Datang: Get Xiang Yu's divine power at the beginning

Chapter 5 Capture the eldest grandson Wugou alive

Chapter 5 Capture the eldest grandson Wugou alive
"Mighty, mighty."

Seeing this, the soldiers who followed Li Chengdao cheered for him!

One must know that in the entire Tang Dynasty, no one knew that Yu Chigong was the general of the Tiance Mansion, and he was unrivaled on the battlefield.

It's just that in the hands of his own general, he has no power to resist!
With such a general, you can live longer!
"Yu Chigong, you followed that Li Shimin to plot a rebellion, kill my father, and harm my royal family with the surname Li. Today is your death day."

After saying that, a gun went straight to Yu Chigong's throat!

"Wait a minute." Someone suddenly murmured,
"Save General Yuchi's life, and I will protect you from Chang'an City!" Changsun Wugou opened the door of Tiance Mansion, and under the protection of many soldiers, he came not far from Li Chengdao.

"Leaving Chang'an City, Changsun Wugou, you and that Li Shimin are husband and wife."

"It's this time, what kind of conditions do you want to negotiate with me, you want to save this Yu Chigong's life for Li Shimin!"

"General Yuchi devoted himself to the Great Tang, and fought for half his life, it shouldn't have ended like this," said Changsun Wugou in the distance with a look of grief on his face!

"Hahahahahaha, this is not all caused by yourselves. You have spent half your life fighting for Datang. I think it is for you and Li Shimin!"

"If it wasn't so, how dare he kill me, a man surnamed Li, how can he allow such people to trample on me!"

Li Chengdao roared loudly.

"Today, let you see what is the end of rebellion."

With a shot, Yu Chigong's throat was immediately dripping with blood.

Withdraw the spear and slap the corpse to the ground.

"Come on."

"The last general is here." Xue Wanche, Huo Qubing, Li Guang and others responded loudly.

"Follow me to break through the Tiance Mansion and capture the eldest grandson Wugou alive!"

"Yes." Everyone suddenly agreed.

Li Chengdao took the lead, holding a gun and heading towards Tiance Mansion,

"Kill, kill all the people in Tiance Mansion, and capture the eldest grandson Wugou alive!"

The eldest grandson Wugou was wearing armor, and he was already standing on the courtyard wall.

With a wave of the sword in his hand, the open bowstring was closed, and hundreds of arrows struck in the direction of Li Chengdao.

The right hand waved the gun in his hand like a windmill, and no arrow could get close to Li Chengdao's side three feet away, urging the horse under his crotch, and headed straight for the gate of Tian Ce's mansion.

"Boom." With the momentum of charging, Shenju stepped on the gate of Tiance Mansion.

The spear in his palm shot out brazenly, stabbing straight in from the outside of the door, smashing the lock with a single shot, coupled with the strength of the horse.

The gate of Tiance Mansion shattered open,
At this time, Li Chengdao, on top of the spear in his right hand, half of the gate was crumbling.

Like a demon god from the sky descending into the world.

The Tiance Mansion soldiers who had been summoned up by the grandson Wugou with gold and silver had already been scared out of their wits.

With this kind of strength, how many lives do you dare to provoke?

As a result, Tiance Mansion's defense line was leaked.

Only dozens of diehard Qin Palace loyalists were still holding up swords and guns, desperately protecting the eldest grandson Wugou.

However, under the massacre of Huo Qubing, Li Guang and others, the number is already very small.

Changsun Wugou was at a loss, in his own conception, Li Chengdao led nothing but mourners.

As long as the defense in Tiance Mansion is more tenacious, the morale of the enemy will definitely dissipate.

However, Li Chengdao broke open the door of Tiance's mansion in an instant, making the soldiers afraid of him and did not dare to fight with him.

Wherever Li Chengdao went, there must be a void ahead.

"It's over, I'm afraid I'm going to fall into the hands of Li Chengdao."

Changsun Wugou closed his eyes, his heart froze, and he turned the long sword in his hand, aiming at his own neck.

Li Chengdao was in a hurry, he must not let his eldest grandson Wugou die now.

He raised his spear and threw it.

He knocked the sword in the eldest grandson's hand away and dropped it aside.

Li Chengdao stood in front of the grandson Wugou who was limp on the ground.

"You must not die like this."

Chang'an, Xuanwu Gate.

The smell of blood permeates.

The palace, which used to be quiet and peaceful in the past, is now closely guarded by soldiers with fierce faces.

Li Shimin knelt in the main hall with a sad look on his face.

Sitting on the emperor's throne, Li Yuan just stared at the son in front of him.

The father and son faced each other in silence.

