Chapter 124 - World, World!

"Why would the world do this?"

"It's very simple, of course it's for profit, otherwise why would the world prefer to delay the speed of promotion and give birth to you?"

"It's a very simple truth. I've said it many times. Your world has great potential, so your world will also have great ambitions."

"Tang Haofei can be that strong, so can you, because in fact, there is no substantial difference between the two of you."

"It's like an outstanding entrepreneur. Now he is successful, but he still has countless enemies, and he has two equally outstanding sons."

"So, what do you think he'll do?"

The words of "reincarnation" caused Su Mu to fall into a long silence, and then said with a wry smile: "Inheritance, and..."


The voice of "Reincarnation" that makes people feel like a spring breeze sounded again.

"Who in the world dares to be invincible?"

"Even I can't do it. Even a three-year-old knows that all eggs can't be put in one basket."

"How is it possible that your world will not know?"

"So, in the last life, your death was not an accident, but the world asked me to personally control it."

"Otherwise, do you really think that the offal in the base can kill you?"

Su Mu's fingers were clenched tightly, and the nails were embedded in the flesh, making a creaking sound,

"So, my life has been arranged and manipulated by you from the very beginning?"

"Why, why do you interfere with my life?"

"My parents died because of me?"

At this time, Su Mu can be said to be at the peak of the outbreak. If the black light virus is exploited, then Su Mu would rather not have this.

After all, Su Mu's spirit has always been a little neurotic. He could save Uchiha Izumi in the first copy because of the animation he watched when he was a child, and he could help his own in novice tasks for the sake of profit. Uchiha Bowen.

However, this has nothing to do with the black light virus, maybe there are, but definitely not many.

After all, even if Su Mu awakened supernatural ability when he was a child, it can guarantee that Su Mu will not be harmed mentally, but what about his heart?
Being with ghosts, not to mention children, even adults will stay far away when they see him. The feeling of being with ghosts will be natural even if they don't notice the existence of ghosts.

The lone star of Tiansha defeated his parents.

Unwanted child.



Gossip often hurts people more than violence!

Sometimes, children's unintentional words hurt more than reality.

Bear boy, but there are everywhere!

In this way, Su Mu's nerves are only a little nervous or because Su Mu is more homely.

Otherwise it will only be worse!
And the desire for parental affection is engraved in Su Mu's bones.

And now...

You tell me I am the Truman in the world of Truman?

If Su Mu could accept it without any fluctuations in his heart, he would have seen a ghost!

"No, no, it's just an accident. After all, the world doesn't need to do this."

"Samsara" explained helplessly, although it sounded very pale!

Of course, the fact now is that whether it's true or not, it doesn't matter to Su Mu now.

The world's manipulation of his life is indeed a reality.

"Actually, you don't have to blame the world too much. After all, he had to bear far more than you at that time."

"And, your death is also very important."

Looking at the sarcasm in Su Mu's eyes, "Samsara" held his forehead helplessly. It was obvious that Su Mu's nerves had gone wrong again.

After thinking about it, this time he didn't make a move to calm down Su Mu, but continued to speak.

"As you can imagine, every owner of the black light virus is sent out by entrepreneurs to set up his own business, and the most special feature is the cultivation of the law."

"In the will of the world, no matter which law you practice, among the same laws, the one with the most comprehension of the law has great authority over those who are not as high as yourself."

"Even the children of the world cannot defy this point."

"And after someone has fully mastered this law, such a person can advance to the world and become the master of the law!"

"After that, as long as people who practice this law have any other insights, they will be comprehended by the master of this law."

"But there is one exception to all of this, and that is the black light virus."

"Remember the source of the black light virus?"

"That is the negative energy and soul reincarnation accumulated in the world for countless years. As a child of the abyss, you are the most special existence in the world. When the black light virus reaches the level of racial background, you can create your own small world."

"In other words, you are a fake world will artificially created."

"Your existence is to devour the world when it is about to be destroyed, as much as you can, because the origin of the world is the same."

"So to a certain extent, even if your world is defeated by doing this, with you, the race can continue."

"Therefore, this is also the reason why you had to die in your last life."

"Tang Haofei alone is enough to attract attention, and there are not many more than you. On the contrary, what you need most as a back-up player is to reduce exposure."

"But there is nothing impenetrable in the world, so the only best way is to have a license accident. I will save your soul and reincarnate."

"He wants to gamble with everything he has. If he wins, everyone will be happy. If he loses, there will be you to continue the world."

"This is the world's plan!"

The space fell into a stagnant silence.

At this moment, "Samsara" didn't say anything more, some things, it's better for him to choose by himself.

It's like artificially cultivated fruit. Although it provides all beneficial substances in theory, it tastes a little worse than wild fruits.

Isn't it easy to be a reincarnation in the reincarnation hall?
A world of potential?

As one of the strongest people in the Ten Thousand Realms, watching the ebb and flow of the world, how can a world that hasn't even really advanced in the Ten Thousand Realms contact him?

Does reincarnation want only this world?

"Perhaps it was just a whim?"

"Or is it really for a potential subordinate?"

Who knows?

After all, for so many years, "Samsara", the owner of the Hall of Reincarnation in Ten Thousand Realms, is notoriously moody.

The heavy panting sound calmed down slowly, Su Mu closed his eyes and kept calming down his mood, no matter whether the "samsara" said is the truth or not, but that's all Su Mu can know first.


A big mouthful of turbid air came out from Su Mu's mouth.

Su Mu slowly opened his eyes, and then quietly looked at "Samsara".At this moment, there was no awe that had been pretended in the past, and there were only calm eyes like stagnant water.

