Chapter 60 Due Punishment

At this time, Ma Chao was hiding in the dark, staring at Hangu Pass.

As long as the enemy leaves this pass, it will be a guarantee for him to successfully capture this city.

The sky quickly darkened, and the moon quietly climbed up into the sky, curiously watching the drama of the chase on the earth.

After the time slowly reached midnight, the sound of horse hooves could be heard on the quiet road of Hangu Pass.

"Coming, coming, you must be recruiting reinforcements." Ma Chao clenched his hands fiercely.

And half an hour later, the gate of Hangu Pass opened again, but this time, what came out was not a single rider but an army.

"Okay, okay." Ma Chao applauded in his heart.

"Keep your eyes open and count them carefully to see how many people they have left. In this way, we will have so many fewer enemies tomorrow." Ma Chao whispered to his scouts.

"One, two, three..." Ma Chao was not idle, counting the number of people silently in his heart.

Finally, the city gate closed again.

"Tell me how many people you have counted. I roughly counted them. It is at least 3000 people."

"Yes, General Ma, he has about the same number of men under his command, and he must have more than 3000 people."

"Yes, yes, general, at least 3000 people from Hangu Pass have left."

"Okay, two thousand versus five thousand. Although we are still outnumbered, it is much easier to kill these 5000 people than 8000."

"The scouts stay here and continue to monitor here. Everyone else, retreat to me, and go back to the place where I am stationed to nourish my energy.

Tomorrow, we have to watch the performance of us people. We can't bring shame on His Highness. If we can't conquer Hangu Pass, I won't have the face to see His Highness anyway. "

Ma Chao encouraged everyone fiercely.

The moon hanging high in the sky seemed tired of watching the drama on the earth, so it also hid its figure in the increasingly blue sky.

However, from a high altitude, the two parties are gradually moving towards Tongguan, which means that they are getting further and further away from Hangu Pass!

When the red sun jumped out of the horizon, Ma Chao's worried heart finally relaxed.

The Hangu Pass, which should have been opened long ago to let passing merchants pass, finally opened the city gate.

Instead of closing the gate of the city for a whole day because of the transfer of troops, like what I least want to see.

In that case, they can only attack head-on, and the possibility of winning like that is almost non-existent.

"Attention everyone, move towards Hangu Pass."

Half an hour later, after going through the busiest switch inspection, the soldiers guarding Hangu Pass finally had some time to rest.

"Da da da." Just after sitting down for a while, the sound of horseshoes came.

I saw three horses heading straight towards Hangu Pass. The first one was holding a spear, wearing silver armor, and under his hip was a pure white colt. He really looked good.

"Huh." Ma Chao tugged at the reins to stop the horse.

"I came from Tongguan to look for the guard of Hanguguan and pass on a piece of information to him. Go and report it to him quickly. I'm in a hurry, so I'll wait for him here."

"Yes, I will obey the general's orders."

"By the way, how many people did you send last night to hunt down that rebellious Li Chengdao, and I sent more than half of them in Tongguan.

It's a pity that I was busy and wasn't sent out. If I knew it earlier, if I caught Li Chengdao, I could get a Marquis. "

Ma Chao chatted with the soldiers enviously.

"Reporting back to the general, I sent 800 cavalrymen to Hangu Pass because they are highly mobile, and those of us who rely on two legs were naturally not sent out."

"Three thousand, eight hundred people, well, the rebellious Li Chengdao naturally has no way to escape. When those brothers catch him, at least we can brag about it.

Li Chengdao, who was able to escape from Chang'an City, had no choice but to hate him when he met Hangu Pass and Tong Guan and joined forces! "

"Yes. That's what the general said."

And in the mountains where the soldiers couldn't see, the two thousand Xiliang iron cavalry were already ready to charge.

"Western Liang cavalry."

"Tiger tiger tiger tiger."

As a result, the soldiers who were chatting with Ma Chao also felt the tremor of the ground under their feet.

"Yes, there are cavalry."

"Well, could it be that he has been caught? I have to take a good look at whether he is what the rumors say."

"Well, it should be that the rebellious person finally got the punishment he deserved."

Finally, the Xiliang iron cavalry appeared in the eyes of the city gate guards.

"No, no, they don't seem to be Tang troops, and the armor they wear is not ours. No, general, there is something wrong."

"There is indeed a problem. I have never seen this armor before." Ma Chao calmed down.

"No, no, they are charging! Come, come, close the city gate, close the city gate!"

There are old soldiers shouting!
The soldiers guarding the city gate also reacted at this time, and immediately rushed towards the city, trying to close the city gate.

"General, hurry up and enter the city, otherwise it will be too late." Some soldiers were kindly greeting Ma Chao.

Ma Chao just shook his head lightly.

"It's indeed late for you, but for me, the time is just right." Ma Chao muttered softly.

So he got on his horse and held a spear in his hand.

The two people behind him also clenched the weapons in their hands tightly.

"Kill." Ma Chao clamped the horse under him.

Go straight to the city gate.

At this time, the defenders also reacted.

"Stop them, don't let them get close to the city gate. Archers, shoot your arrows." The city gate official roared loudly.

At this time, the Xiliang cavalry had already formed a long column amid the movement of the horses. It was obvious that they wanted to rush straight to the city gate.

"Chi" The sound of the spear cutting through the air echoed in everyone's ears.

Ma Chao steered the horse, and the spear in his hand swung from his right hand and returned to his left hand.

Then, wanton blood was sprayed in the air.

With just one shot, five of the enemies surrounding Ma Chao in a semicircle fell instantly.

Someone's throat was cut by the sharp point of the gun, and the weapon in his hand was powerlessly put down, but the blood flowed wantonly along the neck.

Someone had their flesh and blood cut open, and they just covered the wound with their hands and screamed miserably.

Someone was thrown flying by the huge force carried by the gun, and fell to the ground and fell into a coma. The battle at the city gate was in a fierce state from the beginning.

In order to avoid being suspected by the enemy, there are only two people who act as Ma Chao's pro-army.

So the three of them spontaneously formed a triangle, with Ma Chao as the sharpest corner, rushing fiercely towards the enemy.

The remaining two people tried their best to block the weapons coming from both sides for Ma Chao.

The city gate officer saw that Ma Chao's speed had been restricted, and the cavalry in the distance was getting closer and closer to me.

With a ruthless heart, he gave an order loudly.

"Come on, close the city gate."

"But general, the brothers outside haven't come in yet. If the door is closed, they..."

The city gate officer didn't say anything, but turned his head and kicked the person who spoke to the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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