Chapter 310 Turkic Invasion
As soon as these words came out, all civil and military officials bowed to Li Chengdao again.

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

At this time Li Chengdao raised his hand.

The twelve salutes were fired again.





I have to say that the movement of this salute is really loud, every time it is fired, everyone's body will tremble.

The sonic boom struck, making people feel like the ground was shaking, and it seemed that the entire palace was shaking.

Everyone looked at the sky in surprise, but saw nothing.

Although fireworks and firecrackers have been born in the Tang Dynasty, their production technology is still immature, and the sound is not even one percent as good as this salute.

So they couldn't understand the sound of the salute, so they naturally took it as a manifestation of the gods. They thought that only gods could make such a big noise.

"God bless Datang!"

"God bless Datang!"


At this time, Li Chengdao suddenly asked Wei Zheng who was on the side.

"Zheng Guogong, what should the country be based on?"

According to the lines that were prepared in advance, Wei Zheng answered with a solemn expression.

"Your Majesty, I think the people should be the foundation! Water can carry a boat, but it can also capsize it!"

Li Chengdao nodded.

"Yes, what Wei Aiqing said is justified. You must know that the country is based on the people, the people are based on food, and the food and clothing are based on agriculture and mulberry. The peace of the country is my peace, and the world is blessed, and my blessing!"

Li Chengdao's words instantly amazed the audience.

Everyone was excited and overwhelmed.

All saluted to Li Chengdao.

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

"Your Majesty Shengming!"

The historian at the side was frantically recording what Li Chengdao said just now, with an excited expression on his face.

Your Majesty's words will surely be passed down through the ages!

After a period of time, these words were also circulated among the people, and the people of Tang Dynasty respected and loved Li Chengdao even more.

The world is home!

Afterwards, Li Chengdao took advantage of the situation and waved his hand, saying.

"I have the confidence to create a prosperous and prosperous Tang Dynasty."

"So, today, I personally draw up a painting of "The Prosperity of the Tang Dynasty", expressing my determination and hope for the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty!"

Then someone came up with a painting tool, and a piece of drawing paper about two meters long and half a meter wide was pulled apart by a special person.

Natural pigments appeared in Tang Dynasty paintings, such as cinnabar, stone green, Zhubiao, Zhufa, red and so on.

Li Chengdao now has the blessing of the painting master's skills, he can paint with a pen, and the picture is smooth and done in one go.

It didn't take long before a majestic "Magnificent Tang Dynasty Picture" was created.

There are majestic and majestic mountains and rivers, as well as bustling and bustling cities, where the common people live and work in peace and contentment, and businessmen come and go in an endless stream...

When the painting was displayed in front of everyone, they were shocked again.

Because they have never seen such a vivid and majestic painting.

The picture is smooth, the artistic conception is real, and the most important thing is the majestic momentum, which makes people feel very shocked at first glance.

"Your Majesty's painting skills are so exquisite?!"

While they were astonished by "The Prosperity of the Tang Dynasty", they were also shocked by Li Chengdao's amazing talent.

Especially Li Jiancheng and Li Shimin.

What they know so far is: high martial arts, outstanding literary talents, good governance, and ability to make salt. According to Changsun Wuji, they seem to be able to make paper and print.

But now, they discovered that Li Chengdao's painting skills were also proficient.

Isn't this all-rounder?
Later, Li Chengdao asked people to frame this picture of "The Prosperity of the Tang Dynasty" and hang it on the main hall of the Daming Palace to show the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty.

The civil and military officials looked at these words with great ambition in their hearts. It is an honor for them to contribute to the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty.

They believed that under the leadership of Li Chengdao, the content on the map of the prosperity of the Tang Dynasty will soon be realized.

In a prosperous and prosperous age, all nations come to Korea.

Not far away!
Just as everyone's blood was swelling, there was a sudden sound of horseshoes coming from outside the hall.

Tap tap tap!

Everyone couldn't help but frown and look outside the hall.

In the palace, who would dare to break into it on horseback? !

And it was such an important day as the enthronement ceremony!

Offending Huangwei, this is a capital offense!

At this moment, the sound of horseshoes suddenly stopped, and there was a sound of people running.

Then a rapid shout was heard.


"One hundred thousand fire!"

"Emergency military situation in Jingzhou!"

Hearing this, everyone's face sank, and at the same time they understood it in their hearts.

It turned out to be an emergency military situation!
According to the regulations, if there is an emergency military situation, in order to let the news be delivered in time, the dispatched soldiers can ride into the palace on horseback.

But this news seems even more ominous, which makes people a little disturbed.

What is it that the military is doing so hard?
Could it be that the Turks invaded the border again?

At this time.

A soldier quickly ran into the hall, panting heavily because he was running with all his strength.

But he didn't have time to rest. He stretched out the emergency report in his hand and shouted.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty!"

"The Turkic army with a rate of 10,000+ has come to attack, all the way south, and now it has attacked Jingzhou!"

what? !

When the civil and military officials heard this, their minds went blank at first, and then they exploded.

"How is this possible! How could the Turks reach Jingzhou?!"

"Jingzhou is already in the hinterland of my Tang Dynasty, how could the Turks come here?!"

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible! The Turks have already reached Jingzhou, why didn't we receive any news before?"


The civil and military officials talked a lot, but most of them didn't believe it.

They all thought that the Turks had already attacked Jingzhou, how could they and others have not received any news.

And what about the border guards and troops?
How come they have no news at all?

The main reason is that the news came so suddenly that no one could believe it.

Li Shimin and Li Jiancheng also couldn't believe it, but their expressions were very serious.

Some time ago, they were all busy fighting internally, but they ignored the external threat.

Not to mention them, even Li Chengdao was stunned.

When he heard the news, four words popped out of his mind immediately.

Weishui Alliance!

According to the correct historical trajectory, shortly after the Xuanwumen Incident, the Turkic army would indeed come to Chang'an. In the end, it was Li Shimin who set up suspicious tactics to scare the Turks away.

The current situation is obviously that the Xuanwumen tragedy did not happen, and Li Chengdao did not become emperor, so why did the Turkic army come to Chang'an?

Is it possible that some histories will change, but some histories will still happen?

But no matter what, the attack of foreign enemies is a top priority, and we must not neglect it.

Li Chengdao is now the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, so he will be responsible for the people of the Tang Dynasty.

In order to save time, Li Chengdao stepped forward quickly and took the urgent report.

And the soldier who delivered the letter collapsed to the ground the moment Li Chengdao received the urgent report due to overwork.

"Hurry up and take him to the Supreme Hospital for diagnosis and treatment!"

Li Chengdao ordered.

He treats his own people equally, and will not treat the other party just because they are mere soldiers.

Then Li Chengdao looked at the emergency report.

After reading it, his face became a little dignified. The situation is really urgent!
Seeing the change in Li Chengdao's face, everyone said something was wrong in their hearts.

Even His Majesty is so dignified.

Hasn't the situation really reached the point of imminent danger? !
(End of this chapter)

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