Chapter 372: Glutinous Rice Soil

At this time, Li Chengdao said.

"Old man, you misunderstood, we just want to spend the night, just have a place to sleep, we don't need you to entertain!"

"And we also brought food, if you don't mind, come and eat with us!"

Hearing this, the two old men swallowed unconsciously.

It is true that they haven't eaten food for a long time. When they are hungry, they go out to find some dry bark or roots to satisfy their hunger. If they are really hungry, they can eat some Guanyin soil, which can also relieve their hunger.

But the old man did not ask Li Chengdao and the others for food, but made a little calculation.

Then they said.

"If you're staying overnight, come in, we really don't have anything to eat."

He said he wanted to open the fence door for Li Chengdao and the others, let them in, and then returned to the house tremblingly, without mentioning the food at all.

Li Chengdao and the others looked at each other, then walked in.

When he came, Li Chengdao explained to them that he could not reveal his identity, and that he would be called a son in front of people, and that he was a businessman traveling all over the world.

The old man's house is not big, there are only two rooms, so Li Chengdao and the others can only make do and squeeze into one room.

Fortunately, there was a small table in the room. Fang Xuanling and the others could lie down on the table for a rest. As for the bed, they took the initiative to let Li Chengdao sleep on it.

They absolutely dare not sleep with His Majesty, it is against the decency.

Li Shimin didn't care. Sometimes he could fight on the ground when he was marching and fighting. He said that he could just lay a bed on the ground.

But Li Chengdao still tried his best to let him sleep on the bed with him. After all, he is a time traveler, and his thinking is not so feudal. Isn't it normal to sleep together?

Finally, under Li Chengdao's order, Li Shimin agreed to sleep in bed together.

As for Fang Xuanling and the others, Li Chengdao did not invite them, because he knew that even if they were allowed to sleep, they would not sleep.

No matter what, Li Shimin is also a royal family, and he is also Li Chengdao's second uncle, so it is reasonable to sleep in the same bed.

But they are different, they are ordinary courtiers, how can a courtier be on an equal footing with the Holy One?
They ate some dry food before going to bed, and after a day of driving, everyone was a little hungry.

Li Chengdao asked them to call the two old people over to have some food together. After all, they lived in someone else's house, so it would be unreasonable not to ask them to eat some food.

Besides, they hadn't eaten for several days. As an emperor, Li Chengdao felt a little uncomfortable watching his people starve.

The few other people didn't have any objections. They came out this time because they were afraid of running out of food, so they brought a lot of dry food.

Afterwards, Wei Zheng and Du Ruhui went to call the two old men.

At first, the two old people were reluctant to eat, because they felt that it was a famine and it was not easy for anyone to have food. That is to say, food was too precious, so they were a little embarrassed to eat.

There was no way, in the end Li Chengdao could only ask them to send some water to the two old people.

Originally, the two old people also refused, but they were so hungry that their stomachs gurgled when they saw food.

With the enthusiasm of Wei Zheng and others, the two old people finally accepted the food.

They kept bowing to Li Chengdao and others.

"Good people! You are good people!"

"Thank you, thank you, for such a precious thing, we old couple don't know how to thank you!"

Li Chengdao waved his hand.

"You're welcome, old man, take it and eat it, eat slowly, drink some water, don't choke."

Li Shimin also said.

"That's right, old man, this is our young master, you can eat at ease, we still have some food for ourselves, if you don't have enough, you can ask us for it!"

In the end, the two old people thanked each other and went back to their room, and carefully ate the dry food. Why were they so cautious, because they wanted to save their next meal.

Then Li Chengdao and others rested.

Silent all night.

The next day, Li Chengdao and others woke up early in the morning.

The two old people also got up, and they said that they seemed to be going to find glutinous rice soil, saying that this kind of soil was edible.

Hearing this, Li Shimin and others were shocked, and they couldn't help asking.

"Can soil be eaten?"

They don't have to worry about food or clothing. Of course, they don't know that there are still people who can eat dirt.

But Li Chengdao is different. He heard from his teacher in modern times that there is a kind of white soil that can be eaten, called Guanyin soil.

This kind of soil was also called glutinous rice soil in ancient times. After eating this kind of soil, it can make people feel full, but it is basically indigestible.

So if you eat too much, you will easily suffocate yourself because you can't excrete it.

At this time Li Chengdao nodded and said.

"There is indeed a kind of glutinous rice soil, also called Guanyin soil. During the famine years, the common people eat this kind of soil when they have nothing to eat. Of course you are often in high positions and don't know the suffering of the people!"

Hearing Li Chengdao's words, the other four people lowered their heads in shame.

Li Chengdao knew these things as an emperor, but they didn't know them as courtiers. Isn't the emperor more valuable than himself?
"Young master is well-informed, we are ashamed of ourselves!"

They said sarcastically.

At this time Li Chengdao said to the two old people.

"Old man, don't dig any glutinous rice soil. If you eat too much of that kind of soil, you will die!"

"I still have some dry food here, come and eat!"

The two old people naturally refused and waved their hands quickly.

"No, no, this young man is really a good man. We haven't finished eating the food you gave us last night!"

"Food is so expensive now, how dare we eat it anymore, we are almost buried in the earth, it's okay to eat some earth!"

Hearing this, Li Chengdao couldn't help having a sore nose. In fact, the common people are often simple and kind.


Finally, under the strong invitation of Li Chengdao and the others, the two old people put down the tools in their hands and ate dry food with Li Chengdao and the others.

But they ate a little cautiously, not daring to stutter.

Li Chengdao said.

"Old man, you can eat, it's okay, we still have a lot!"

The two old men nodded.

"Okay, okay, you are really good people!"

Wei Zheng handed them a kettle.

"Old man, come drink some water!"

The old man took the kettle carefully, looked at the water in it, licked his lips but didn't drink it.

"We haven't seen water for a long time, and now we can hardly find water to drink here. Water is so precious, how can we accept it!"

Wei Zheng said.

"It's okay, drink it, we still have it!"

Hearing what Wei Zheng said, the two old men drank a few sips of water each.

They are so thirsty.It has been several days without drinking water.

There is a water well in the yard, but judging by the current situation, it is estimated that it is hard enough to draw water.

At this time Li Chengdao asked.

"Old man, I think there are only two of you here, don't you have any children?"

When the two old men heard this, their faces showed sadness, and they said with a sigh.


"We did have a son before, but a few years ago he went up the mountain to cut firewood, and fell to the bottom of the cliff by mistake. Since then, his whereabouts have been unknown, and he is probably no longer alive!"

(End of this chapter)

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