Chapter 135 – The Snake

About half an hour later, the little loli left the tavern with some regrets, um, including the [-] paradise coins in her pocket.

This trip, the money was earned, and it doubled directly, but the little loli is still very regretful,

Favors are sometimes better than money, but obviously, in the eyes of Orochimaru, who is as smart as a monkey, favors are not very useful.

As for the little loli who had already left, she couldn't stop feeling regretful in her heart at this time.

Although I don't know why Orochimaru doesn't know anything about the park, after all, the owners of normal parks will give some general information, and then it's their job to guide the novices.

But there is one thing that little loli can confirm, that is, their master should have just been promoted to the third rank.

Tsk tsk tsk, this potential, thinking of this little loli, it is even more regretful that she failed to get in touch with Orochimaru, or the owner of Orochimaru.

At the very least, you have to mix in a familiar face~
On the other side, Orochimaru and Suigetsu savored the beer in the tavern with a look of enjoyment.

"This flavor of wine..."

"Quite chic...

But I like it! "

Drinking the wine in the glass in one sip, a blush flashed across Orochimaru's pale face. In the ninja world, the alcohol content is mostly very low, and beer, which is very common in the eyes of players, is indeed a bit exciting for Orochimaru .

"Cough cough!"

On the other side of the table, Shuiyue coughed dryly twice, as if she couldn't stand the stimulation of alcohol, then she approached and said, "What are we going to do next?"

"Don't tell me, although this stuff doesn't taste very good at first, it has a lot of stamina!"

"Next, shall we try that so-called collection-grade Moutai? According to the boss, this wine is very expensive and costs [-] Paradise coins."

"Haha, it must be delicious!"

Suigetsu's face was flushed, Da Shewan also smiled and lowered his head when he saw this.



Shuiyue smiled innocently, and in the next second, a violent shudder from Orochimaru followed.

"Drinking makes you stupid?"

"Did you forget what we were doing this trip?"

Orochimaru scolded Suigetsu with a cold face.

"Pain Pain~"

Shuiyue touched her head with tears in her eyes, but in the pain, her eyes also calmed down.

"Calm down, let's talk about something serious!"

"I've learned from that kid just now that theoretically, I, and you, shouldn't appear at this stage."

"Do you know why?"


Shuiyue pointed at herself in disbelief, and then said with a puzzled smile: "How is it possible, according to what that little girl said, our boss was only at the second level when he was in our dungeon..."

But as he talked, Shuiyue's voice became less and less, and finally it was as soft as a mosquito's moan.


"According to Little Lolita, the most advanced copy of our copy that is currently open in the park is just the time period for the Zhongnin exam."

"From this point, it can be seen that the level of our world should still be very high in the judgment of Paradise."

At this moment, Shuiyue, who was awake, also narrowed her eyes.

"It's not that I'm proud. According to what that little guy said, becoming a servant requires both parties to agree to sign a contract."

"Based on my personality, you want me to serve as a servant voluntarily..."

"Ha ha!"

The gloomy laughter sounded, and Orochimaru continued: "Although I have long realized that our new boss is a bit perverted. '

"But it seems..."

"Our eldest's thighs may be much thicker than we imagined!"

"I believe that, like me, you were also directly forced by the boss, right?"

Orochimaru was talking on this side, and Suigetsu on the other side couldn't stop nodding.

At least from the current point of view, Paradise is still the kind of existence in the hearts of the two who can't arouse the slightest resistance.

And now, his boss has broken through the restrictions of the paradise!

The more you understand, the more terrifying you feel!
Saying this, after a moment of simple thinking in his mind to sort out the information, Orochimaru stood up abruptly, dropped a string of Paradise Coins, and left with Suigetsu.

Pushing open the gate, there are still people coming and going in the street, but there are still many people who came after hearing the news, wanting to see the demeanor of Orochimaru.

Laipi Snake frowned lightly, then shook his head helplessly.

"Is it absolutely safe?"

"It's really a double-edged sword!"

Glancing coldly at the few people present, Orochimaru, who thought he already understood the strength level of the paradise, didn't feel how bad his own strength was at the moment.

