Chapter 42 The Magic I Hate
While stealing Gotham City's alarm information, while being a chivalrous battle bat, he received a distress signal from Bruce.

"The supreme leader is in danger. As his most loyal knight, I will go to the battle location as fast as possible!"

After knocking out the criminal trapped in the trash can, the warbat quickly transformed and rushed to where Bruce was.

In order to catch criminals without revealing his identity, he will be sneaky when facing the enemy, and then use garbage bags or trash cans to cover the enemy's head before beating them.

In this way, the other party will not be able to see his identity, and the criminal can be arrested.

From the perspective of Warbat, he really killed two birds with one stone in doing so.

Bruce, who was running around the building with the raven in his arms, felt his body getting weaker and weaker.

"Prophet, how are you?"

The Prophet got out from around Bruce's neck, but it seemed very uncomfortable to see him.

"Bruce, this magic is too weird, I don't feel up to it, I want to sleep."

The prophet said a little weakly. He has now concentrated all his energy, but he still can't resist the feeling of weakness.

Raven, who was held in Bruce's arms, said worriedly: "This is the curse of the devil. It will make you extremely weak. Ordinary people are attacked by him, and almost only fall asleep. The more you resist, the more it will affect you. The more the vitality of the body is eroded."

Bruce looked down at Raven. Although Raven was concerned, she didn't show any expression.

"Do you want me to let you go? I'm so sorry, that's impossible. I won't let you, a little girl, face the devil."

Raven turned her head and said nothing. After a while, she said, "I'm not a little girl, I'm also a devil, so you can let me go."

Bruce hurriedly dodged to the left, where the floor he had just landed on had been knocked down.

The three demons appeared around Bruce at the same time, and one of them walked up to Bruce and said, "What a strong-willed human being, but even so, you can't resist the demon's will!"

Then the appearance of the demon returned to the state of an ordinary human being, and on his body, a ghost-like shadow rushed towards Bruce's body.


Raven hurriedly stretched out her hands to hug Bruce's head, she wanted to drive the demon out of Bruce.

But Bruce took Raven's hand off his cheek.

Bruce said with a smile: "Although I'm not good at dealing with magic, but things like mental invasion are just what I can deal with."

The two demons around originally wanted to wait for their companions to control Bruce before taking Raven down.

But Bruce's current performance was not affected at all, and their companions didn't seem to make any movement at all.

The two demons didn't know what happened, but that didn't stop them from attacking Bruce.

After using the claws to reach the opposite side of the building, the two demons were able to follow, but suddenly a pair of big steel hands pinched the two demons together and slapped them towards the wall.

This kind of force directly smashed the wall, and then the two demons were also deformed, and fell down again from the height of the seven-story building.

The battlebat leaped from the wall, made a handsome takeoff, and jumped to Bruce's side.

"Lord Supreme Leader, I have already dealt with them!"

Looking at the expression of the bat that was about to praise me, Bruce frowned and asked, "Aren't they immortal?"

The raven nodded and said, "They are immortal and can be resurrected soon."

"This is really annoying magic, Raven, do you have a way to get rid of them?"

Raven lowered her chin in Bruce's arms, she shook her head slightly and said, "I can take you to a place where they can't find you."

"It's still four hours before dawn, Warbat, take us for four hours, don't get caught by them."

Four hours later, the cooling time for the teleportation device just arrived.

This time Bruce plans to go to the magic world to find magic.

Although technology can also fight against magic, but the principle of magic is not clear, and there is no way to find a corresponding countermeasure.

The best way is to use magic to fight magic.

If there is really no way in the end, then Bruce will go to Paradise Island, maybe they have a way to fight these demons.

Constantine is also a good choice, but Bruce doesn't plan to go to him without thinking about killing this guy.

Then Bruce jumped off the roof with Raven in his arms, and the battle bat also fell from the sky, and at the same time transformed into a Batmobile, putting Raven and Bruce on the driver's seat together.

Raven was very quiet in the driver's seat, but she was still a little worried.

"What happened to the demon who wanted to occupy you now?"

Raven's inquiry was mainly because he was afraid that Bruce would have an accident.

Then Bruce smiled slightly, and he tapped on the shoulder.

Then the Prophet appeared, and next to the Prophet, there was a little devil-like thing screaming there.

And this little guy still has flames in his hands, which seems very difficult to mess with.

"Bruce has taken up a lot of my body, but don't worry, I have already trapped him in an independent body, and I can imprison another 1 thoughts like this."

Although the Prophet was still very weak at this time, he was still very energetic after trapping the demon.

"My friend is a bit special, and any thought intrusion needs to go through him first."

The symbiont itself is composed of countless thoughts, and each cell of it has its own independent thoughts.

It is precisely because of this that after any thought invasion, it is necessary to discuss with every cell in the symbiont.

Bruce's true consciousness, under the protection of the prophet, will not be found.

And this kind of protection is not only one layer, if the Prophet is willing, he can get a thousand layers and it will be no problem.

After being suppressed by the Prophet for a long time, the demon finally couldn't help it and slipped out of Bruce's body, but was then pinched by Raven with one hand.

The raven still held purple-black magic energy in its hand. Under this magic energy, the demon's consciousness was sent back to hell.

After solving the demonic consciousness, Raven directly fainted in Bruce's arms.

The Prophet stretched out his finger, poked Raven's cheek and said, "Bruce, isn't this little girl a little too weak, even if you pinch a demon to death, you will faint."

Bruce looked at the little princess who was sleeping soundly, shook his head and said, "It's not that her strength is too weak, she's just suppressing her own strength. It's very difficult to release a little power from the dam without destroying the dam."

(End of this chapter)

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