Chapter 149 – The Broken Deadlock
The gray breath continued to spread, but it didn't cover the ghost domain of the Abyss of Light and Darkness, nor did it cover the power of "omniscience".

Except for the barrier, no, everything including the barrier was covered with a foggy gray light, becoming gray.

There are no visions, no ghostly aura from before, and no ghosts...

Everything seems to be the same, as if the pm2.5 exceeds the standard, but Sasuke knows that this is the scariest thing!

He was in such a field, he only felt that the space was like a swamp, and every step of his actions consumed far more power than usual!


An existence at the same level as "Omniscient" in the mouth of the Abyss of Light and Darkness!

And now, he did it himself!

The blood-red dial that was still rotating stopped moving, and the blood no longer dripped, and the original body was gradually occupied by black and white.

Mu Xiangyang, who used the time spell, was stopped at this moment as if time had been suspended!

"Omniscient", have you had enough trouble!

It was still a declarative sentence, but for some reason, Sasuke felt a little bit of annoyance from it!
Facing the question from "Hell", at this moment, "Omniscience" also gave a response.

For the first time, the "omniscient" who had always been in a flat tone appeared with emotional words.

"Heh, your men came to the city of "Omniscience" and wanted to destroy my mayor in front of my face. Are you reasonable?"

The response of "Omniscience" can be said to be quite strong, and it doesn't even give "Hell" any face!
"Hehe, you have your own conclusions about the facts."

Facing the response of "Omniscient", "Hell" seemed to be very disdainful, but he continued: "The time has not yet come, do you want to start the war in advance?"

"and many more……"

"Has your chosen one been severely wounded?"

Surprise flashed in the eyes of "Hell Prison". He pretended to be dormant in the chest of the Ming and Dark Abyss. His response to the outside world was not as strong as "Omniscient", but now, he discovered the clue.

"Although I don't know what's going on, but now, the deadlock between us seems to have been broken!"

Majestic voices came from all directions, the portal at Abyss Ming's chest was not fully opened, but the aura it gave off was incomparably powerful, Sasuke who was beside him could only feel his brain buzzing and roaring!

He gives people a feeling of full confidence, as if he has no fear of "omniscient" at all!

Countless light spots came from all directions of the Omniscient City, and an infinite white light suddenly burst out from the clouds above the center of the Omniscient City. That was the sound of a sword being unsheathed!
There is a faint white halo on the invisible sword of light, just appearing, it makes the space tremble and vibrate!
It's hard to imagine what kind of sharp sword this is!
"Spirit world?"

"Hehe, after so many years, you still habitually use sentient beings as weapons, how ridiculous!"

On the square, at some point, the residents of the City of Omniscience, who were still full of energy, have lost their spirits. Not only that, but even the team of forbidden spell mages who cast the defensive enchantment from the outside world are blind-eyed, as if they have been taken away. It's mediocre!

"Are you going to fight?"

Simple words were exchanged for endless silence. This time, the barrier originally set up by "Omniscience" was shattered inch by inch, and the sound of "Hell" resounded throughout the square.

As the voice fell, the place originally covered by gray light was gradually replaced by black and white, like a painting without color.

Obviously, this is the method of "hell".

This is a kind of ghost domain that is far more powerful than the Ming and Dark Abyss ghost domain, directly turning the battlefield into his home field!

The atmosphere became tense, and the mountain and rain were about to come.

On the ground, the moment he felt the breath of hell, Su Mu's eyes became a little erratic.

"This breath..."

At this time, on the omniscience square, the black gap in front of the full-time eye has disappeared at some point, and the majestic power is surging out crazily, even the invisible omniscience square is trembling!
"Come on then!"

The voice of "Hell Prison" is still the same, with a bit of vicissitudes, no sadness or joy, "Then come", the words in just four words are full of confidence.

His attitude is extremely tough, and he doesn't seem to care about the timing of what "omniscient" said. Although the timing he said at the beginning has not yet arrived, he doesn't seem to be afraid of starting a war now.

The gray field began to stretch outward after the barrier was smashed.

