Chapter 93 Remembering
Everyone present nodded yes.

"What the three said is very good, I think it is feasible to do it this way, but, I wonder if you have someone to recommend for the commander-in-chief to be sent.

"Your Highness, I have someone to recommend, Li Shiji." Changsun Wuji said.

Although the name Li Shiji is a bit unfamiliar, his other names are much more famous.For example, Xu Shiji and Xu Maogong in Wagang Village are really famous figures.

At this time, Li Shiji was worshiped as the marching chief, and he was defending the Turkic attack in the Taiyuan area.

"The auxiliary machine means that it is a good idea to transfer Li Shiji back from Taiyuan and let him deal with Li Chengdao, but who should replace the Turks?"

"Your Highness may have forgotten that after Li Ji left, there is still Li Jing in the Taiyuan area, so he can take his place first." Changsun Wuji then suggested.

"Well, that's it, let Li Ji come back, let Li Jing take Li Ji's place temporarily, and keep an eye on the Turks for me." Li Shimin said.

Soon, a battle against Li Chengdao is about to begin, and this time the main general is Li Ji, who has left a great reputation in history books.

In addition to giving orders to Li Ji, the mobilization of other troops in Guanzhong is also slowly proceeding. At the same time, troops from Luoyang and west of Tongguan are also slowly approaching Guanzhong.

And this time, under Li Shimin's full suppression, how will Li Chengdao escape from his birth and enter another realm?
let us wait and see!
After the banquet to celebrate the 6000 men becoming his subordinates, Li Chengdao led them towards Hangu Pass the next day.

No offense was committed along the way, and at the same time, the fleeing soldiers were captured as soon as they could. After all, these people were valuable assets.

At this time, Li Chengdao was falling into an extremely embarrassing situation, that is, there was a shortage of manpower, not just the army, but all places.

Wherever he passed, he encountered only sporadic resistance, but the local parents' officers were really fast. In short, among the cities he could control now, cities with parents' officers were extremely rare.

It’s also true that they, these officials, want to enjoy more respect from others, and by the way, they can fulfill some responsibilities of “educating the people”, deal with some lawbreakers, and realize what their sages said, “cultivate one’s moral character, harmonize the family, govern the country, and bring peace to the world.” Some of them, then this life is not in vain.

But the current situation they faced at this time was: Compared with Li Shimin, Li Chengdao had more orthodox meanings. If they did not abide by the city, it would be disloyal to the Tang Dynasty. If you abide by the city, it would be disloyal to the teachings of the saints. disobey.

Therefore, it is better to hang the official seal high in the Mingtang and leave quietly.

Soon, such an approach swept the entire eastern part of Guanzhong.

So, Li Chengdao began to worry.

It's hard to get a territory, but no one can control it, which really makes people feel a little helpless.

Finally, Li Chengdao came to Hangu Pass.

At this time, his subordinates Ma Chao, Huo Qubing, Xue Wanche, and Feng Li were already gathered here, waiting for the arrival of the real master of this pass.

When Li Chengdao was walking towards the city gate, the generals greeted him.

"See Your Highness."

After performing the etiquette, everyone started talking in front of the gate of Hangu Pass.

"General Meng Qi, thanks to you this time, not only did you conquer this pass, but you also guarded him like an iron pass." Li Chengdao said to Ma Chao.

"Your Highness, the people who should give these credits more are my soldiers, who guard this city with their lives.

Your Highness, the number of survivors under my command is no more than a hundred, and most of them are injured. After this defense battle, no one is uninjured.

Fortunately, General Feng and General Huo arrived in time, otherwise, this pass would really be undefendable. "

Ma Chao's voice was steady, but the sadness conveyed in it was beyond words.

"Then go and see the traces of your battles, and start from here." Li Chengdao made a decision instantly.

"Your Highness, please."

Li Chengdao walked slowly through the pass, from the outside to the inside. At the same time, his heart was shocked by the scene he saw in front of him.

And these scenes were left behind after everyone had cleaned up and sorted them out.

Such a scene does not seem shocking at first glance, but a touch of fear passing through my heart.

You can't imagine how tragic the scene was, just like a woman who put on makeup, you will never know her real appearance unless she removes the makeup.

But it is a pity that there is no saying that the battlefield has been restored. After cleaning the battlefield, those broken swords, guns, swords, halberds, broken flying flags, and various organs detached from the body...

But Li Chengdao can only feel the desperate fighting of those people from the traces left behind.

From the faint arrow marks on the heavy city gate, the blood stains remaining between the gaps in the city, and the people lying on the bed unable to move who had been forced to lose their vital organs, they could feel the cruelty of the war situation at that time.

After walking down a circle, everyone's hearts slowly sank, especially those who have lost the ability to work. If they do not have the support of the government for the rest of their lives, they will definitely not be able to live an ordinary life.

The greatest possibility is: die quietly in an unknown place one day and one night.

As a person who came to this place from later generations, Li Chengdao shuddered when he thought of such a scene.

After all, the people who almost put their lives on the line, what they got in return was some loose money that wouldn't last long, and this, this is what happened normally in this world.

So, all the soldiers at Hangu Pass were assembled.

Because Li Chengdao had to let them understand that after making contributions, it is normal to enjoy some benefits.

Sooner, most of the soldiers were gathered together.

Li Chengdao stood on the city wall, stared at the soldiers under the city wall, and spoke slowly.

"Fellow soldiers, I am the person you are loyal to, Li Chengdao, Prince of Anlu County of the Tang Dynasty. I have called everyone together today just to let you commemorate some people.

Everyone knows that the pass in front of us was defended by many brothers at great cost. We can stand here today thanks to their efforts.

Some of them lost their arms, some lost their eyes, some lost their mobility, some lost their hearing, and some even lost their lives.

We are all born from father and mother, and the death of any one person is a tragedy for the family. Especially for your parents, losing their precious children is the most difficult thing to accept in this life.

Those who passed away should be worthy of our commemoration. We gather here today to commemorate them. Maybe you will think that I am looking for nothing, but what I want to tell you is that we must do this. , because we remember them in order to live a better life. "

(End of this chapter)

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