Douluo Douluo from Douluo

Chapter 2 New Chapter · Martial Soul Awakening

Chapter 2: Awakening of the Martial Soul
Tang San said hello after finishing cleaning and went out to the mountain not far away to practice.When she was five years old, Tang Yue asked Tang San what he was doing, and Tang San only answered the question of cultivation. As a relative, Tang Yue didn't ask too many questions. What's wrong.

Tang San naturally went to cultivate Ziji Demon Eyes, but Tangyue didn't care, her inheritance came from a high-ranking world.According to the inheritance she obtained, the closer the ceiling of power is to the essence of the void, the more advanced it is, and the level of the creation god in the world of her inherited skills comes from the world medium of the void.

And Tangyue's inheritance is very detailed, and its strength is extremely strong, probably her Fifty Machines are close to the level of Titled Douluo.And in the second awakening, it has reached the realm of a god, but these are also the consequences of power suppression due to different world rules, otherwise, when the awakening is completed, it is almost time to become a god.

After finishing the daily training, Tangyue also returned to the house and filled out the porridge that was boiled in the pot.And at this time Tang San had almost returned home, and of course brought back some new firewood.

"Little San is back, you can eat first, I'll wake up Dad." After saying that, Tangyue got up and went to the back room.

In the back room, the Haotian Douluo from back then was lying on the bed with a sloppy face, and he was still asleep. It seemed that he drank again last night.

"Father! Wake up!" Tang Yue didn't care about Tang Hao's thoughts when she came in, she directly yelled to wake him up.For a long time, Tang Yue had never been afraid of Tang Hao. She didn't know why, and Tang Hao would not blame Tang Yue for her rudeness (someone above her couldn't beat her).

"Let me sleep for a while." Tang Hao was obviously woken up by Tangyue, but he still hesitated and didn't wake up.

"No, the porridge will be cold if you don't get up again. Get up quickly, at least drink the porridge before going to sleep." Tangyue stepped forward and directly grabbed Tang Hao's hand and dragged him off the bed.If you look closely, you will find that the ground next to the bed is very smooth, obviously this is not the first time.

Tang San outside watched Tang Yue drag Tang Hao out of the room with one hand, and was also very speechless.Ever since Tangyue started practicing, her strength has become more and more outrageous.According to Tangyue, it is the balance of strength and intelligence, and high intelligence brings high strength (I'm talking about you yellow-faced woman!).

Tang Hao, who was dragged out of the back room, had no choice but to get up and sit on the table to drink porridge.

"Father." Tang San still looked very shy.

"If there is work, you can take it first, and I will do it in the afternoon." After speaking, Tang Hao stopped talking, and after finishing his porridge silently, he went back to the back room to sleep.

"Sister~ Have you become stronger again?" Tang San discovered with the amazing insight of his Purple Demon Eye that Tang Yue seemed more relaxed when dragging Tang Hao today.

"That's right, you broke through to level [-] today. You've been practicing for a while, have you thought about what you want to do in the future?" Tangyue asked while drinking porridge.

"I don't know, but I think my kung fu will always be useful." Now Tang San has not touched the world of soul masters, but he only knows that his sister has very strong power, especially strength.

"Then you should practice hard. By the way, how is Hedel's throwing skills?" Speaking of this is interesting, since Tangyue summoned Hedel and asked him to demonstrate the cool stone throwing After the technique, Tangyue realized that Tang San was quite interested in this throw, so she simply asked Hedell to teach Tang San, and by the way, be a training partner.

"I have fully learned it. Hedel's throwing skills are really miraculous, as if it is a manifestation of rules." Tang San understood Hedel's seemingly simple but very magical ability to fundamentally strengthen the power of thrown objects. very interested.It was a special way of using energy, which was completely different from the internal force of the previous life, and it could be superimposed with Tangmen's hidden weapon technique to exert even stronger power.

Just then, the door was knocked.

Tang San sat close to the gate, so he got up and went to open it.As soon as I opened the door, I found that it was the village chief Jack.

"It's Grandpa Jack. What are you doing here today? If you have any work, you can tell us. Dad will do it in the afternoon." Tang San responded politely to Village Chief Jack.

"Oh, it's Xiaosan. I'm here to inform you. Tomorrow, the master soul master in the city will come back to awaken his martial soul. I'll inform you. Where's your father Tang Hao?" Village Chief Jack's tone was very kind, but When it comes to Tang Hao, it is full of resentment.

"Father went to bed after breakfast." Tang San answered truthfully without thinking too much.

"By the way, Grandpa Jack, what is a soul master?" Apparently the novel title of soul master attracted Tang San's attention.

"Soul master, that's a symbol of being strong. As long as you can become a soul master, you can hunt and kill soul beasts, obtain soul rings, and become a master." Village Chief Jack's tone was full of admiration and admiration for soul masters .

Hearing Jack's village chief's description, Tang San had a desire to become a soul master. Perhaps becoming a soul master would allow his father and sister to live a better life. If he became famous, he might be able to rebuild the Tang Sect.

Early the next morning, Village Chief Jack came to the door of Tang's blacksmith shop.Tangyue had a rare rest today, and Tang San's Xuantian Kung Fu had also reached a bottleneck.

"Tang Hao! Tang Hao!" Village Chief Jack called Tang Hao loudly as soon as he reached the door.

"What's the matter?" Tang Hao was directly awakened by the loud voice of the village head Jack, and opened the door to ask.

"Why are you still sleeping? Today is a big day for Wuhun awakening. I'm here to take Xiaoyue'er and Xiaosan to Wuhun awakening. As their father, can't you have some snacks? Hey! Yue'er, Xiaosan, let's go Seeing Tang Hao's indifferent and decadent expression, Village Chief Jack got angry, and directly took Tang Yue and Tang San's hands and planned to go out.

Tangyue was pulled, but she still didn't forget to turn her head and shout, "Dad, remember to drink the porridge in the pot before going to sleep."

Soon Tangyue and Tang San, led by Village Chief Jack, came to a meeting center in Saint Soul Village, which was actually the best building.

At this time, many children and parents have come outside, all of whom have reached the age of six this year and have awakened their martial souls.Soon the door was opened, and a young man walked out from inside.

That is Su Yuntao, the person in charge of the Wuhun Awakening of the Wuhundian, the disaster discoverer of the Wuhundian, the genius maker, the super Wuhun witness, and the person nicknamed Blind Douluo.

 The new Chapter 2, I still hope that everyone can correct me a lot for the new chapter. Please point out the poisonous points. If you are more disgusted, I will make corrections while guaranteeing my script.

(End of this chapter)

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