Datang: Get Xiang Yu's divine power at the beginning

Chapter 340 Being beaten into a sieve

Chapter 340 Being beaten into a sieve

At this time, a large number of soldiers had collapsed, looking for opportunities to flee. Even the Khan was dead, so this battle was a fart!

Of course, as the king of the prairie, Jieli Khan still had a few loyal followers, and these followers rushed to Jieli Khan's body.

As a result, it turned out that his Khan was dead and couldn't die anymore.

"I will kill you and avenge the Khan!"

They wanted to vent their anger on the people of Datang.

But how could Li Chengdao let them kill innocent people indiscriminately.

One shot at a time, all headshots.

The heads of these Turkic soldiers burst open like watermelons with two kicks.

This scene also frightened the other Turkic soldiers even more. They were terrified to the extreme, and felt that their heads were whizzing cold, as if they might explode at any time.

They only have one thought now, and that is to escape from here, escape from this terrible place.

The Turkic soldiers below were like headless chickens, bumping around. They didn't know where to go, because the excavators behind had already caught up and formed an encirclement to block them.

There is no escape from them.

At this moment, Li Chengdao gave an order.

"The tactical team is dispatched, rescue the people first!"

Then Datang suddenly opened the city gate, and fifty people rushed out from inside.

After these fifty people rushed out, they immediately blocked the captured civilians and stood in a horizontal row, facing the Turkic soldiers.

This scene stunned the Turkic soldiers for a moment, and then they looked at the wide-open city gate with excitement on their faces.

"Come on! Tang Jun underestimated us too much. There are only so few people out. If we rush in, we may survive!"

"Everyone, don't be afraid, we have a lot of people, each of us can drown them with a mouthful of saliva!"


When the Turkic soldiers heard this, they seemed to see hope in an instant, and rushed towards the city gate in a swarm.

Except for Li Chengdao, everyone on the city wall was sweating. Can 50 people really stop tens of thousands of troops?

Don't allow them to think too much, the war has already begun.

da da da da da...

I saw the fifty Datang warriors standing still, and then holding strange things in their hands that kept shaking and making clicking sounds.

The speed of the bullet was too fast to be caught by the naked eye. They could only see large groups of Turkic soldiers falling with the sound of rattling.

At this time, another fifty Datang soldiers rushed out from the city gate. They first sent the people to the Datang barracks, and then carried several large boxes to the tactical squad.

When the box was opened, it was full of bullets.

That's right, they're the ones responsible for the reloading, five magazines for each gun, and they're responsible for reloading, and the tactical squad is responsible for the slaughter.

Although this was the first time for the tactical team to use guns in actual combat, they had hatred for the Turkic barbarians in their hearts, so they fired unambiguously.

The Turkic soldiers were rushing here just now, so the crowd was very dense, and the shooting was like random killings, killing a large number of people with one shuttle.

The members of the tactical squad yelled.

"Go to hell, you sons of bitches!"

"Avenge my compatriots in the Tang Dynasty! I will kill you!"


da da da~
They kept firing, shooting out the hatred and anger in their hearts as bullets.

Directly beat the Turkic soldiers who tried to rush up into a sieve.



There were screams in the Turkic ranks, and then a large number of soldiers fell to the ground and died.

The speed at which they rushed up could not compare to the speed of the bullets, and before they had rushed a few steps, they were beaten into a sieve, and they could not die any more.

Now the Turks were scared, and they didn't dare to charge up, because they found that they would die if they rushed up.

They couldn't understand how these people died, which made them even more frightened, to the extreme.

Gradually, no one dared to charge forward anymore, but retreated in horror.

"What exactly is going on?!"

"It's terrible! It's terrible!"

"Run! Run! The opponent is using an artifact, we are not opponents!"


The Turkic soldiers turned around and ran away.

But at this time Kang Sumi told them to drink.

"Don't run! Don't run!"

"Even if they have artifacts, there are only a few dozen of them. Let's rush up together and use the crowd tactics to kill him!"

"Only in this way, there is a glimmer of hope!"

Some Turkic soldiers were also hesitant when they heard this, because it is true that they are dead forward and backward, but there is a big monster behind them, and they will definitely die if they go up. There may be some hope if they only charge forward!

But they are still hesitant, after all, no one wants to be this early bird.

At this time, Kang Sumi gritted his teeth and rushed forward first.

Seeing this, the others gritted their teeth and rushed forward.

"Come on, we want to live!"

They just want to live now, but why have they ever thought that those Tang people they slaughtered didn't want to live? !
The people are so innocent, they just want to live in peace, and they are brutally slaughtered by these barbarians.

They are all unarmed common people, and there are even many helpless women, children, the elderly, the weak, the sick and the disabled.

Therefore, killing for life, these Turkic soldiers deserve to die.

During an avalanche, not a single snowflake is innocent, and their hands must be stained with the blood of the Tang people!

They rushed here, but the speed of the bullets was faster. They couldn't get close at all, so they were hit by the bullets and died suddenly.

The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty were full of enthusiasm, and they killed as many as they came.

Kang Sumi, who led the charge, had already been beaten into a sieve, and he fell down somewhere, trampled under by the Turkic soldiers.

da da da~
As the Turkic soldiers continued to fall, they also realized that they could not get up by rushing.

Because they no longer have the belief in war in their hearts, they just want to survive, so they will not block bullets for their companions, and even hope that others will block bullets for themselves.

Of course they couldn't understand what a bullet was.

Now the ground is full of the corpses of Turkic soldiers, like a carpet of human figures.

They understand that rushing is impossible!
Only escape!
They couldn't manage so much anymore, and fled in all directions like bereaved dogs, in a panic.

In this way, fifty people directly beat tens of thousands of people back again and again.

But the soldiers of Datang didn't want to just let them go, they ran, and the soldiers chased after them with their guns and fired.




The Turkic soldiers fled in all directions, they were completely frightened.

These few battles made them doubt their lives. So far, they have lost more than half of their people before they have fought Tang Jun with real swords and guns.

Whether it's the overwhelming excavators, the unpredictable guns, or the earth-shattering earth bombs, they all have lingering fears in their hearts.

It's not an exaggeration to describe their current state with Li Li fear.

The tactical team chased after them fiercely, and Turkic soldiers were beaten into a sieve every moment.

(End of this chapter)

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