Chapter 288

Lu Zicong looked at Hu Qianhu, who was still a little distracted, and said with a straight face: "Hu Qianhu, the strength of the guards is so low and the weapons are so inferior. I'm afraid, Mr. Hu, you need to do some self-examination!"

Hu Qianhu nodded and said nothing when he heard the words, the Celestial Master couldn't bear it, and said for him: "Eunuch Lu, there is no need to blame too much. Although the guards need to be rectified and their combat power needs to be improved, I think Hu Qianhu is also fighting bravely today. Enemy, do your duty!"

Hu Qianhu blushed when he heard the words, and said embarrassingly: "Eunuch Lu is right, the general is ashamed, his soldiers are actually a group of chickens and dogs, today's performance is really ridiculous, even the general himself ..."

Li Chengdao originally wanted to punish him, but now that he was covered in blood, he couldn't bear to scold him, so he could only say: "Master Hu, I hope you can gain something from this battle. After this battle, I believe everyone has seen it. There is nothing remarkable about these Japanese pirates. To put it bluntly, they are made of human flesh. As long as they are not afraid and are timid before facing the enemy, they will not be able to get any advantage."

After finishing speaking, Li Chengdao patted Hu Qianhu's shoulder earnestly and said: "Okay, your bravery today has finally not insulted your official clothes. Go down and bandage up, but remember, your group of soldiers are real. It’s time for a good training!”

Hearing this, Hu Qianhu's face turned red with embarrassment, and he said solemnly: "Yes, yes, the general has learned the lesson. The general will obey His Highness's orders. When he returns, he will strictly enforce military discipline and discipline!"

Gan Ning left some soldiers to clean up the battlefield, and the salt merchants organized themselves to help the wounded soldiers into the town for treatment. According to the statistics, Gan Ning's navy master Jin Yiwei only had a few minor injuries, and most of the casualties were Those guard officers and soldiers who fled.

And those Japanese pirates were left behind more than 40 people and more than a hundred wounded soldiers. Two hundred Tibetans died on the spot, and [-]% of them died under the hands of the navy and Jin Yiwei.

Li Chengdao and his party also entered the rest place temporarily prepared for them in the town. Li Chengdao immediately sent someone to find a person who could understand Japanese, and was about to go to the side room where the Japanese pirates were detained for interrogation, but saw several elders in the town being arrested Helped to find the door.

As soon as these people saw Li Chengdao, they kowtowed and thanked His Highness King Wu for suppressing the arrogance of the Japanese pirates and killing the people in the town.Immediately, these people began to cry bitterly, asking His Highness to be the master of the people, to uphold justice, and to order the execution of these evil pirates.

Li Chengdao looked at these people, the youngest one might be over 70 years old, still bowing to him, and quickly ordered someone to help them up. Although these pirates did evil, they are now prisoners of war after all. Memory made Li Chengdao still somewhat resistant to this behavior of killing prisoners.

For a while, Li Chengdao didn't know what to do, he could only turn his eyes to the celestial master for help. Most of the people here believed in Buddhism, if the celestial master could come out and say a few words, maybe he could persuade these people to leave.

The Celestial Master immediately understood and stepped forward and said: "Old people, God has the virtue of loving life. Now these Japanese pirates have been captured without a fight. If they are executed rashly, I am afraid that it will be against the peace of heaven. They have committed many evils. His Royal Highness King Wu will not let them go. After King Wu interrogates them, they can forgive themselves in prison, so why not?"

Although this Heavenly Master was still young, his words were regarded as gods by these old men, and no one dared to refute his words for a while.

At this time, an old man cried: "The Heavenly Master doesn't know, these Japanese pirates are horrific and inhumane, even a thousand cuts can't beat their evil deeds. They kill and set fires, dig graves and rob graves, and do all kinds of unreasonable things." Do it!"

As he said that, the rest of the elders nodded in agreement, and the elder continued: "Just last year, the Japanese pirates went ashore to loot and loot, and threw an eight-month-old child on the ground, poured boiling water on it, and listened to the baby crying for fun. This kind of behavior is not as good as pigs and dogs, heavenly master, I will not spare these people who kill thousands of knives!"

Hearing this, Li Chengdao suddenly burst into anger from the soles of his feet to the top of his head. In order to survive, he would do anything to survive. If he robbed his house, it would be reasonable, but this kind of insane behavior is purely to satisfy a perverted desire. How can such a person be spared? ?

And those old men are still stating all kinds of crimes against Japanese pirates, rape and robbery are common, what's more, for a bet, they even cut open the belly of a pregnant woman, just to prove whether the child is a boy or a girl!

It wasn't just Li Chengdao, even the Celestial Master's brows were erected for a while, his eyes were full of murderous intent, and he didn't have the slightest look of compassion from a monk.

Li Chengdao's face turned blue, and the old man was still complaining: "Your Highness, we treat them as human beings, but they don't treat themselves as human beings. What they have done, one by one, is really beyond the reach of human beings. Yes!"

"Enough!" Li Chengdao roared angrily, and said, "Just wait, this king will definitely give you an explanation for this matter!"

After finishing speaking, Li Chengdao didn't turn his head back, and hurried to the wing where the Japanese pirates were being held. When the guard saw Li Chengdao, he hurriedly got up and saluted: "I've seen Your Highness!"

Li Chengdao paused, and asked: "Today's battle depends entirely on everyone. After returning, this king will definitely reward you a lot!"

"Thank you Your Highness!"

After Li Chengdao finished speaking, he turned his head, his eyes swept over the Japanese pirates one by one, and finally saw a man wearing Han Chinese women's clothes, his eyes intertwined, the man subconsciously avoided, Li Chengdao walked over and stood in front of him , looked at him for a long time.

"Who is your leader? How many people are there? Where is the den?"

After Li Chengdao asked, the person next to him who knew Japanese hurriedly translated in Japanese, but the person didn't say a word. Seeing this, Li Chengdao said with a smile: "Okay! Very good! Do you think that pretending to be deaf If you are dumb, you can get away with it? Let me tell you, if you don’t say anything, I will pour boiling water on you first, and then use an iron brush dipped in salt to wash you well. How about a red-hot iron rod being inserted into your leg? If you think you can survive it, this king will not force you to speak!"

Even Jin Yiwei, who is used to torture, couldn't help sweating coldly after hearing the methods Li Chengdao said.

They don't know what happened to His Highness Li Chengdao today, and they don't even know how this Prince Pian Pian, who usually looks harmless to humans and animals, has such a vicious heart.

Before waiting for the translation by the people next to him, the tied up man in women's clothes was sweating all over his face, and he suddenly said, "If I confess truthfully, can my lord spare my life?"


Qinglong slapped that person on the face, and scolded: "I don't even look at who you are negotiating with? This is His Royal Highness King Wu of the Tang Dynasty!"

Li Chengdao was unaware of Qinglong's scolding, but furiously said: "Are you a Han?"

When the man yelled at him, he immediately trembled and said tremblingly: "I...I have no choice. If it weren't for the stuttering, who would be willing to be a pirate? Your Highness, these are all real Japanese, Your Highness If you can spare me, I will say anything!"

(End of this chapter)

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