Chapter 358 Khan is a good man!

Looking at Datang again, Li Shimin ordered the troops to stop when they were only 200 meters away from the Turkic wall.

Then he shouted at the Turks.

"Listen, barbarians, I am the Great Marshal of the Northern Expedition of the Tang Dynasty, and I am responsible for conquering you Turks!"

"Now you have been surrounded by my 30-strong army. There are only two ways before you, surrender or die!"

After Li Shimin finished shouting, Turkic did not move for a while.

Just when Li Shimin was about to order a charge, Tuli Khan and his men appeared behind the earth wall.

He was lying on the wall, with his head exposed.

He shouted to the outside.

"Is the opposite Marshal Li Shimin, the God of War? I am Tuli Khan of the Turkic Khanate. I wonder if this Khan can discuss it with you. There is no need for us to make the relationship so tense!"

But Li Shimin shook his head after hearing this.

"We have nothing to discuss, Datang is here this time to conquer you, there is no discussion at all!"

After hearing this, Tuli Khan couldn't help but turn dark, and his expression was a little ugly.

But he still wants to try harder.

"I don't know if the Marshal can introduce you. Ben Khan wants to meet your Majesty the Emperor."

Li Shimin's expression was cold when he heard this.

"It's nothing important, no need to alarm our Majesty!"

As soon as these words came out, Tuli Khan was so angry that his face almost twisted.

Li Shimin's words meant that no matter what Turk's attitude was, it was just an insignificant matter.

And it also expressed that you, Tuli Khan, are not worthy of seeing our Majesty.

Although Tuli Khan was angry now, he forcibly suppressed his anger when he saw Datang's 30 elite soldiers.

He said to Li Shimin.

"Marshal's words are wrong. Although the Turks are now at a disadvantage, Khan's 10,000+ army is not a vegetarian!"

"Ben Khan hopes that our Khanate can have a good talk with Datang, and at the same time, I also want to pay homage to the majesty of His Majesty the Emperor of Tang Dynasty."

Li Shimin chuckled.

"You are defeated, you have the heart of a tiger and a wolf, and you want to get involved in the Central Plains, but you were defeated by my Tang Dynasty. You are just a bunch of reckless people. There is nothing to talk about with you!"

Hearing this, Tuli Khan couldn't bear it any longer, and his face turned red.


"Ben Khan is also the king of the grassland, how can he be so defiled by you!"

Li Shimin still looked as if he had nothing to say. He raised the sword in his hand and prepared to issue an order.

The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty also raised their spears and shouted loudly.


The Turkic people who saw this scene all looked dignified. Although they pretended to be calm, there was still a hint of fear in their eyes.

Are you really going to fight Tang Jun?
Can we beat it?

Just at this critical moment, an incomparably majestic voice came.

"Your Majesty has a decree to announce that the Turkic Khanate Turli Khan has an audience!"

As soon as these words came out, the venue suddenly became quiet.

Even Li Shimin's sword-holding hand paused in the air, with a weird expression on his face.

Tsk tsk tsk, doesn't your Majesty mean that the Turks are ministers and the Tang Dynasty is the emperor?

It stands to reason that their identities should be equal, because Li Yuan bowed his head to Jieli Khan before.

But Li Chengdao is completely reversed now. Now he is the king, and Tuli Khan is the minister.

He summoned Tuli with the gesture of a superior.

Li Shimin smiled and looked at Tuli Khan, thinking that His Majesty is going to start slapping his face again, and this is a good time to watch.

And Tuli Khan really looked ugly at this time.

He clenched his fists with both hands, gritted his teeth, panted heavily, and the veins burst out on his face, it could be seen that he was indeed very angry.

But he forced himself to endure it because he actually didn't want to start a war with Datang easily.

Because he was afraid of death, he was afraid that his end would be the same as that of Jieli Khan.

At this time, Vasna said angrily from the side.

"Khan, Tang Guo is going too far, let's fight them!"

Upon hearing this, Tuli Khan turned his head and glared at him.

"What to fight? Is it that simple to fight?"

"Ben Khan is going to see their emperor now, and you are here to preside over the overall situation. If Ben Khan doesn't come back after an hour, it means there is no discussion at all. At that time, you will lead the people to fight to the death!"

Wasna was startled when he heard this.

"Khan, if you really want to meet their emperor, don't you admit that they are superior to our Khanate?"

"Besides, it must be extremely dangerous for you to go to the Tang army camp alone. You can't go!"

Tuli Khan also knew that it must be dangerous to go, but he had to go.

he said with a sigh.

"Now that we are in a situation where the army is overwhelming, we can't go if we don't go. Since people have given us the opportunity to discuss it, then Ben Khan has to go!"

After hearing this, Vasna immediately stood in awe of Tuli Khan.

"Khan, you are so considerate of the Khanate, you are really the most honorable king of the grassland in my heart!"

"Don't worry, if something happens to you, the clansmen will definitely fight Tang Jun and avenge you!"

When Tuli Khan heard his words, he was very moved on the surface, but what he thought in his heart was: If you don’t work hard, if Ben Khan really dies, how can you come to bury Ben Khan with him?
"Okay, Ben Khan is gone, for the Khanate, for the ministries, for the clansmen, this Khan is gone!"

Then Tuli Khan walked out of the earthen wall, came to Li Shimin, and asked him to take him to see Li Chengdao.

A group of Turkic people behind were moved and wept bitterly.

Khan is a good man!


Then Tuli Khan followed Li Shimin to Li Chengdao.

When he saw Li Chengdao, he was a little surprised.

"You are the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty?"

He knew that Datang had changed to a new emperor, but he didn't expect him to be so young.


"How dare you disrespect our Majesty!"

Li Shimin shouted loudly after hearing Tuli Khan's words.

But Tuli Khan snorted coldly.

"Hmph, this Khan is equal to your emperor, so there is no respect!"

He was trying to save his last dignity as the king of the prairie.

He was probably the unluckiest king of the prairie. Only a few days after taking office, he was beaten to the doorstep of his house by the Tang Dynasty and became a trapped beast.

But Li Shimin would not give him dignity, and at the same time, in order to show himself in front of Li Chengdao, he yelled again, picked up his sword and was about to strike.

"Your Majesty is the Ninth Five-Year Supreme, what are you?! How dare you compare yourself with Your Majesty?!"

"Look at the sword!"

Tuli Khan looked ugly, could it be that he is about to die?
But if he surrendered to the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, he, the king of the grassland, would lose face at all!
At this moment, Li Chengdao's voice came unhurriedly.

"Don't be impatient, King You, I will give Tuli Khan a face, and don't make him kneel!"

Now that Li Chengdao had a will, Li Shimin withdrew his sword and stepped aside.

Seeing this, Tuli Khan breathed a sigh of relief, and felt more fond of Li Chengdao in his heart.

But after he came back to his senses, there was a strange expression on his face.

What does it mean that there is no need for Ben Khan to kneel?
Doesn't this still mean that Ben Khan has a lower status than him?
Want to get angry?

Forget it, let’s bear it for now, there is a saying in Datang that people have to bow their heads under the eaves.

At this time Li Chengdao spoke.

(End of this chapter)

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