Chapter 333
But the ground was full of corpses of people or horses. They couldn't run fast at all, and they stepped on the remaining horse traps from time to time, and then fell to the ground like dogs eating shit.

Before they could run out in time, they were hit by boulders falling from the sky and were smashed into a puddle of flesh.

The canyon at this moment was like a hell on earth, like a bloody mouth swallowing up the Turkic army.

There was a steady stream of cavalry from the rear who rushed in because they couldn't stop the car, and then fell to the ground hard, and then were killed by falling from the sky.

When they finally got the army to stop, they looked into the canyon and saw a bloody scene.

The Turkic soldiers were terrified by this scene, and retreated one after another, not daring to approach the canyon area again.

Seeing this scene, Li Jing on the top of the cliff could not help but smile and exclaim.

"It's so fucking cool!"

Then, according to Li Chengdao's instructions in advance, he quickly evacuated this place.

At this time, Jieli Khan was imagining the scene of breaking through Chang'an and entering the Central Plains.

Suddenly a Turkic soldier came to report in panic.

"Report, report, report!"

"Khan, the army in front encountered a horse pit in the canyon, and was hit by a boulder thrown by the Tang army on the cliff, and suffered heavy losses!"

Upon hearing the news, Jieli Khan jumped up suddenly, his expression furious, and he grabbed the soldier who had spoken just now.

He asked with a ferocious face.

"What did you say?!"

"Damn it, you cunning Tang man!"

"How many people have we lost?!"

The soldier himself was terribly frightened just now, and now he was frightened by Jieli Khan's furious appearance, and couldn't help losing control of his bladder and bowels.

"Report, report to Khan, we are big, probably lost [-] soldiers and horses!"


As soon as Jieli Khan heard that he had lost [-] troops, he immediately exploded.

"A bunch of useless trash!"

"This battle hasn't even started yet, but so many people have been lost. What are you doing for food!"

Jieli Khan was so angry that his veins burst out, his face was ferocious, and the Turkic soldier in his hand trembled with fright, and yellow and white things came out.

"But, Khan, we fell into Tang Jun's trap!"

Seeing the soldier's appearance, Jieli was even more furious. He threw the soldier on the ground, then grabbed a knife beside him, and hacked the soldier to death, blood spattering three feet.

"Trash! What does Ben Khan want you for?!"

When the other Turkic soldiers around saw this scene, they were all terrified and looked away, for fear that Jieli Khan would notice him.

It was Kang Sumi who came up and asked.

"Khan, this is the end of the matter, what should we do next?"

Jieli Khan threw the knife on the ground with an ugly expression, and said angrily.

"Of course we will continue the attack. After 12 useless people died, we still have [-] troops, which is twice the strength of the Tang army! We can still crush the Tang army!"

"Now take people to the cliffs on both sides of the canyon to see if Tang Jun is still on it. If there are people on it, shoot them to death!"

Then Kang Sumi hurriedly took people up to check, but Li Jing and others had already retreated, and there was nothing up there.

He could only come back and report.

"Khan, there is no one there, maybe the Tang army has withdrawn."

Jieli Khan was still in a rage. He felt that this was a shame. Ever since he entered the border of the Tang Dynasty, everything had been smooth sailing. When had he ever made such a fool of himself?

"It's just a bunch of waste, it's humiliating the face of our Khanate!"

Kang Sumi thought.

Isn't that why you let them rush into the canyon?Now it's someone else's fault!
Of course, he only dared to think this way in his heart, and he was still respectful on the surface.

Because Xieli had always been brutal, even his own people would be killed whenever he wanted, and almost all Turkic people feared him.

In Turks, the khans had supreme power.

At this moment, Jieli Khan waved his hand.

"The whole army set off, let me step over the corpses of those trash!"

"This is a shame given to us by the Tang Dynasty. We want to return it. This Khan will kill all the Tang people in Chang'an City!"

Then the Turkic army stepped on the corpses of their companions and slowly passed through the canyon.

Looking at the corpse of their companion on the ground, they couldn't help but shudder at the horror before death.

I don't know if my end will be the same?
When Jieli Khan passed through the canyon, instead of feeling sad when he looked at the corpse on the ground, he looked contemptuous and disdainful.

"This is what happens to trash!"

"My Turkic Khanate does not need waste!"

The Turks are a relatively barbaric nation, they uphold the law of beasts, the weak prey on the strong, and the strong bully the weak, there is no morality in their hearts.

After passing through the canyon, there is a wide plain. At a glance, you can already see the Wei River and the fortifications built by Datang.

After seeing the fortifications, Jieli Khan showed contempt.

"Just a few broken logs and a temporary city wall, do you want to block my cavalry army?"

He looked around, it was extremely wide, and there was absolutely no possibility of any more ambushes.

He shouted.

"Rush for me, stepping across the Wei River is Chang'an, when you enter the city, you can do whatever you want!"

When the Turkic soldiers heard this, they rushed towards the Weihe River frantically as if they had been beaten with chicken blood.

The 12 army is mighty, and the majestic momentum is like overwhelming mountains and seas.

In the face of this majestic momentum, the temporary fortifications built by Datang seemed a little weak, as if they would collapse at any time.

But the few people on the city wall looked fearless, looking at the Turkic army approaching in front with serious faces, waiting for it.

The Turkic cavalry took the lead, thousands of horses were galloping, dust was flying, and they rushed towards the Datang fortifications.

The vibrations generated by tens of thousands of horses trampled on the ground were concentrated together, as if an earthquake had struck, and even the city walls seemed to be shaking.

Even Li Shimin felt a little weak when he saw this kind of momentum. If the Turkic army really rushed over, I'm afraid the city wall wouldn't be able to stop it for a few rounds.

But Li Chengdao still didn't change his face.

Suddenly, he spread his hands and said.

"Bring the bow!"

Then someone quickly handed Li Chengdao a bow and a burning arrow.

Li Chengdao drew his bow to aim, and watched the Turkic army continue to charge forward, and began to count down in his heart.

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6..."

"1, let's go!"

After seeing the Turkic army arrive at the prepared position, the rocket in Li Chengdao's hand shot out instantly and fell into the Turkic army at an extremely fast speed.

The Turkic soldiers were taken aback for a moment, and then roared with laughter.

"A mere flying arrow wants to stop us?!"

"Could it be that Tang Jun was scared stupid by us?!"

"Not to mention one flying arrow, even a volley of thousands of arrows can't stop us!"

But Kang Sumi always had a bad feeling when he saw this scene, so he hastily stopped the horse and retreated to Jieli Khan's position.

All the Turkic soldiers thought that the Tang army was frightened by his momentum. They looked ambitious and did not notice his little move.

They didn't even notice that although the flaming arrow didn't hit them, after the flying arrow fell to the ground, some kind of black powder on the ground was suddenly ignited, emitting a brilliant flame.

(End of this chapter)

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