Kill the clown at the beginning of time travel

Chapter 94 Let me bask in the sun first

Chapter 94 Let me bask in the sun first
"What do you think, little girl? I am unique, but the queen does have my ability, and I will definitely develop very well in the future. Now I want to congratulate you for being recognized by us."

The Prophet looked down at Xiaoyu, and the Empress on Xiaoyu's shoulder said respectfully to the Prophet, "Prophet, thank you for your compliment."

Seeing the Queen's attitude towards the Prophet, Bruce couldn't understand what was going on.

The Prophet explained to Bruce: "Although I don't know why the consumption is so high when breeding, I know one thing.

Your cells have long been perfectly fused with the cells of the symbiont, and this perfection is inherited from them, and they are all your descendants.

Although I am also their source, you are their direct creator, and the influence of the enhancement card has also continued on them. These symbiotes are as loyal to you as the Transformers. "

After this explanation from the Prophet, Bruce also understood a little bit.

"So, I understand what this big meaty ball should do."

The symbiont can read a person's thoughts and will, and can bring people over in the future to let them accept the test of this symbiont nest, and those who succeed can get the symbiont.

It is said to be a trial, but in fact Bruce still needs to control it himself. After all, the brood will only obediently obey whoever Bruce says he wants to give to the symbiote.

But one thing to note is that the loyalty is only about the same as that of Transformers, so it is impossible to reach the level of a prophet. No matter how solid an individual's ideological foundation is, there will be changes.

After obtaining the symbiosis, Xiaoyu had a lot of fun with the queen of the symbiosis, and completely forgot about the shadow soldiers who were still by her side before.

At this moment, Xiaoyu suddenly remembered something, she hurriedly pulled Bruce and said, "Uncle, hurry up to help. There is a super big monster, like a caterpillar that has been enlarged many times. Rockets are not very useful to it."

Huge caterpillar?

Bruce couldn't figure out what it was, but Xiaoyu was asking for help, so he had to go up and help.

Bruce said to the brood next to him: "You wait here first, I will solve the dangers around me, and then I will settle you down."

The brood stretched out its tentacles, waving goodbye to Bruce.

Originally thought that the thoughts of the brood would be broken down, but now it seems that it is the correct way to let it merge into a collective thought.

Xiaoyu pulled Bruce through the shadow space and teleported to the top.

With the help of the Shadow Corps, there were no casualties in this group of rebels, but they are desperate now, because using any weapon will not have much effect on that monster.

Unless the air strike is called, but the air strike called must be aimed at them, not at this monster.

When Bruce appeared, Leon only felt that he saw hope. He hurried to Bruce and asked, "Bruce, think of a way. Don't you have an Iron Legion? Send them over quickly to get rid of this monster."

"It is possible to do this, but I'm not sure how long it will take for me to come back after I leave this world. What if the time interval is too long?"

Bruce can escape, and it is not certain whether others can escape, and there is another very important thing, the nuclear bomb is already hung on the launch pad.

Leon was also scratching his head anxiously, and Alice was still using the bazooka, trying to attack the huge disgusting caterpillar in front of her from different angles.

It looks like a caterpillar, more like some kind of worm, but that's just the upper part, the lower part of the body is completely rooted in the ground.

Its real appearance is actually a plate with a long neck and mouth.

Bruce looked up at the sky, "The weather is fine today, the sun is quite bright."

Leon was still anxious about how to deal with the monster. After hearing Bruce's words, he also looked up at the weather.

"The weather is really good, wait! It's nothing to do with the weather. We have to deal with this biochemical monster quickly. Do you still want to bask in the sun?"

Bruce nodded, and then he said to Xiaoyu next to him, "Xiaoyu, ask your soldiers to bring me a deck chair."

Xiaoyu naturally obeyed Bruce's request, and then, in Leon's eyes, Bruce just lay leisurely on the chair and basked in the sun wearing sunglasses.

This pair of sunglasses was transformed by him with symbiosis after imitating Wesker's sunglasses, and it looks quite handsome.

Leon couldn't stand it anymore, "What are you doing, don't you see that everyone is working hard to fight monsters?"

"I'll take an hour in the sun and fix it."

Although it feels unreliable, Bruce is really lying here leisurely now, and Leon has nothing to do.

"Your reason is really enough, isn't it an hour? Then I will wait for you for an hour."

The gun attack here is still going on. Although the monster is huge, the bullets hitting it will still make it bleed.

Leon asked Alice and King Ada to leave here quickly and go back with the antidote. He stayed and solved the monster with him.

Xiaoyu asked from the side: "Then why don't you leave?"

Leon looked at the huge biochemical monster in front of him, and said firmly: "This thing must not fall into the hands of Umbrella Company!"

In the end, there were three people who stayed, and the remaining five people left. The important task was to escort the antidote back, and what was left to them now was to deal with this monster.

The first time he saw this monster, Bruce also knew who it was. It was William who had been slapped on the head by himself and blew up once with a bat dart.

Originally, I thought that such a strong explosion should kill it, but I didn't expect this guy's vitality to be so tenacious, and he survived such an explosion.

"The viability of the G virus seems to be stronger than that of the symbiont."

What Bruce said made the Prophet very upset, "This thing is a mutation. I can do it in extreme environments, and I can evolve independently. If you really want to resist explosions, you can find some genes that have the ability to resist explosions. up.

And what you are doing now can also allow me to withstand the explosion, the nuclear bomb is no problem, how can this thing's survivability be better than mine. "

Bruce is basking in the sun now, and what he has to do is to awaken the superman gene in his body, and the conventional weapons and attacks to deal with this monster are no longer effective.

Maybe let the prophet eat it bit by bit, but Bruce didn't want to waste any more time here.

The power of superhuman genes also needs some time to test.

(End of this chapter)

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