Douluo Douluo from Douluo

Chapter 72 The Name of the Apostle

Chapter 72 The Name of the Apostle
With Casillas joining the Demon Realm, the Demon Realm also has four apostles.A powerful attraction began to work in the dark.

In the next long period of time, the demon world passed through many planets one after another, and from these planets, several new apostles were left behind.

The first is the planet of transmutation, Juyaropa, full of radiant radiance.Here, the demon world ushered in Sherlock, who has the attribute of light and has thousands of changes.She is also the reincarnation of Hill who holds the power of form.Live in the orbital center of the Demon Realm.

Next up is Di Riji from a mysterious virus-ridden planet.It is the reincarnation of Regis who holds the power of death.Since coming to the Demon World and settling in Pest Inferunsa, this place and the surrounding area have become a death zone.

But after Tangyue heard the news, she made a magic core and asked Herder to give it to Di Ruiji.After Di Ruiji ate it, although Di Ruiji's powerful disease power would still spread, but the range was compressed to a radius of ten meters. Of course, because of the compression, the power of the disease was greatly strengthened.

Then came Antoun from the dying Kronkula.When An Tuen first came to the Demon Realm, there was a lot of trouble, because now the entire Demon Realm has a large amount of energy in the center of the earth orbit, except Tangyue's ancient library and the two unmovable places of the different-dimensional tearing device. Energy, so the newly arrived Antun and the symbiotic Matega often have conflicts with Sirok who also stays in the center of the earth orbit.

Annoyed and helpless, Tangyue directly created a sustainable paradoxical zone that could not absorb any energy but was full of light and heat in the central area of ​​Quest.In this way, Sirok moved to the Quest Central Concentration Basin area.

Then came to the Demon Realm from a colorful planet full of seawater——Solaris, the giant octopus Rotus who has a powerful mind control ability.He is obviously the reincarnation of Rost, who holds the power of the sea, and the order has been changed without changing the name.

This time, there is no problem of grabbing territory, and the Demon World is just a super large lake that is said to be an ocean.That's the area around Broad Island.Anyway, there are no people living on the island now, and Rotes occasionally spreads out on the island to bask in the sun when he is bored.

Then, Herder didn't know how to operate and tricked Bacal into the Demon Realm. It was like that.Then Tiehanhan Bakar, who thought he was invincible in the world, went to the devil world.Then he was directly taught to be a man by the three most capable fighters, Kahn, Prey, and Casillas. After all, they are ruthless characters who master strength, skill, and sky power.Of course, Lunhai and Rotes can also fight Bakar.As for Antun, who holds the power of the earth, Bakar can also bully those poor children who bully and co-exist.

With the challenge of Bakar coming to the Demon Realm, except for Herder who was fighting and Shirok who was playing hide-and-seek, Bakar challenged all the strong players on the outside.This also made people in the devil world have a little understanding of the power of these strong men.Soon the name of the apostle spread in the devil world.

The First Apostle Destiny - Kahn

The Weeping Eye of the Second Apostle - Herder
The third apostle Tianjiao - Prey Isis
The Fourth Apostle Conqueror - Iker Casillas
Fifth Apostle Stalker - Hirok
The Sixth Apostle's Black Plague——Di Ruiji
The Seventh Apostle Flame Devourer - Antoine
Eighth Apostle with Long Feet——Rotes
Ninth Apostle Tyrannosaurus King - Bacal
And the guardian of the zeroth apostle at the apex of all apostles - Tangyue.

Among them, Herder is of course the most respected by the demons. After all, Herder is busy in the demon world all day long, and he also teaches magic to the demons, which is very popular.Of course, Tangyue is the one who respects Tangyue the most. After all, whether it is the deeds of saving the demon world or preventing the apostles from fighting, Tangyue has protected the safety of the entire demon world.

Of course, when Bakar learned of the title and ranking of the apostles, he was very upset. After all, although he couldn’t beat the top four, the others could still compete. Finally, he learned that they were ranked according to the order of boarding. .Of course, after learning about Tangyue's existence, Bakar still went to ask for trouble.

What happened at that time was that Tyrannosaurus King A went up, Tangyue directly took out the ripper tower that had just been replaced, and gave Bakar a chrysanthemum full of chrysanthemum wounds.After returning, Bakar lay on the bed for a whole month.

At this time, Tangyue was doing her own experiments in her laboratory, while Monica was helping out, and beside her was a little girl she had never seen before.The little girl's name is Iggy, and she is Monica's apprentice.Now Monica has grown into a big girl, and her research on sorcery has already broken through to the level of eccentric spirits, and she has officially become the director of the library.

Of course, without Tangyue noticing, Herder, who was reading in the library as usual, opened the book "The Century of Creation" that was connected with his fate.After coming into contact with the inner spell, Herder came to a hidden space, and in this space, Herder saw the prophecy.The coming of the apostles has long been prophesied, and all of this is an arrangement of fate, which is also consistent with Tangyue's statement that the apostles will gather under the influence of fate.

Herder discovered that part of the stele in front of him had been lost, leaving only Chapter 1 and Chapter 4.From these clues, Herder came to the conclusion that when the twelve gods voluntarily sacrificed their strength, they could rebuild Terra.Herder was convinced of this.It’s okay for others not to know, but the power that the power inherited by Herder is precisely——emotion.

After learning the way to rebuild Terra, the emotion hidden in Herder's heart for the beautiful and prosperous past of Terra could no longer be suppressed.A plan began to brew in Herder's heart, but now there are many things she can't let go of in the devil world, such as her excellent disciple Alice.

 Today's Chapter 1, the next chapter is the beginning of the second sister project and the reason for its originality.If there is any similarity, count me as awesome.

  Conventional votes.

(End of this chapter)

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