Chapter 3, I rejected it on the spot
Leaf Village.

A thin young man jumped on the various buildings in Konoha, and came quickly. His figure was so fast that within a few jumps, he had already crossed [-] meters and entered the Hokage Building.

After helping the cat mask, Uchiha Shisui lightly knocked on the office door.


A somewhat old but capable voice sounded.

Uchiha Shisui pushed the door and entered.

In the empty Hokage office, beside the desk, an old man who is not tall, with goose skin and white hair turned his back to him, looking down on all aspects of Konoha through the huge French windows in front of him.

On the Huoying Rock in the distance, his face was printed in the third place, and he was admired by thousands of people.

That's right, the old man in front of Uchiha Shisui is the current third-generation Hokage of Konoha Village, known as the ninja professor, and the man known as the strongest Hokage in Konoha's history, Hiruza Sarutobi.

"Master Three Generations, you have something to do with me!"

Uchiha Shisui slowly took off the cat mask, bowed forward, and said.

"Well... there are some things."

Hiruzen Sarutobi turned around, and pondered: "What is your relationship with Uchiha Luochen in the family?"

"Luo Chen?" Uchiha Shisui was taken aback, "It's the same generation, slightly younger than me."

"What do you think of his talent?"

"Excellent talent, but no ambition." Uchiha Shisui thought for a while and said.

Uchiha Shisui is right. In the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Luochen has always played a lazy and undisciplined person.

Although the talent is extremely high, it is really difficult for such a person to become a master.

"I need you to do something..."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi laughed, "Your brother, you took the task of escorting the strategic defense map yesterday."

"Strategic deployment map? Him?" Uchiha Shisui was taken aback for a moment, obviously not expecting that Uchiha Luochen would do such a thing.


"I admire this kid very much, you go and test his strength."

"Look, after all these years, does he have the strength to enter Anbe..." Hiruzaru Sarutobi finished speaking, took a mouthful of snuff bottle, and slowly exhaled white smoke from his mouth.

He wants to see if this Konoha genius has really fallen.



Kakashi pushed Matkai away, and he escaped more than ten meters in an instant.

When Kunai landed, Maitekai clearly saw the simple talisman paper tied to its tail!
The huge shock wave blasted the ground into a deep pit of more than two meters. The surrounding trees were crumbling by the huge force, and the leaves were flying.

"No, the equipment on the opposite side is too good! Uchiha Luochen, you go first with the strategy map, Kai and I will cover!"

Kakashi stuffed the strategy map into Uchiha Luochen's arms, pondered, and immediately made a decision.

He has been running for tens of miles, and he has no strength, so he can only pin his hope on this guy Luo Chen...

I hope this guy's strength hasn't regressed...

Maitekai on the side also nodded, a little light green appeared on his body, and the clothes on his body were automatic without wind.Obviously he has already opened the eight doors of dunjia!

"Kakashi, we've known each other for a long time..."

Looking at the strategic deployment map in his hand, Uchiha Luochen asked suddenly.


Kakashi responded, and hurriedly turned around and urged, "Go!"

"Yes, you go! You are the strongest here, and you are the most hopeful!" Maitkai immediately echoed, and the whole person turned sideways to protect Uchiha Luochen.

"If you were to evacuate today with a strategic plan, would you leave?" Uchiha Luochen said suddenly.

"Nonsense!" Kakashi gritted his teeth, "Of course!"

"Then what if the price is the lives of both of us?"


Kakashi suddenly fell silent, and looked back at Uchiha Luochen, but saw something else in his eyes.

He actually hesitated!This is absolutely not allowed in his dictionary, Konoha's ninjas should focus on completing tasks.

But under such a choice, he actually hesitated...

"You don't need to say it, I already understand."

Uchiha Luochen smiled, took a step forward, and blocked the two of them with his arms.

In his impression, Kakashi's childhood made his character cold, even if he sacrificed his companions, he would definitely complete the task.

But in fact, it doesn't seem to be the case!
"What are you doing..."

Suddenly, Kakashi and Maitekai's expressions changed, and the words in their mouths were choked back.

Because on Uchiha Luochen, a breath that had never been seen before burst out suddenly, and a sense of majesty suddenly emerged in the bottom of my heart.

At that moment, they seemed to see a long-haired young man holding a kingly sword and swinging it lightly, and the landslides and the earth cracked, and the sun and the moon turned pale!
"Today, both of them have to go, I said!"

A cold voice suddenly rang in the ears of a Jōnin!

Jonin turned pale with fright, because in his field of vision, Uchiha Luochen's figure had disappeared!

So fast!

Just when Jonin took out Kunai's defense, a clanging sound came into his mind as if piercing through the clouds!
"Sword of heaven and earth, sword of kingship!"

(End of this chapter)

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