Chapter 58
After leaving the Li clan and posting the prepared manuscripts around the city, Li Chengdao led his army to leave Longxi, with more than a thousand cavalry, heading straight for Hangu Pass.

Of course, when he stepped into the city of Longxi, the system's voice prompts came on time.

"Congratulations to the host, activate the destiny reward system."

"Option 2000, capture Longxi City, if you choose, reward [-] elite soldiers."

"Option [-], use Longxi as a bait, surround the points to fight for aid, if you choose, reward Sun Wu's military strategy."

However, the sound of the electronic sound did not disappear.

"Congratulations to the host for activating the fate reward system again. It is activated twice in one day, so the rewards the host receives will be doubled, and at the same time, an additional chance to draw a lottery."

"Choose one, stick to Longxi, if you choose, then reward Liu Bei's "easy and heart-to-heart" temperament during the Three Kingdoms period."

"Option 2000, rush to Hangu Pass to aid. If you choose, [-] elite soldiers will be rewarded."

The current situation is that Li Chengdao does not have a sufficient number of soldiers under his command. Although the crowd tactics are brainless, they are largely unsolvable.

Therefore, Li Chengdao simply chose all the options that could obtain soldier rewards to expand the number of his troops.

Therefore, when he arrived at Hangu Pass, the number of people around him had quietly increased to [-], consisting of [-] Xiliang cavalry and [-] infantry.

And just when Li Chengdao was standing on a high place and could see the outline of Hangu Pass from a distance, there was an army blocking Li Chengdao's way.

At this time, Hangu Pass has become a hell of blood and fire, because at least [-] Tang troops have fallen outside this fortress.

The garrisons from nearby places, the reinforcements from Tongguan, and all kinds of teams, but they couldn't take this Hangu Pass.

At Hangu Pass at that time, Feng Li, Huo Qubing, and Ma Chao had only 500 people under their command.

The speed of time was so fast, when Li Chengdao and Feng Wanche were heading towards Longxi day and night, Hangu Pass, the eyes of those who cared had already been fixed on it.

However, all this has not been known by the defenders. When they really know, Hangu Pass has been captured by the enemy. Although the flag on the top of the city has not changed, the loyalty to whom has changed.

Especially when they shouted: We are under the command of King Anju, you innocent people who were deceived by Li Shimin, as long as you lay down your weapons, you will be fine.

Only then did they know that the enemy was the Prince of Anlu County. However, just a few dozen days ago, he only led hundreds of people to escape from Chang'an and then disappeared.

Everyone thought that he was already a page in the history book, but the guard at Hangu Pass felt that he was the page in the history book that should be turned over.

If Hangu Pass is lost, death is inevitable, but if it is in the hands of the enemy, at least the relatives far away in Chang'an can still be preserved.

So he launched an attack on Huo Qubing without fear of death, and then, he got his wish.

And Huo Qubing shouted loudly: "The guard of Hangu Pass will die. Those who surrender will not die, and those who surrender will not die."

As a result, the entire Hangu Pass fell into the hands of Feng Li, Huo Qubing, and Ma Chao.

Feng Li looked at Huo Qubing with admiration in his eyes.

After all, when the three of us arrived near Hangu Pass a day ago, my thoughts on storming this pass had disappeared without a trace.

My own understanding of this pass is still too little.

The Hangu Pass in front of me guards the throat of Xiaohan. It is bordered by Hengling Mountains to the west, Juejian Mountain to the east, Qinling Mountains to the south, and the Yellow River to the north. The terrain is dangerous and the roads are narrow. It is known as "the track is not square for the cart, and the bridle is not for the horse." .

Coupled with the tall towers, but I only have 500 troops in my hands, of which [-] are cavalry, which makes me lose confidence in the siege.

However, Huo Qubing, who was originally better than himself in martial arts, was more confident about taking Hangu Pass this time than he was.

"Everyone, let me tell you what you think. Although His Highness asked me to check and balance the two of you in name, there is actually something that the three of us have to discuss. We have already visited Hangu Pass today. I don't know if the two of you have any What do you think?"

Since Feng Li opened his mouth, he naturally didn't intend to stop: "Then let me talk first."

"I am a bit shaken about whether we can capture Hangu Pass, especially because there are 8000 troops stationed in Hangu Pass, more than three times the number of us. Moreover, it is even more difficult for us to attack while they defend."

"So I don't think we can take a forceful approach."

"General Feng, I don't agree with what you said. Yes, Hangu Pass is indeed easy to defend and difficult to attack, but because it is easy to defend and difficult to attack, it is more likely to be captured."

"Huh? General Huo, what do you mean?" Feng Li seemed to have touched something, but he was a little confused.

"In the current Tang Dynasty, Guanzhong is peaceful, there are no foreign enemies, and there is no internal strife, so for the guards of Hangu Pass, they are not on guard. If we are able to achieve it in one blow, then the entire Hangu Pass will be destroyed. Be our defensive weapon.

At that time, we just need to stand firm and wait for His Highness and the reinforcements he said. "

"So as long as our speed is fast enough, so fast that they have no time to react and hold Hangu Pass in their hands, then we will be invincible."

"According to reports from the spies, the gates of Hangu Pass are opened every day around the time of cock crowing, and the gates are closed when it gets dark."

"So, our best time to attack is after the cock crows, or before dark, but it is not very convenient for us to hide before dark, so the time to attack during the day is the most beneficial time for us."

Feng Li took up the conversation: "It's just that the opponent has 8000 people after all, and the reinforcements from Tongguan will arrive within half a day, so we must finish off the enemy within half a day, or in other words, we have to get these 8000 people from Leave part of this pass."

"I have a better plan." Huo Qubing said.

"Now Li Shimin is sitting in Chang'an City, but for him, as long as His Royal Highness is not dead, then he will never be completely at ease.

So we have been traveling all the way, there are many spies looking for His Highness, but if we can create the illusion that His Highness wants to pass through Tongguan, but is discovered by soldiers, then Hangu Pass, which is adjacent to Tongguan, will definitely send troops to support .

Moreover, Guanzhong is so stable, it means that there will never be fewer soldiers and horses dispatched, especially in such a pass, there will definitely be more worries for the king.So, how many troops are left in Hangu Pass, half or more.And in this way, we are not too disadvantaged in terms of military strength. "

"Bringing the name of His Highness, and at the same time causing signs that His Highness is fleeing in this place, then these people can't help it. After all, everyone knows that His Highness is the biggest enemy of the current Crown Prince. After all, his original Crown Princess is still alive. It's deep in the Qinling Mountains."

(End of this chapter)

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