Chapter 83 Radiation Tyrant
"Leader, let's take a detour. There is a radiation area ahead."

Bruce stopped the car, and the zombies around him didn't come over for the time being. It's best to find out the surrounding situation now.

A light blue light was emitted from the eyes of the little Transformer, and then this light blue light formed a map, which was the map of the United States.

After the map is enlarged, it is the direction Bruce is now, and there is a nuclear explosion site in front of this place.

"These guys dropped a nuclear bomb here?"

Bruce didn't expect this group of guys to be so crazy. In order to speed up the mutation, they even dared to throw out nuclear bombs.

"They didn't drop the nuclear bomb directly, but detonated a nuclear bomb here, declaring that it was a nuclear leak."

"A deceitful trick."

"Master Leader, I found a distress signal in the nuclear radiation area ahead."

In such a dangerous area, how could there be a distress signal, and it was perceived by me, there must be something wrong.

"It seems that our whereabouts have also been noticed, but it doesn't matter, they are all the same, I want to see what it is."

Although Bruce is not worried about nuclear radiation, Xiaoyu may have problems, so Bruce still handed the prophet to Xiaoyu and asked the prophet to protect Xiaoyu first.

Bruce's own physique is very strong, and there is no problem with slight nuclear radiation. In addition, his suit of armor itself has the ability to resist nuclear radiation, provided that he wears a mask.

"Uncle, you don't have a symbiote, what will you do if you encounter danger?"

Bruce looked forward and said, "I have encountered many dangers, and I am very confident that I will solve them."

Riding a chariot, Bruce rushed towards the nuclear radiation zone.

The satellites in the sky had been capturing Bruce's movements, and Wesker watched the scene and pressed the button.

In front of the nuclear radiation, an unmanned delivery aircraft flew over this area, and the cargo compartment at its bottom opened, and a huge cylindrical device fell down.

The lower part of the device is conical, so that after it lands, it can be easily inserted into the mound instead of being bounced off the ground.

Bruce rode his bike, feeling a little puzzled. There were not many zombies in the radiation area, but there were quite a few bones and insects of various shapes on the roadside.

"Where do the zombies here go? I haven't encountered many mutated monsters, have they all been wiped out?"

Follow the distress signal Bruce to the valley road. There is a big road in the middle, but there are two high mountains on both sides. The situation inside is a plain from the map.

The signal was just ahead, and when Bruce entered, there was a research institute ahead, which had been razed to the ground.

This is a ruin, and it is also a plain. There is no shelter around it, and even the woods are scorched.

The distress signal originated from the pile of ruins. Through the life detector, Bruce found that there were no traces of life activities in these ruins, but there were heat sources.

This is a nuclear power plant, on the verge of explosion, and there is no nuclear power plant in the core explosion area.

In order to obtain greater information on the mutation, the umbrella company chose to detonate a nuclear bomb in the center of a city, declaring to the public that it was a nuclear power plant explosion.

After the explosion, the gas industry in the United States soared again, and people's fear of nuclear power plants drove up the coal power industry.

These intelligences are all based on Transformers data, speculated.

But what Bruce is most worried about now is that someone wants to lure him here, but what is his purpose?
It has only been three hours since I came to this world, who can find himself in such a short period of time, and use this method to lure himself?
"Uncle, there is a strange thing ahead, still smoking."

Bruce looked forward. Sure enough, there was a special device that was smoking in the center of the ruins. The device was cylindrical and surrounded by large gears.

It seems to be part of a large device thrown out, more like some kind of airdrop.

After Bruce didn't have the symbiote, he couldn't see farther, but with Xiaoyu's reminder, the high-tech equipment on him played a role.

There are problems ahead, and this problem is not small.

Bruce hadn't noticed the device in front of him just now, because after turning on the thermal detector, the device was not very conspicuous.

But now that Bruce looked over, the heat inside was rising sharply, and Bruce could see the shape inside, it was a huge monster in the shape of a human.

Its right hand looks extremely huge, it should be the implant of the G virus, its heart beats very actively, and the temperature inside is still expanding, far exceeding the heat limit that a living thing should have.

The device is waking it up, from freezing to now thawing, the whole process didn't take 1 minute.

When the device was completely unfrozen, the shell of the device was violently torn apart, and even steel could be shredded.

And the first thing that came out of it was a gust of hot air, and then, an arm with bright red skin and a claw with swollen muscles pinched the dirt in front of it.

Then he stretched out the steel device that restrained him with his other hand, and his entire body protruded from the upper body.

The right hand of this monster is about three meters long, and there is an eye with a diameter of one meter. This huge eyeball has been staring at Bruce.

The skin on its body seemed to be useless, and the muscles rolled over the surface, and the defensive skin of these muscles was much stronger.

The skin that Bruce saw before was actually part of the hardened muscle. What surprised Bruce the most was that there was a jar on his back.

This jar doesn't seem to provide it with energy, but it seems to be something that draws energy from him. There is a green liquid flowing out of the top of the jar.

After the liquid fell on the ground, even the tenacious grass growing in the radiation area would wither.

Bruce put Xiaoyu aside, "Prophet protect Xiaoyu, don't let her mess around."

Then Bruce changed his equipment and placed the weapons used to deal with large monsters in the easiest position to use.

"Uncle, this monster looks so strong, do you want me to help you?"

Bruce said after riding the bat motorcycle: "You help me clean up the surroundings, just don't let other monsters appear."

Then Bruce drove the Batcycle towards the monster and pressed the button.

On both sides of the Batmobile's wheels, powerful machine guns were installed. Blue flames erupted from the muzzles of the two machine guns, and then countless bullets poured on the tyrant.

The device behind the monster is marked.

Umbrella Corporation, experimental code 003, radiation tyrant.

(End of this chapter)

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