Kill the clown at the beginning of time travel

Chapter 68 What kind of hero are you?

Chapter 68 What kind of hero are you?
Bruce grabbed Jackie Chan's cape and pulled him up.

After finally landing, Jackie Chan was holding his heart, he was out of breath now, his heart almost jumped out of fright just now.

Xiaoyu said from the side: "Uncle Long, you are too bad, you see everyone will fall down soon."

Jackie Chan stared at Xiaoyu, and said with a resentful expression: "Give me the chicken charm, and I can go down too."

Xiaoyu handed the spell to Jackie Chan and said, "Then Uncle Long, take it."

Jackie Chan sighed and pushed the talisman over, "If you give me the chicken talisman, I will be even more worried."

Then Jackie Chan looked ahead and was attracted by the scene in front of him.

"This is, the collider?"

Those are two conical devices, surrounded by an oval-shaped white eggshell, but the size is equivalent to a football field, and the two huge devices are like two buildings.

Such a technological product is still very surprising to him who lived in the 90s.

"what should we do?"

Bruce squeezed his fist and said, "Just take it apart."

Bruce looked at the surrounding environment, there was a glass window at the top, and this glass window was the main console.

Jin Bin is also on it, and Doctor Octopus is controlling the device.

"Peter, you blow up this place with a dragon blaster, Xiaoyu, Jackie Chan, and Gwen, let's go up and catch Jin together.

Raven is in charge of support. "

After everything was arranged, everyone started to act.

Raven leaned against the wall, puffing up his cheeks.

To solve the gold tie first, naturally the position cannot be exposed in advance, so Bruce still followed the old method and entered the ventilation duct.

Because Xiaoyu has the Rabbit Charm, her forward speed is very fast, allowing her to find a direction that can pass, so Xiaoyu is at the front.

Behind is Gwen, then behind is Bruce, and finally Jackie Chan is at the bottom.

Looking at Gwen crawling ahead, Bruce subconsciously turned on the thermal imager.

The thermal imaging picture is much better, otherwise it would be impolite to keep staring at the back of the other party.

With Xiaoyu quickly looking for the way ahead, Bruce and the others were easily guided to the top of Jin Bin.

At this moment, Jin Bin was looking at the device in front of him anxiously.

"Are you sure this test machine can bring them back?"

Doctor Octopus used his tentacles to slowly walk over and said, "That's for sure, haven't we already succeeded?

If it weren't for that damn Spider-Man, our plan would have come true by now. "

The plan of the parallel universe was conquered by Doctor Octopus in the past year, and the reason for conquering it was the existence of Batman.

After fighting Batman, he came to a conclusion after his own careful investigation and research.

There is indeed another world, a world with Batman and Superman.

Then, relatively, there will be a parallel universe of their world.

It took Dr. Octopus a short time, and with the technical and financial support provided by Jinbin, he finally built two machines that can open the gate of time and space.

But among the two machines, the most important one had been destroyed by Spiderman. What made him most angry was that the guy was actually wearing Batman's clothes, but he didn't know why it was red.

Bruce observed the situation below through the thermal imager, then looked at Jackie Chan, and pointed to Dr. Octopus below.

Since Jackie Chan didn't turn on the thermal imaging camera, he didn't understand what Bruce meant by pointing down.

But the Transformer in his arm has been observing the surrounding situation, so he can naturally understand Bruce's instructions.

Then he made up his own mind, helped Jackie Chan raise his right fist, and punched him down.

After destroying the surrounding ventilation pipe structure, Jackie Chan's figure fell directly.


Behind the fallen Jackie Chan, the red cloak opened directly to let him land safely.

But as soon as he landed, he found that Jin Bing and Doctor Octopus looked at Jackie Chan with incredible eyes.

A group of researchers around pulled out their guns and aimed at him.

Jin Bing said angrily: "When did this guy break in!"

The researcher next to him wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "The alarm mechanism was triggered 10 minutes ago, but no one paid attention at that time. Hank is on vacation today."

Jin Bin's fists were clenched, and then he looked at Jackie Chan in front and shouted, "Spiderman! Don't think you're wearing Batman's clothes. I don't know who you are. , today I will let you die here!"

I saw Jin He clenched his fist and punched Jackie Chan. The strength of this punch even made the surrounding air vibrate.

Jackie Chan hurriedly lowered his head to avoid it, and said at the same time: "Wait! I'm not Spider-Man!"

At this time, Dr. Octopus raised his mechanical claws, and the two pairs of mechanical claws grabbed Jackie Chan together.

Jackie Chan jumped with one foot, dodged with the other, and opened his hands at the same time.

With this very funny posture, these mechanical claws were actually avoided.

"Since you are not Spider-Man, then you must be Batman. We must catch him. He must have the secret to travel through the universe. If we go to another universe, maybe we can find it and revive your wife and children directly." way!"

Doctor Octopus wore goggles and looked at Jackie Chan with a frenzied expression.

With that expression, I can't wait to put Jackie Chan on the dissection table and dissect him carefully.

Jackie Chan said without tears, "I'm not Batman either!"

Doctor Octopus's mechanical claws grabbed Jackie Chan's limbs in reverse, lifted him up and said, "Wearing this suit, it's either Spiderman or Batman, don't try to quibble.

You didn't use spider silk, which means you are definitely not Spider-Man, let me catch you obediently, and then be sent to the dissection table, I can't wait to dissect people from another universe!Hahaha! ! ! "

Jackie Chan wanted to struggle, but his limbs were firmly fixed by the mechanical claws, making it difficult to move.


At this moment, the researcher with a gun on the side suddenly took out a comic book with Batman and Superman on the cover.

"Doctor, before you do the autopsy, could I have an autograph?"

Doctor Octopus turned his head with very cold eyes. If eyes could kill, this researcher would have been killed dozens of times.

The researcher trembled with fright, hurriedly retreated, picked up the gun again, and pointed at Jackie Chan.

Xiaoyu said in a panic from above: "Uncle Long is in danger now, we must hurry to save him!"

Bruce looked at Jackie Chan who was hung up below and said, "Actually, we can take a look."

The reverse blade on Jackie Chan's right arm started to activate, and at the same time raised it with an incredible posture, cutting off the mechanical claws wrapped around the arm.

The researcher who was scared back pushed his glasses and said, "As expected, Batman is not so easy to be caught."

Immediately afterwards, the researcher discovered that there were five more guns around him.

The companions around him stared at him with "Which side are you on?"

The researcher was so frightened that the gun in his hand dropped, he raised his hands in fright and said, "I'm just a man who likes to read comics, don't get me wrong!"

ps: Thanks to (Dream · Death's Sky) (Book Friends 2020...586) for the monthly pass
(End of this chapter)

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