Although, at the moment, he only has the second level of certification in the paradise.

But does it matter?
It does not matter.

Because Orochimaru has already discovered the method to restore strength from the little Lolita.

Arriving at the birth point that appeared at the beginning, Orochimaru put down the right hand that was holding Suigetsu, looked around, and kept rubbing his chin.

"Let me think about it, the training area is in..."

Not long after, Orochimaru's eyes lit up, and then strode towards the so-called training area.

Unlike other areas that consist of many shops, the practice area has only one row of villas, um, a row of very large villas.

Orochimaru walked quickly to the room called servants.


"It looks like it's here!"

Pushing open the door, there is a spacious and bright hall inside, um, it is much bigger than outside.

"Space folding technology?"

"Or a different space?"

Orochimaru kept muttering in his heart as he was a visitor, and deep in his heart, the fear of the paradise was also deepened.

At this moment, a small white robot came in front of Orochimaru and Suigetsu.

The little robot is not big, the height is only up to the waist of Orochimaru, but this does not affect the sense of luxury that is almost overflowing from the little robot
"The code in the lower training area: 888 Good salesman, what are the needs of the customers?"

A little stunned and a little surprised, looking at this little robot, Orochimaru's eyes suddenly burst into light.

This thing, just by looking at it, is many times more advanced than that robot Naruto!
"Hey, Oshemaru-sama, don't mess around!"


Shuiyue at the side saw the bad situation and wanted to stop it, but it was too late! ! !

"Drip, guest, do you have any needs?"

"Yes, yes, how many Paradise coins do I need to buy you?"

"Or, I want to buy a robot of the same style as yours."

The little machine froze in place for a short while, and at the same time, its eyes glowed red.

"Didi~ I'm sorry, as a salesperson in the training area, I don't want to sell myself!"

"At the same time, sorry again, the robot of the same model as this salesperson was created by the park itself, and it is basically impossible for customers to buy it."

"Is that so..."

Orochimaru shook his head regretfully, and then broke free from the frenzy.

"We need to restore our own strength."

"If I remember correctly, you should have this service here, right?"

The originally speechless little robot suddenly became excited, looking at the dazed Orochimaru and Suigetsu as if looking at a fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

"Drip~, the request has been received, the identity of the guest is being scanned, please wait..."


Just when Orochimaru was a little confused, a red light shot out from the eyes of the robot, scanning Orochimaru carefully.

'Hey, the scan is complete, the guest's identity is Orochimaru, from the dungeon label: 34 beep beep~beep beep~system error, please wait..."

The eyes of the little robot immediately turned into a big X, but in an instant, they returned to the original green.

"Is the system wrong?"

A trace of suspicion flashed in Orochimaru's eyes, but followed by a flash of confirmation.

"Sure enough, my new boss, the water is very deep!"

[Drip ~ inspection complete]

[Guest, you belong to the sixth-order copy: Naruto]

[Theoretically, the peak combat power is the peak of Tier [-], the current strength is Tier [-], and the level of your host player is Tier [-], so you can currently advance to Tier [-] at most! 】

This is your promotion package, please choose...

[Package [-] (Normal Edition): Paradise helps you break the shackles of the third order, helps you break the shackles in the body, and ascends to the early stage of the third order.

Precondition: The body has reached the peak of the second order, five hundred points.

Package price: [-] Paradise coins! 】

[Package [-] (Deluxe Edition): While helping you break the shackles of Tier [-], Paradise will improve your physical fitness in a harmless way until it reaches the peak of Tier [-].

Precondition: The body has reached the peak of the second order, five hundred points.

Package price: [-] Paradise coins! 】

The moment he saw the price, Orochimaru fell silent.

This thing is so expensive...

Squeezing the remaining 4 Paradise coins in his wallet, Orochimaru turned around and looked at Suigetsu.

"So, which one do you choose?"

And at this moment, the robot on the side reminded in a timely manner: "If the guest has not improved independently, or the skills that improve quickly, I still recommend the two of you to choose the deluxe version, so that you can improve your strength. At the same time, you don’t have to worry about the prerequisites for the next promotion.”

