Chapter 323 Excavator

The main currency in circulation in the Tang Dynasty was copper coins, and the exchange rate between copper coins and silver was particularly high, so silver was actually a very precious currency at that time.

There may be some poor people at the bottom who have never seen silver in their entire lives.

So how could they not be excited by the salary of these ten years and 50 taels of silver.

50 taels per person, a total of 300 soldiers, that is, the court prepared [-] million taels of silver just to reward the three armies.

This is all thanks to the Cui family of Qinghe, who copied the Cui family and suddenly made the treasury a lot richer. If it was before, it would be enough to take it out.

In addition to material rewards, there is also the third-rank military merit, which can also make them crazy.

These three ranks of military merits, if you are in normal times, you can only get the first-class merits in the upper battle, in the middle battle, and in the lower battle.

And three times military merit, honor officer confers flying cavalry captain, it is regarded as the sixth rank!

This is a great honor for the soldiers!
And this is still an algorithm for ordinary soldiers. If they already have military merits, they will add three ranks to their original military merits. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as reaching the sky in one step.

The morale was already soaring, but now that there is a substantial promise, the morale is even higher!
"Battle! Fight! Fight!"

"We must win!"

The swearing-in meeting also came to an end amidst the fighting spirit.

Everyone continued to prepare for the war in full swing.

Then Li Chengdao selected a thousand of the smartest among the 6 people, and asked them to follow him, and he had tasks to give to them.

Li Chengdao led these 1000 people directly out of Chang'an City, and came to a huge open space on the north bank of the Weishui River.

He decided it was time to take out the excavator.

At this time, he was about to communicate with the system, but found that the thousand soldiers were looking at him eagerly.

He thought about it, if these soldiers saw a thousand excavators suddenly appear out of thin air later, would they be frightened crazy?

Maybe there is a possibility that so many behemoths appear out of thin air, and they are all things that the people of Tang Dynasty have never seen before. Everyone has to doubt life.

So he ordered.

"You are turning your backs to me now, you are not allowed to turn around without my order, and you are not allowed to look back!"

Upon hearing the order, the thousands of soldiers immediately turned around and completely obeyed Li Chengdao.

Although I am a little confused about this order.

After seeing them all turn around, Li Chengdao also turned around to face them back to back.

Talk to the system in your head.

"Take out the excavator!"

The system asked a question.

"Do you want to take them all at once?"

Li Chengdao: "Take them all out!"

As soon as he finished speaking, neatly arranged, all-yellow excavators appeared in front of him.

And all of them are heavy duty!

The moment the excavator appeared, Li Chengdao only felt a domineering rush towards his face, and suddenly felt like returning to modern times.

He looked at the excavators in front of him with fiery eyes.

These big guys made of steel are all treasures!
In the Tang Dynasty, behemoths like excavators could not only build bridges, pave roads, and build fortifications, but they could also be used as an armored legion to go into battle to kill enemies. They were absolutely invincible and invincible!
But then Li Chengdao thought of a problem, that is, despite the fact that the thousand excavators are full of fuel now, what should we do if the fuel runs out after a while?
With the current technology of the Tang Dynasty, it is impossible to extract oil, let alone extract diesel from oil.

An excavator without oil is almost a pile of scrap iron, at most it serves as an ornamental function, which makes Datang people look at it strangely.

I'm having trouble finding the system.

"Small system, I need to discuss something with you. Can I fill it up with you when the excavator runs out of gas?"

System: "Yes!"

Hearing this, Li Chengdao was overjoyed.

Damn, when did the system become so kind, and it can even automatically refill the oil.

"Hahaha, System, you are so good, you are really the best system among all systems!"

Li Chengdao finished slapping this flattery in his mind just now, only to hear the system say something.

"20 points for a tank of gas."

Li Chengdao:? ? ? ?
Damn, I knew this broken system wouldn't be so kind.

Open your mouth to earn points.

Bah, garbage system!

It seems that Li Chengdao's emotions can be felt, and the system responded.

"Do you want to have sex for free?"

"The host is probably thinking of farting!"


Li Chengdao was too lazy to argue with the system anymore. Anyway, in the end, he had to hand over his points obediently.

You have to be more open-minded and don’t let yourself act like a miser. Aren’t points meant for spending?

It’s just that the points do seem a bit insufficient.

At this time, the system sound sounded again.

"New mission released: Fight against the Turks and save Chang'an!"

"Mission 5000: Drive away the Turks and save Chang'an. After completing the mission, you will be rewarded with [-] points!"

"Task 10000: Force the Turks to sign an unequal treaty. After completing the task, you will be rewarded with [-] points!"

"Mission 15000: Fight all the way to Turks' hometown, and bring Turks into the territory of the Tang Empire. After completing the mission, you will be rewarded with [-] points!"

"The three tasks can be chosen freely, or they can be completed superimposed, and the superimposed task points are superimposed and calculated."

"It is a non-mandatory task. There is no penalty or reward for not doing the task."

Hearing the sudden system sound, Li Chengdao was taken aback.

Just now when I complained about not enough points, the system issued a new task, and I played this hand very quickly!

But this time the mission looks pretty good, and it can be superimposed, that is to say, if these three missions are completed, you can get [-] points!
Also, these three things are originally in my plan, even if the system did not release this task, these three things will be completed one by one according to my plan.

It's just that now the plan has become a task. You can complete the task while implementing the plan, which is equivalent to giving points.

"Accept the mission!"

Li Chengdao said without the slightest hesitation.

"The mission is accepted successfully, host, come on!"

After accepting the task, Li Chengdao didn't care about it. This time, he didn't need to waste his brain cells to think of a solution, he just followed his current plan.

Then he said to the thousand soldiers.

"Okay, you all turn around!"

So after hearing the order, the soldier slowly turned around.

As a result, as soon as they turned around, they saw a large group of strange things behind Li Chengdao, and they were immediately frightened and screamed.

"Be careful, Your Majesty, there are monsters behind you!"

After saying that, they all ran over to protect Li Chengdao in the middle, looking at the group of excavators with wary expressions.

Since they had never seen an excavator before, they regarded the excavator as some kind of monster, for fear that Li Chengdao would be harmed by the monster.

Li Chengdao laughed.

"This is not a monster, but a weapon called an excavator!"

Since Li Chengdao really didn't know how to introduce this thing to them, he just said it was a weapon.

"This weapon is made of nine-day black iron, and it has overwhelming power. As long as it is operated properly, it is no problem to move mountains and mountains."

When everyone heard that Li Chengdao said it was a weapon, they all had expressions of disbelief.


"How can there be such a huge weapon in the world?"

(End of this chapter)

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