At this moment, the "hell" has no way to stop, a powerful force has begun to erupt, gray, is erupting at a speed far exceeding the previous one.

The bright lightsaber kept vibrating, and in the end, "Omniscience" made a move!

Blue light slowly swayed from the body of the omniscient eye, and with the surge of soul light, Mu Xiangyang, who was originally suppressed by the gray domain, slowly closed his eyes. The next second, the omniscient mark on the brow broke out suddenly red light.

A secret wave was poured into Mu Xiangyang's body with an incomparable posture. With the steady breath, Mu Xiangyang's eyes slowly moved.

After slightly moving his body, the "omniscient" frowned slightly. As he expected, Mu Xiangyang, who hadn't completed the ceremony, was not perfect, and couldn't fully exert his strength!

On the other side, at the moment when Mu Xiangyang opened his eyes, the portal at Ming and Anyuan's chest opened abruptly, and an invisible gray aura began to wrap around Ming and Anyuan's body. It floated out of the air, and finally slowly merged into the body of the Ming and Dark Abyss.

As the leader of "Hell", everything about him has been carefully selected by "Hell", so naturally he can perfectly display the power of "Hell"!

Somewhat uncomfortable, he moved his body a bit, feeling the perfect power of the Forbidden Curse-level mage on his body, "Hell Prison" slowly turned his attention to Mu Xiangyang, or "Omniscient".

"Although the timing is not the best time, but considering your body has been damaged, so to speak, the timing is not very important."

"Kill you, everything is mine!"

Mu Xiangyang's face began to be covered with different patterns of patterns, and these patterns seemed to be alive, stabilizing the fluctuating aura.

A white light flashed, and the white halo kept flickering. Every fluctuation was the consciousness of the residents of the city of omniscience, and mysterious runes were imprinted on the lightsaber.

This is a sword made of the souls of all the residents of the city of omniscience!

"Hehe, you are still so nasty, omniscient!"

"After all these years, you still only have these old tricks!"

Looking at the flickering white light, "Hell Prison" said a bit of disdain on his face, but there was still a trace of solemnity on his face.

As he who has been entangled with "omniscient" for endless years, he clearly knows the horror of this sword!
"Omniscient" clenched the sword in his hand noncommittally, with uneasiness hidden on his indifferent face, "Hell" was right, his body was indeed not perfect!

The chains wrapped in pale flames slowly appeared in the hands of "Hell Prison", a smile appeared in his eyes, he was very familiar with everything in the dark abyss, but after occupying the body, the way of using the pale flames was naturally incapable. escaped his eyes.

"Although I don't know how this ability came about, but..."

"He's really useful!"

The chains glowing with white flames are like chains of impermanence, piercing through the space and attacking "omniscient" like a laser in an instant!

The pale chains were rolled up by the waving sword, and white light appeared. Countless evil spirits and ghosts appeared on the chains, but at the same time, figures emerged from bare shoulders to restrain them.

In a pure energy competition, the chains were a bit overwhelmed, and fine cracks appeared on them.


After a brief stalemate, even though the flames on the chain continued to rise, they still couldn't escape the fate of being cut off by the lightsaber!

But at the same time, the radiance of the lightsaber was also slightly dimmed, which was almost negligible, but there was a look of shock on Gujing Wubo's face that Omniscient had always had.

The soul of life is bound!

You know, this sword can be said to be a conceptual sword, and it can be said to be omnipotent in the hands of "omniscient", which made "Hell" suffer a lot.

But now, Fate Soul saw wear and tear!
A joyful expression appeared on the face of "Hell Prison", "It really works...

"In that case..."

"Hell Prison" waved his hand, and countless pale chains appeared behind him.

"The real battle begins now!"

The corners of "Hell"'s mouth raised slightly, he is not afraid of "omniscient" in a war of attrition!
After all, compared to the specially made between souls, the price of chains made by oneself is completely worthless!
From this point of view, the scale of victory has begun to tilt.

