Chapter 55
The soldiers who come in and out from time to time are also reminding those who come here that this is the ancestral hall of the Tang royal family, and it is not a place where cats and dogs can come and play wild.

Xue Wanche has already gone to join the Thousand Flying Bear Army, and all he has to do is go to this place that will bring great shock to the people of Guanzhong to declare his existence.

So, Li Chengdao led the horse and walked slowly along the road to the ancestral hall surnamed Li.

"Stop, who are you, have you ever had a previous appointment, if not, if you want to enter the past few years, we have to report first."

Soldiers with spears stopped Li Chengdao at the door. After all, in such weather, leading a horse and walking slowly step by step, someone had already noticed him.

"I am Li Chengdao, the prince of Anju County, the son of the crown prince, and I have come to pay my respects at the ancestral hall of the Li family." Li Chengdao took off his bamboo hat and hung it on his horse.

"Li Chengdao, Prince of Anlu County, this name seems familiar. No, the prince's son. Could it be that you are Li Chengdao, the son of the rebellious Li Jiancheng."

The soldier tightened his grip on the spear and pointed it at Li Chengdao.

"I am Li Chengdao, but the so-called rebellion is not something you two who are guarding the gate here can shout at will. Go, hurry up and report that I, Li Chengdao, will enter the Li family's ancestral hall to pay tribute and let the person in charge come to see you. I."

But obviously, there are some people in the world who don't need others to seek death, and they can arrange themselves clearly.

"Bah, your name has been removed by the Li ancestral hall. You are not a royal family now, but a rebel. Moreover, if we capture you, we will definitely get a lot of rewards."

"Come on, come together, we will take him down."

Then he raised the spear in his hand and stabbed towards Li Chengdao fiercely.

However, when the spear in his hand was not far away from Li Chengdao's body, he couldn't get closer, because Li Chengdao stretched out his hand and grabbed the spear that stabbed the details.

Then, he exhausted all his strength, only roaring feebly.

Because, he couldn't poke out his gun, and he couldn't get it back, just like the gun had already taken root in Li Chengdao's hands.

"Look, it's obvious why you can only guard the goal, and you can't even guard the goal as well as the guy next to you. He knows his level and knows that I can't win against me, so he just made a defensive posture , instead of attacking me."

Li Chengdao gestured with his eyes, and asked the person who made the shot to look at his companions around him.

"Because he knows that even if I am expelled from the Li family, it's not like you, the gatekeeper here, can easily yell and kill me."

"I hope you can remember this, do your own thing well, and don't meddle in other people's business, you are a really smart person."

Li Chengdao smiled, yanked the spear towards his side fiercely, moved his body, and stepped forward.

The person on the opposite side still did not let go of his spear, and was driven by the force and rushed towards Li Chengdao.

Then, the two collided violently.

Li Chengdao reached out to support him.

Because at the moment when the two collided, his body was already overwhelmed. He was hit by the force and was about to stagger back, but Li Chengdao held him back.

Then the two leaned close to each other.

However, Li Chengdao was standing, and he was gently leaning on Li Chengdao's body.

Without this support, his body would slowly slide down.

"Look, I'll just say it, you're not very smart, but the price of not being smart is a bit high, I guess you might lie in bed for ten days and a half a month."

Li Chengdao gently took his hand and wiped the blood from his mouth with his clothes.

"You, stop hanging around with your gun and report it quickly, otherwise my patience will run out after a while and I will just break in. I'm afraid it won't be easy for you to explain."

"Yes, yes, I'm going now."

"Li Chengdao slowly placed the person leaning on him on a dry place on the ground. Although he couldn't hold his head when talking or doing things, killing NPCs at will was a waste of time and energy, and he felt a little annoying."

Then, he waited quietly at the door.

And those who don't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement have already gathered around.

"You young man, you are so brave. You actually dare to cause trouble in this place. This is the ancestral hall of the royal family. You'd better kneel down and apologize. Maybe they will give you a lighter sentence."

"I have already reported it to the government. The people from the government will be here soon. If you dare to cause trouble on our territory named Li, I think you are really not afraid of death."

"You still dare to hurt people. You are really lawless. You must be arrested and sent to the government for questioning."

It's just that everyone shouted vigorously, but no one really wanted to come closer. After all, the soldier lying on the ground didn't look like an easy character to get along with.

Anyway, I was just watching the excitement and didn't take it too seriously, so I could just say a few words of condemnation. If I really rushed forward and caused any damage, then it wouldn't be a big misfortune for me.

However, Li Chengdao ignored them, but raised his head and carefully observed the pattern of the door.

After all, compared to these boring people, the changes in texture are much more interesting.

The government soldiers who were notified nearby pushed away the spectators and surrounded Li Chengdao.

"Don't move, I'm waiting for the people inside to come out, don't worry, otherwise, I'm worried that something will happen."

Li Chengdao waved his hands behind him.

But the leader was also smart, he just let the soldiers surround him, but didn't make any moves.

Obviously, outside this season, people who dare to provoke this place are definitely not something that a small leader of the county government can provoke.

Therefore, the best attitude is to wait and see.

After a while, heavy footsteps came from inside the ancestral hall surnamed Li.

The armored soldiers blocked all the people outside and surrounded the government officials.

What came out of the ancestral hall was an old man with white hair. Looking at his trembling walking steps, it would be difficult to walk without the support of the people around him.

"Everyone from the government office, I am really sorry to involve you today. However, this matter involves the majesty of the royal family, so could you please step aside."

The leader was also smart, and clasped his fists together and said, "Since it involves the majesty of the royal family, it is reasonable for us to retreat, but if there are other matters, please notify me immediately for support. After all, this ancestral hall is an important place. Trampling at will."

After finishing speaking, he took his own people and slowly withdrew out, leaving the space for Li Chengdao and the people in the ancestral hall surnamed Li.

(End of this chapter)

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