"So, what should I do?
"Samsara" jumped up, then stretched and said relaxedly: "What else can I do?"

"Improve your own strength."

"The requirement of your mission in this copy is to promote your own black light virus to S rank, after that it's up to you."

"You know, even if you really fail, you need strength to accompany you if you want to wander in the world."

"Otherwise, it's just a piece of fat floating around!"

"One more thing, it's rare to have something that interests me. I still hope that you can succeed, otherwise the world is always so sinking and unchanged, it would be too boring..."

Saying this, the body of "Samsara" slowly turned into a series of blue codes and disappeared.

"Hey, wait!"

"What is the origin of reincarnation?"

"And who are the enemies you mentioned, hello!"

In the silent space, Su Mu's shout echoed non-stop.

Obviously, "Samsara" knew what Su Mu wanted to ask.

But he just didn't say it.

Are you angry?
this time. "Samsara" left very suddenly, which was beyond Su Mu's expectation. Originally, Su Mu thought that he could still know some things, but now it seems that it should be impossible.

Of course, it doesn't matter.

Because just what Su Mu knows now is enough to cause headaches.


My life has been manipulated by others, even my death in the previous life was arranged by others.

Although even Su Mu couldn't tell what was wrong with the world's actions, after all, assuming the "reincarnation" is true, then the world really doesn't have the need and energy to do these things.

At this moment, Su Mu suddenly came to his senses, besides his anger at being arranged by others, there was even a trace of excitement and luck.

Although it was strange, Su Mu really felt that way.

Although his existence is a bit like an abandoned child, and a bit like a second hand, but maybe it is the reason why he stayed with Tang Haofei for a long time in the previous life, and Su Mu can understand all this.

Just like what Su Mu said in Batman's copy, who is more important, a person's life or a group of people's lives?

Obviously, for the world, the continuation of the race is indeed more important than a person's life, even if...

This person is also the son of the abyss he conceived!

As for this choice, Su Mu actually understood. After all, the reason why he chose the profession of reincarnation was to satisfy himself, or Tang Haofei's wish, to leave a hope of survival in this terrible world?
But it was arranged by someone inexplicably, which is really uncomfortable.

Thinking like this, Su Mu is still reminiscing about what he said before.

No matter how you say it, at least for now, it may be true that the world is not doing well for Su Mu, but for this world, the world is doing well. If you make a big gamble with your own future, even if you fail, the world The follow-up of the continuation has also been arranged.

At least, from this perspective.The world has indeed done it beautifully.

The only thing that hasn't been taken care of may be Su Mu's personal thoughts.

On the other side, dots of white light haun haun drifted down to the place where the soil was destroyed, and with a loud "buzz", a soul body with soil that was the same as before slowly appeared in front of Su Mu .

Obito's eyes were red and he was panting heavily, but he didn't attack Su Mu.

Time seemed to be reversed again, but Su Mu understood that everything was different.

Moreover, there is a substance that can repair one's own black light virus in the eye of reincarnation!
Thinking like this, Su Mu regrouped, took a sharp breath, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.

No matter what the facts are and who is whose pawn, it is always right to improve one's own strength.

Thinking of this, Su Mu looked at Obito who was also staring at him, and smiled strangely.

"Then, where is the eye of reincarnation hidden by you?"


In a pure white space.The world still stood quietly in place, a chess game appeared in front of him, and the black and jade-like chess pieces kept turning in front of it.

Behind him, Tang Haofei quietly floated in mid-air, like a sleeping beast.

He is comprehending the laws of the world, time is indeed running out.

But fortunately with the help of the world, the speed at which he comprehends the laws of the world is unrivaled.

"Why bother?"

"As long as you agree to my conditions, I can help you clean up those miscellaneous things, including those old things."

A faint voice came from behind, but the world was still looking at the mess in front of him, as if thinking of a way to break it, Junxiu frowned slightly.

Seeing that the world didn't pay attention to his intentions, "Samsara" couldn't help feeling a bit self-defeating, and then said: "I just went to find Su Mu, um, I told him something about him and you."

The ears of the world moved slightly, and then fell silent.

After a while, he just said: "Forget it, the serial battle is about to start, and it's time for him to know something."

"After all, this time, there is no chance to do it again."

"And looking at you like this, Su Mu should have completed the trial well, right?"

Recalling the pictures I got from peeping. "Samsara" chuckled twice and said, "It's not bad. Although I suffered a little bit, it was done well."

"I think you should be the one who will be in trouble afterwards. After all, I told him about his identity and the responsibilities on his shoulders."

"Aren't you afraid that he will be rebellious?"

Hearing this, Shijie slowly shook his head and said, "No, I understand him, he won't?"

"Samsara" glanced at the world with some surprise, Si Lin nodded after a moment.

"Although I don't know why you are so sure, but you speak so decisively."

"It seems that you are very confident this time~"

The world was silent for a moment, but quickly said: "It's not that I'm very confident, but I think I've done everything I can."

"Since then, I can only resign myself to fate, ha ha."

"It's really ironic to say it. As the will of the world, I can say these words."

The two seemed like old friends who hadn't seen each other for a long time, and they were very harmonious when they asked and answered.

Chatting and chatting, the chess pieces that had been in the hands of the world for a long time suddenly fell, and the turbulent white light began to flicker. Looking at the shaking chessboard, the eyes of the world were unprecedentedly firm.

"Although, even if I have tried my best, the chance of winning is only [-]%."


Saying so, a trace of sternness flashed in his always peaceful eyes.

"Want me to die?"

"That would cost a lot!"

(End of this chapter)

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