Orochimaru and Suigetsu looked at each other, then stared at the little robot together.


The eyes on the screen of the little robot are directly entangled into Mount Everest.

"I'm not trying to sell goods, uh..."

"Well, I do want to sell."


Orochimaru's mouth twitched.

Are robots starting to roll in these days?
"Boom boom boom!"

Recalling what Little Lolita said, Orochimaru tapped the little robot's round head angrily.

"You bastard, you are dishonest..."

"How did I hear that you can upgrade even if you choose the normal version?"

"And the price will be deducted from the normal price..."

A drop of sweat instantly appeared on the face of the little robot.

"I, I just want to open..."

"I also want performance..."

The robot muttered softly.

Feeling helpless and rubbing his eyebrows, Orochimaru said, "Give me and the guy behind me a normal version, um, is there a discount?" '


The robot stepped forward with a dark face, and the red light swept across.


[Drip~ The transaction is completed, and a total of [-] Paradise Coins have been spent. I wish you a happy life! 】

Looking at the robot that turned and left, Orochimaru was still a little dazed, but in the next second, a white light that had not fallen flashed, and the warm feeling instantly enveloped Orochimaru's whole body.

I don't know how long it took, Orochimaru slowly opened his eyes, but it has already appeared at the original teleportation location again.

"This feeling……"

For a moment, Orochimaru only felt that the world was appearing in his mind from an angle that had never appeared before.

This feeling.Well, it seems as if you can destroy a world with a single punch.

Well, it's a bit exaggerated, this is just a sequela of a sudden and substantial increase in strength, and the reason why I can't fully control my own strength.

Even Orochimaru felt that his missing soul had grown a lot.

Well, kryptonite makes you happy!

Looking at the third-order logo on his panel with satisfaction, Orochimaru quickly found Suigetsu who was still in the circle.

"how do you feel?"

"Very, very good..."

Shuiyue stammered a little, obviously, he has not recovered from the promotion process just now.

Orochimaru sighed helplessly, and then said: "Why don't you go back first, and I'll go to the auction house." '

"Ah~, oh, good!"

Suigetsu responded in a daze, and in the next second, it turned into white light and disappeared in front of Orochimaru.

Youyou sighed, and the joy of strength improvement in Dashewan's eyes quickly disappeared. ,

Different from Shuiyue's stupidity, Orochimaru naturally thinks more.

Normal players need resources from both parties to take over servants, sign a contract... and a lot of other things, and there is a quota limit, each player can only have three at most.

And for his boss, Su Mu...

Orochimaru doesn't care about guarantees, and Su Mu has just stepped into the third level, and he will definitely collect Jiling again in the future.

There is still a hierarchy in the emperor's harem, and Orochimaru doesn't want to be the one who is thrown into the cold palace in the end.

Under the gaze of some people with ulterior motives, Orochimaru stepped into the area of ​​the auction house.

All you can see are booths one by one, and the number is so large that people are dazzled.

And in the center of many vendors, is a huge auction field!
But obviously, now is not the time for the auction house to open.

Of course, Orochimaru doesn't care about these things, it's okay to buy some small things. As for things like auctions, well, for the time being, Orochimaru is still unwilling to make decisions without authorization.

Interesting energy fluctuations.

This D-rank magic wand is quite interesting, let me rub it, the price is [-]? ! ! !
Although Orochimaru has never been in contact with such magical things, Orochimaru can feel that the fluctuation of this thing is not as strong as those special ninja tools in his original world.

Just like this, you still sell it for [-]?
Why don't you grab it! ! !

And this, you sell an E-rank glove for a thousand? ! ! !

Why don't you die?

F-tier equipment?

Seeing that it was just an ordinary ninja tool from Naruto World, and it was sold for [-] Paradise Coins, Orochimaru was stunned.

This, this, I don't understand!
Perhaps because of his high vision, Orochimaru's eyes twitched violently as he looked at the equipment that players regarded as treasures.

That's it?

That's it?

That's it, this is it?

I think, I probably know why the boss threw a lot of money at me
(End of this chapter)

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