Finally, Li Yuan on the throne spoke.

"Do you still have any descendants of your eldest brother and third brother?"

"Father, the eldest brother and the third younger brother wanted to kill me, but I was forced to resist, and I had no choice but to resist."

"How could the people of the world do such a thing as massacre my clan surnamed Li?"

"I have ordered the people in Tiance Mansion to protect the family members of my eldest brother and my third brother."

"What you said is true, didn't you attack the family members of your elder brother and third younger brother?!"

Li Yuan was still in the grief of losing his two sons, and was pleasantly surprised when he heard that the family members of his eldest and third sons were still there.

It's just that the next messengers made Li Yuan fall into the abyss.

"Report to the King of Qin, the people from the Prince's Mansion and Prince Qi's Mansion, that they attacked us for no reason."

"They should all be dead by now!"

"Bold, come, let me kill him, kill him. Li Shimin, let me kill him."

Li Yuan punched the table in front of the dragon chair.

Li Shimin stood up, waved to the messenger, and motioned for him to get down.

It's just that he failed to walk out of the hall!

Li Shimin drew out the knife on his body and stabbed him fiercely in the back.

"My son obeys my father's orders!"

After killing someone, Li Shimin continued to kneel on the hall.

"Li Shimin, Li Shimin, you are so cruel!"

"It's not enough to kill your elder brother and third younger brother, even their family members."

"Next, should I worry about my own head?"

Li Yuan said gloomyly.

"Father, my child dare not!" Li Shimin lowered his head even deeper.

"You don't dare, you don't dare. I think I will let you take the position of emperor now. See if it works!"

"Father, the child dare not!"

Li Shimin still responded like this!
"It's all over, why do you still pretend that everything is forced?"

"Li Shimin, Li Shimin, it was I, Li Yuan, who misjudged you, which caused me to lose my two sons, and even their heirs..."

"Since you value this position so much, then you should take this position!"

Li Yuan shook his hands and went to the inner hall.

Only Li Shimin was left in the entire hall.

Li Shimin kneeling on the ground.

It's just that Li Yuan didn't see that Li Shimin, who was kneeling in the hall, raised his head.

He looked towards the emperor's throne.

In other words, he has always knelt on the throne that symbolizes power, not his father.

In the entire Li family, who else can compete with him for this position, or compete for this position.

When you are fighting the enemy desperately on the battlefield, you hide in the rear.

The wind can't blow it, and the rain can't catch it.

Who has fought against those fierce enemies, and has the feeling of pacing back and forth between life and death!
At least half of the entire Tang Dynasty was conquered by himself.

Why did he, Li Jiancheng, be born only a few years earlier than himself, and he became the prince smoothly.

As for himself, what King Qin, what Tiance Mansion, in the future, he had to kneel obediently in front of Li Jiancheng and listen to his imperial edict, his own destiny was controlled by others.

Li Jiancheng, Li Yuanji, don't blame me for being cruel. Only those who can go to the end on this road are the winners.

Li Shimin touched the armrest of the emperor's throne, just like touching a rare treasure.

Finally, this position is his own.

Next, as long as his father makes a decree and allows himself to ascend the throne, this Tang Dynasty will be his own.

My own ambitions and my wish to make everyone in the world have enough food and clothing will be realized in my own hands.

It is right for those who are able to occupy a high position.

Li Shimin held up his hem and slowly sat on the throne that symbolized the highest power in the entire Tang Dynasty.

Some things cannot stand trial, such as the control of power.

Sitting in this position and looking down, it turns out that this is how it feels to see the people standing down the steps.

Now that it's in my hands, it must never be taken away again.

The only obstacle now is his father.

There must be a justifiable decree to stop the mouths of people all over the world.

For example, poor health!
"Report," a messenger shouted loudly outside the hall.

"Come in." Li Shimin returned to the steps.

"Reporting to the King of Qin, Li Chengdao, the prince's son, Anlu County King Li Chengdao, led his troops to protrude from the East Palace."

"Go, send troops to intercept! Don't let him get away."

Li Shimin didn't realize that among the enemies he encountered, it was such a young man who made him suffer so much.

Moreover, not long ago, his subordinates sent his father away.

It's just that bad news always lined up to knock on the door.

"Reporting to the King of Qin, the Anlu County King beheaded General Lu who was guarding the Xuanwu Gate, and led thousands of people to rush out!"

"Reporting to King Qin, Li Chengdao killed General Yuchi Gong outside the Tiance Mansion, and is besieging the Tiance Mansion!"

"Reporting to the King of Qin, Li Chengdao has already breached the Tiance Mansion and took the princess as a hostage."

(End of this chapter)

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