisted violently, but at the same time, unknown power appeared in his body, and complicated knowledge also appeared in his mind.

"Clap la la la~"

Time seems to stand still on this one, he seems to be a flat boat on the long river of time, but the blue halo gives him the power to sail against the current.

His soul flickered rapidly, everything he had experienced before began to reverse, his consciousness began to blur, and it didn't take long before he opened his eyes suddenly.

The bright sunlight fell on the ground through the towering ancient trees and warmed his body. He turned around and saw countless warriors in hard clothes, they were the elite of their tribe!

He looked at the rising sun, his eyes were extremely calm, deep and far away, for some reason, a word appeared in his heart, Xiangyang, his original name was taken by the tribe, and his name was Mu, but now, he has New name - Mu Xiangyang!

On his wrist, a blue eye flickered constantly, he took a deep breath, he knew that everything had changed.

He walked up to the high platform step by step, he is the leader of this tribe, he is the king of this tribe, and at this moment, he knows that he will open a new world, a new chapter belonging to the human race!
He didn't have too many words, he jumped up under the gaze of everyone in the tribe, and walked away under the shocking eyes of everyone.

Not long after, even the child's meal was not finished, and with the trembling of the forest, he came back again, stepping out of nowhere!

A deep ravine appeared on the ground. It was a firebuckling beast, nearly ten meters high. Its head was smashed into pieces, and a bloody smell spread in the air. There was a golden chain around its neck. In this way, Mu Xiangyang dragged the monster that could destroy the tribe to the square.

A dead silence, yes, a dead silence!
He returned to the high platform again, he looked at the clansmen below the high platform, and the clansmen also looked at him intently.

His lips trembled slightly, and then he roared suddenly: "We, the human race, also possess extraordinary power!"

"Thanks to "Omniscient", praise "Omniscient"!"

"Thanks to "Omniscient", praise "Omniscient"!"

"Thanks to "Omniscient", praise "Omniscient"!"

He kept repeating, his voice was so contagious that at some point, the whole tribe was shouting loudly.

"Thanks to "Omniscient", praise "Omniscient"!"

"Thanks to "Omniscient", praise "Omniscient"!"

The people of the tribe shouted loudly, even making the leaves of those towering ancient trees shake slightly.


Not far from the tribal gathering place, a tall ancient tree was knocked to the ground. The shouts of the tribal people were too loud, which attracted its attention. This is a two-meter radius, and the length cannot see the border Black python!

Its head was triangular in shape, its fine scales shone with a dark luster, and a pair of golden pupils stared at everyone in the tribe indifferently.


The dark red snake letter spit out slightly, bringing up a foul smell.

The shouts of the tribe began to weaken, and everyone's eyes showed fear, except Mu Xiangyang.

There was a flash of light in his eyes, and he stepped out very empty again, but at this moment, the blue eyes on his wrist shone slightly. Obviously, this black python is not something that Mu Xiangyang can defeat at this moment, but he still has no hesitation rushed up.

He kept whispering in his mouth. "Thanks to "Omniscient", praise "Omniscient"!"

"Thanks to "Omniscient", praise "Omniscient"!"

"Thanks to "Omniscient", praise "Omniscient"!"

His deep voice turned into golden characters like a spell and appeared on the top of the black python. The invisible principle kept the black python from being calm. He instinctively felt the fear, but it was too late.

Brother Mu Xiangyang's raised right arm fell suddenly, and then the characters fell like a mountain. The extremely heavy pressure caused the black python's body to burst!
Mu Xiangyang's strength rose again. He turned around and looked at the already silent crowd. Suddenly, whoever took the lead shouted loudly, and the whole square regained its former enthusiasm. , they shouted loudly.

"Thanks to "Omniscient", praise "Omniscient"!"

"Thanks to "Omniscient", praise "Omniscient"!"

"Thanks to "Omniscient", praise "Omniscient"!"

The atmosphere became hotter and hotter, and a golden halo appeared on Mu Xiangyang's body surface. He returned to the high platform and whispered: "Human beings will definitely awaken!"

"Human beings, wake up after all!"

There was a trace of fanaticism in his eyes, and his tone gradually changed from calm to fiery. He roared almost calmly, and his voice pierced through the forest, causing countless birds to jump up.


There was a vaguely terrifying aura spreading out of the forest, but Mu Xiangyang was unafraid. He shouted loudly to strengthen his belief.

Blue rays of light surged out of his body, and the restless forest instantly became quiet.

The corners of his mouth curved upwards crazily, he knew that everything had changed!

The human race is destined to rise!

The screen in the hands of "Omniscient" slowly disappeared, and he said softly: "I told you once, everything in our world follows the law of equal transactions."

"Humans are not without extraordinary power, but their power belongs to the spiritual realm. I have fulfilled your wish. Human beings have their own extraordinary system, and the human race is also rising. '

"Even I have provided you with almost everything. In this city of omniscience, I am self-motivated and give them an upward channel."

"I, who is ordinary and even depraved, will give them a happy life."

"Under my blessing, you have dominated the world, and there is no internal war. Everything is so beautiful."

"But again, you need to pay the price."

"That's the law of the trade, isn't it?"

Mu Xiangyang's eyes flickered slightly. He raised his head and looked directly at "Omniscient". It was a face that was identical to his own. He vaguely saw his former self on it. He could not speak for a long time.

"All Knowing" watched quietly, he didn't disturb Mu Xiangyang's thoughts, he just said after a long time: "And..."

"This time, I really need you to cooperate with me..."

"Otherwise, this world may really be destroyed!"

(End of this chapter)

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