Chapter 74, seal

Because of the severe pain, a line of blood flowed out from the corner of Uzumaki Kushina's mouth, and the tailed beast suddenly pulled out from her body, causing her to suffer irreparable damage.

"Your body is very interesting." Orochimaru was a little surprised, and looked at Uzumaki Kushina below with a sinister smile, "The tailed beast can survive for such a long time without its body."

"If it was before, I might want to take you away for experiments."

This point is telling the truth, because of the seal in Jinchuriki's body, once the tailed beast is pulled out of the body, Renzhuriki's body will be severely injured and die on the spot.

But Uzumaki Kushina, after being drawn out of the Nine Tails, did not die directly, but was still alive, which means that Uzumaki Kushina's Uzumaki family has a strong vitality!
Here, Kyuubi, who has been sealed for decades, finally escaped the seal, and the accumulated resentment can already be described in substance.

Just seeing Uzumaki Kushina, there was a hint of hatred in Kyuubi's eyes!The monstrous flames lit up the night sky in an instant.

"Be honest!"

In the next second, Orochimaru jumped up, quickly formed a seal, and then fell to the forehead of Nine Tails, and pressed the rune in his hand hard!Countless ghost-like runes spread along Kyuubi's forehead, and finally spread all over Kyuubi's body, before finally disappearing!
The huge body was rioting endlessly, and the originally tyrannical Kyuubi was suppressed abruptly under the hands of Orochimaru.

Orochimaru, the seal talisman, has been researched for a long time, and together with the power of Bai Jue Mu Dun, it has the power to control Nine Tails.

"Farewell, Jinjuriki!"

Orochimaru gave a sinister laugh, and the next moment, under his will, Nine Tails' eyes suddenly turned red, and his murderous aura surged.

Uzumaki Kushina only felt that the sky seemed to be covered, and the entire sky was dark. When he looked up, Nine-Tails' giant claws had already slammed down!
"Is it over?" Uzumaki Kushina murmured.


I am sorry.

It's a pity that mom can't see you when you grow up.

In her current state, she can't escape the claw of Nine Tails no matter what.

Nine-Tails' giant palm came down with a bang, and the huge pressure caused the ground to sink a bit, and a huge deep pit quietly appeared. It was originally a forest, but it turned into a meteorite crater with just one palm!

After a successful blow, Orochimaru smiled coldly, and Nine-Tailed's claws were raised, but at this moment, Orochimaru's expression changed!
"It's fast enough!"

"Namifeng Minato!"

In the center of the pothole that Kyuubi's palm hit just now, a Flying Thunder God Kunai was inserted there quietly!
500 meters away, with a buzzing sound, Namikaze Minato embraced the already collapsed Uzumaki Kushina, and instantly exchanged positions with Kunai who was flying!

"Sorry, I am late……"

Namikaze Minato gently placed Uzumaki Kushina on the ground, and in his arms, Naruto was sleeping soundly.

Namikaze Minato turned his head and looked at the giant Kyuubi behind him.On Kyuubi's forehead, Orochimaru stood there.

"You are……"


Namikaze Minato was also surprised when he saw Orochimaru, "Aren't you..."

"Isn't it dead?" Orochimaru sneered, "You guys from Konoha are all looking forward to my death so much, right?"

"Why are you doing this!" Namikaze Minato said angrily.

"There is no reason, you are not qualified to ask me this question!"

With a big wave of Orochimaru's hand, Kyuubi's claws had already been raised high, and they slapped Namikaze Minato fiercely!
Namikaze Minato gritted his teeth, Uzumaki Kushina was still by his side right now, he had no choice but to use the flying thunder god technique to divert him away.

In the place where the two were staying, there was only one kunai left in an instant!
The huge forest has already been covered with a layer of dust because of this blow.

"Leave you a way out first, let's leave you a few lives to die for Konoha." Orochimaru smiled sinisterly.

With a plop, Nine Tails and Orochimaru all turned into white smoke and disappeared together...


"I need a little time now to perform a sealing technique!"

Uchiha Luochen slashed the body of Qianshou Fanjian with a sword, and then hurriedly spun out. With his sword, he blocked a wooden dragon that was randomly transformed from Qianshouzhujian. Clearly visible traces.

"What do you want to do?" Senshou Zhujian frowned, the feeling of being restrained made him uncomfortable.

"Crystal Escape · Emerald Crystal Mirror!"

Uchiha Luochen didn't speak, his hands quickly formed a seal, and in the next second, a crystal mirror made of pink crystal of equal size formed on his right hand!
"Crystal Escape · Emerald Crystal Clone!"

In the screen of the crystal mirror, two avatars who are exactly the same as Uchiha Luochen walked out of it.

This ninjutsu is similar to the technique of shadow clone, which will divide one's own chakra equally to the shadow clone, and all the memory and touch of the shadow clone will be returned to oneself after disappearing.Uchiha Luochen has almost never used this trick. If you have to say a reason, then Uchiha Luochen can only say that his blue bar is too short.

Because he wants to use Sharingan and manipulate the King Power Sword, his Chakra consumption is dropping rapidly!
Splitting out a clone is equivalent to splitting half of his Chakra...

"Crystal escape."

Senshou Feima looked at Uchiha Luochen with some surprise.

A member of the Uchiha clan has two blood succession limits of Crystal Dun and Sharingan at the same time!
It is simply a monstrous existence, you know, even his elder brother, the first Hokage who is known as the god of ninjas, Senju Hashirama only has the blood succession limit of Mutun.

And this young man can possess two kinds at the same time. Qian Shou Feijian dares to conclude that this kind of genius, given time, his attainments will definitely surpass his own!
The two Uchiha Luochen avatars stood back to back, facing Senjubashima and Senjufujian respectively.

And Uchiha Luochen's real body merged into the forest in the next moment.

"not good!"

As soon as Senshou Zhuma said to move, his hands were tightly pressed together uncontrollably!
"Wood Escape Secret Art Birth of the Tree Realm."

Uchiha Luochen felt that the entire forest began to shake, the soil under his feet suddenly cracked, and vines drilled out of it instantly!
"Fire Escape: The Art of Huo Huo Dragon!"

Uchiha Luochen jumped into the air, and a fire dragon spit out from its mouth, heading straight for the countless trees that attacked him.

Mu Dun · Tree World is born!

The caster uses his own chakra as the source of life to launch, and uses his own chakra as the source of life to launch ninjutsu. Many trees grow quickly from the ground, and the trees are like uprooted. A forest is created, and all offense and defense in the forest are controlled by the caster.

(End of this chapter)

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