But suddenly, the expression on the face of "Hell Prison" suddenly changed, and his breathing suddenly became extremely rapid, and then, a large mouthful of black blood was spit out by him.

"Omniscience" who was already a little panicked looked at "Hell" in surprise, but soon he saw the state of "Hell" at the moment.

'The source is damaged, it seems that your chosen one is not doing well, Hell! '


A large mouthful of black blood was spat out by "Hell", his expression became dark and uncertain, the gray gas wrapped around his body also dissipated a lot, and finally, the original gray domain slowly returned to his body.

"Cough cough!"

"It really should be, how can that guy Mingyinyuan have the ability to resist my control over him!!!"

The breath of "hell" began to become a little sluggish, and the control over power was also declining rapidly. The gray field that originally turned the world into a black and white canvas also showed signs of disappearing.

Half-bent, "Hell" glanced at "Omniscient" with some unwillingness, spilled the black blood on his hand, "Hell" waved his hand, the giant dragon ghost mother on the outside, and half of the surviving players on the field Immediately wrapped in the gray field, then turned into a stream of light and disappeared into the sky with him.

Looking at the streamer in the sky, "Omniscient" tightly clenched the life-soul in his hand, but in the end he sighed slightly. He didn't dare to bet how long the current state of "Hell" could last.

As for the general surviving players...

After all, "Hell" was afraid that "Omniscient" would go crazy, so he didn't do anything wrong, and he only took away ordinary survivors.

But with the disappearance of one party, there is a problem. As a hot potato, Sasuke has not been taken away by "hell"!
Looking at the "omniscient" who appeared less than three inches behind him, Sasuke moved his throat a little nervously!

Can't beat it!
Even if you use all your cards, you are still not an "all-knowing" opponent!

This is what Sasuke can be sure of. As the only complete witness to the battle just now, he is very aware of the gap in his own strength.

The red light swept across Sasuke's body, and a trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of "omniscient".

"Why, you don't have my mark on your body?"

"It shouldn't be, the lost are all summoned by me..."

"No, it's not right, you don't seem to be a living person, but you still maintain some of the characteristics of a living person..."


"No, no, necromancy can't do this..."

"There is also a source of strength..."

"The gangsters on this face don't look like decorations..."

It seems to be speaking to Sasuke, but it seems to be asking and answering, "omniscient" keeps murmuring.

Invisible pressure began to appear in the space, "omniscient" imprisoned the space, he must study Sasuke's shit stick!

"I wipe, boss save me!"

"Help me, I don't want to die!"

The connection between Su Mu and Sasuke had been restored after the barrier was broken, but at this moment there was no answer, Sasuke's mind was dead silent, and Su Mu's voice did not sound.

"Hey, boss, can you hear me?"

There was still a dead silence in his mind, but due to Payne's restrictions, Sasuke did not have the idea of ​​confessing Su Mu. On the contrary, feeling the increasingly difficult space to move, a stern look appeared on Sasuke's face.

Want to study me?
How is it possible without paying some price?

A turbulent purple light appeared in Sasuke's eyes, unlike Susano who was only in the third form before, this time it appeared in full form Susano!
"A different energy puppet..."

"The rules of this cycle seem to be the same as before..."

"No, no, the rules of this cycle..."

A strange look flashed in the eyes of "Omniscient", as if he didn't expect Sasuke to hide his hand, but then, the data representing the complete body of Susanoo began to appear in his mind.

Among Susan, Sasuke's complexion became more and more ugly, the oppression from the space made the originally tall and complete Susan almost cut in half at this moment, which severely stimulated every nerve of Sasuke!

With a solemn look on the opposite "omniscient", a rare flash of panic flashed in Sasuke's eyes, he couldn't fight a war of attrition!

There must be no war of attrition!

Sasuke can still see some details about "omniscience", and the copied Amaterasu is the best proof!

I don't have the strength and specialness of "Hell Prison", every move will be seen through, and in the end there will be no underwear left that will definitely be seen!
Thinking of this, Sasuke slowly touched the gangster on his face, now he has no choice but to take a gamble!
(End of this chapter)

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