Kill the clown at the beginning of time travel

Chapter 58 Bruce's "Threat"

Chapter 58 Bruce's "Threat"

When everyone teleported back to Jackie Chan's world again, there were a few more cars around, because the location they teleported to was at Dad's house.

So in an instant, Dad's house was overcrowded, and many antiques were smashed.

Optimus Prime and a group of Transformers also quickly deformed and got up, but their transformation caused the room that could not support to collapse once again.

"Oops!!! My home!"

The angry old man picked up the broom next to him, and kept patting Optimus Prime's instep.

"You want to return my home and destroy it all!"

Optimus Prime was also very helpless, just as he was about to explain and squatted down, he directly crashed into the wall behind him.

The surrounding Transformers were not much better, and the whole environment changed a lot when everyone acted. The room that was originally considered complete was left in ruins in an instant.

Looking at this scene, Xiaoyu could only smile awkwardly: "Now we can change houses."

Jackie Chan also covered his face, this teleportation was really a big trouble.

There is no way, the matter of cleaning up after the ruins is handed over to Bruce, and he grabs a laptop, which is Xiaoyu's computer.

After injecting the energy of the Rubik's Cube, the whole computer came to life. Xiaoyu watched this scene in surprise, her computer turned into a robot!
"Is this computer still mine?"

A computer that became a Transformer, knelt down on one knee to Xiaoyu, put one hand on his chest and said, "I am willing to serve you, long live the Justice League!"

The computer as a whole presents a feminine form, and Transformers are also divided into men and women. This is a female Transformer.

The curious Xiaoyu even stepped forward to touch his own computer. The metal texture and pink shape are so pretty!
It just makes her feel like she can't put it down. It can be used as a toy or a computer, which is great!

"Sir, you should stay here first, and Trou should stay first. The three of you will dig out all the books and some items in the ruins here, and try to be careful."

Although there are 1 old people who are unwilling, there is no other way. They can only take a trip with Bruce first. A few of them got on the Hornet and drove all the way to the thirteenth district.

The old man in the car has always looked very angry. His home has been demolished. This is his old den, and he has lived with him for a long time.

Xiaoyu and the raven on the side were chatting quite happily, but Xiaoyu chatted more, and the raven was responsible for listening.

In the driver's seat, Jackie Chan looked at the steering wheel of the automatic driving next to him, and then at Bruce who was staring straight ahead.

Jackie Chan didn't know what he should do.

Later, Xiaoyu and Raven chatted so happily, if they didn't talk about something with Bruce, wouldn't they be too weak?

"Well, let's go to Sergeant Black next, shouldn't we just say hello to him?"

Bruce, who was thinking, nodded and said, "Yes, I will go to him next, on the one hand to talk to him, and on the other hand to threaten him."

These words startled Jackie Chan, "Threat? What are you threatening Black for? Behind them is District [-], and we can't do bad things."

Bruce turned to Jackie Chan and asked, "Then do you think someone with my ability and technological strength will do bad things?"

Jackie Chan began to think about Bruce's power. From the individual strength he showed, he had the same power as the Lord, and it was more than that.

So many robots were brought out at this moment, and the weapons in their hands looked very advanced, crushing the world technologically.

"You don't lack anything, what do you want to do when you travel to this world?"

Jackie Chan didn't understand what Bruce was going to do, what kind of ambition he had was the most important thing.

Bruce put one hand on the Bumblebee's screen, and then said to the Bumblebee: "Call out the world map."

Bumblebee's screen quickly turned into a world map, which was the size of a globe.

Bruce found Africa, and after expanding Africa, Jackie Chan saw a lot of poor people.

Then Bruce turned his target to the United States, and there are also some homeless people on the streets of the United States.

In the end, the map shrank and turned into the earth. Looking at the rotating earth in front of him, Jackie Chan seemed to understand what Bruce wanted to do.

"This world is very fragile, and my strength is enough to flatten it, but this world is also dangerous, and there are some demons hidden in it. I want to make this world a better place. Will you help me?"

Bruce held out his hand to Jackie Chan, and Jackie Chan looked at the earth.

This blue planet is still spinning, and there are countless poor people inside.

Jackie Chan himself does not have to worry about food or clothing, but other people are not necessarily, Jackie Chan is a kind person.

He thinks he can do something too, and finally Jackie grabs Bruce's hand.

"I promise to help you, but you must promise me that you cannot kill anyone!"

If Bruce wants to use force, then these robots will definitely show their powerful lethality, and many people will die. Jackie Chan doesn't want to see this situation.

"I won't do it casually, so it's just a threat."

Soon everyone came to the thirteenth district. After reaching the gate, under the contact of Jackie Chan, all the cars entered the depths of the thirteenth district together.

Black, who is in the command room, is still observing the current situation in the thirteenth district.

Now that a lot of troubles have been dealt with, the post-disaster reconstruction is the focus, asking Congress for money and reasons.

"Sir, we found that there were no drivers in the vehicles that Jackie Chan brought in, and there was an obvious energy response in these vehicles."

Black frowned, he felt that Jackie Chan needed to give him an explanation for this matter.

After arriving at the parking lot below the thirteenth district, Black looked at the slowly advancing vehicles.

Except for the one car in front, none of the cars behind can move forward without a driver.

When these cars drove in front of Black, the three cars behind them quickly deformed.

The machine turned, and their bodies stood up. They were tall and mighty machine warriors!

In an instant, the alarm in the thirteenth district buzzed, and countless soldiers took out their weapons and rushed here. Even Blake couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

After Jackie Chan opened the car door, he rushed up and shouted: "Sheriff Blake, tell everyone to put away their guns, I can explain!"

But Blake stepped back and said: "Jackie Chan, you betrayed me! They are all enemies, this is a mechanical weapon!"

Bruce also got out of the car. As for the others, it's safer to let them stay in the car first.

After Bruce got out of the car, he was holding a Rubik's Cube in his hand.

Holding the Rubik's Cube high, Bruce looked around and said, "A new world has begun."

ps: Thanks for the reward of "put more peppers for me".

(End of this chapter)

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