Chapter 70, Naruto's Birth

These two mothers may never have imagined that Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha will cause earth-shaking changes in the entire Naruto Continent in the future, and a deep bond will also be formed between them.

After chatting for a while, the two reluctantly separated.

After all, Uzumaki Kushina's current state is too unstable and dangerous. Kyuubi is in her body, thinking about how to escape the seal and return to freedom all the time.

Walking with Uzumaki Kushina this time is the third wife, Sarutobi Lake Biwa.She and another experienced medical ninja acted as midwives.

The third Hokage Hiruzaru Sarutobi and the fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato have already arrived outside the village and are preparing the barrier.

Uzumaki Kushina's delivery this time is an invisible war at Konoha's senior management.

Back then, the nine-tailed natural disaster suddenly came to Konoha, and it was still suppressed by the power of the first generation of adults like a fairy.Today, Konoha does not have a second Senjujuma.

Uchiha Luo Chen moved his eyes and slowly followed behind the crowd.

Now, in addition to avoiding being discovered by the two of them, he also has to try to avoid hundreds of Anbu elite ninjas who belong directly to Hokage.

At the same time, outside Konoha Village, hundreds of Anbu ninjas from Sarutobi Hiruzen and Namikaze Minato are working together to forge tight barriers and seals.The purpose is to prevent various situations that occur during childbirth.

Time passed by, and after nearly a morning, Sarutobi Lake Biwa and Uzumaki Kushina quietly left Konoha Village and arrived at a place nearly dozens of miles away from Konoha Village.

When it came, it was almost night.

Both the barrier and the seal have been constructed.

Uchiha Luochen was hiding 100 meters away from Uzumaki Kushina's enchantment, and slowly sat down to meditate.

Suddenly, Uchiha Luochen clearly heard a painful moan.

He raised his head suddenly, his eyes full of solemnity: "It's started!"

In the delivery room, Uzumaki Kushina felt an almost unbearable pain just after entering the state of childbirth.

Because during the pregnancy of a female jinchuriki, the energy of the seal to suppress the tailed beast is used to conceive the fetus, which will cause the seal to weaken, and at this time, the seal of the nine tails is the weakest.Kyuubi tried to break through the seal several times, but failed because the fourth and third generations had completed the arranged barriers and seals.

At this moment, Uchiha Luochen's face changed, and a figure floated by like the wind in an instant,


Uchiha Luochen snorted coldly, and disappeared in place with a movement of his body.The disappearing Uchiha Luochen went straight to the floating figure like a wind-blown cloud.

It was so fast that it didn't even leave a trace.


Uchiha Luochen let out a cold snort, and the Taoist Jade behind him slowly took shape, and instantly shot towards the man in black who was speeding ahead!

The man in black seemed very calm, didn't speak, just threw out the dagger, but obviously this couldn't change the trajectory of Qiu Daoyu.The opponent was obviously startled, and then turned his head. Under the shadow of the hat, the Kusanagi sword grew instantly, hit the Qiudao jade, and forcibly changed its direction.

"Kusanagi Sword, Orochimaru, it really is you!"

Uchiha Luochen snorted coldly, "Only you can do such a bastard thing!"

The fast-moving man in black let out a burst of strange laughter, and then a familiar and chilling voice came out from the cloak.

"Hehe, Luo Chen, I didn't expect that the first person I met today was you!"

"Don't worry, I won't fight you first, I want your seniors to play with you."


Uzumaki Kushina's hair was already wet with sweat, and the intense and persistent pain made her overwhelmed. Now she has never felt so weak.

"It's done, it's a boy!"

Sarutobi Biwako picked up Uzumaki Kushina's newborn baby and said with a smile.

"It's a boy and healthy!"


Minato couldn't wait to rush into the delivery room, seeing the crystallization of his love with Uzumaki Kushina, at this moment he seemed to see his life decades later.At the moment, he even shed tears of joy.

"Thanks a lot."

Namikaze Minato wiped the bean-sized beads of sweat on Uzumaki Kushina's forehead with some distress, and then kissed her lightly.

"I'm already a father, hurry up and give the child a name." Sarutobi Lake Biwa said with a smile while holding the baby.

"Ah, yes!"

Namikaze Minato, who has always been alert, is now a little incoherent with excitement because of the arrival of the child.

"Jiushina, what do you think the child should be named?"

Uzumaki Kushina smiled softly: "It's not just me, you already have the answer in your heart."

Namikaze Minato and her smiled tacitly, "It seems that you still remember the teacher's debut novel "Strong Perseverance and Endurance".

"Yes, the memory is especially fresh."

"Then, let's call him Naruto." Namikaze Minato laughed.

Uzumaki Kushina also nodded firmly.

"Strong Perseverance Ninja Biography" is the Fourth Hokage, the master of Namikaze Minato, and the Virgo of Jiraiya.

In this book, the image of the protagonist "Naruto" who has the spirit of never giving up is engraved in the two people's hearts.

Therefore, when Minato proposed to name his upcoming son after the protagonist of the novel, Kushina firmly supported Minato's idea that "Naruto" was a very good name.Naming his son with this name proves that both Uzumaki Kushina and Minato have high hopes for their son.

"not good!"

Suddenly, an Anbu ninja rushed into the delivery room in a panic. Because of his urgency, he fell to the ground just as he entered the delivery room.

This sudden scene startled everyone in the room.

Not because of this sudden movement, but because of the appearance of this Anbu ninja.

One arm of this Anbu ninja disappeared as if being bitten by some giant monster, and the blood poured down on the ground in an instant. Because of this fall, he couldn't help moaning, his voice was miserable, and he was so scared that he cried Naruto who just fell asleep slowly.

"What's wrong!"

Namikaze Minato stared, "What's wrong?"



The Anbu ninja endured the severe pain, and after a few groans, he began to talk about the situation.

" the fourth generation...we are...patrolling outside...a man in black robe...too strong...we are no match..."

"The man in the black robe?" Minato Namikaze asked, his eyebrows tightened.

"Quick, medical ninja, heal him quickly, stop the bleeding!"


Several medical ninjas at the scene also slowed down, ran over quickly, lifted Anbu ninja who had fallen on the ground, and started treatment.

(End of this chapter)

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