Chapter 275 Su Xiaoxiao's Tomb
Lu Zicong heard the words and asked the young boy, "Wenkou Town is not close to here. Did you come here alone? Where is your family?"

The young boy timidly said: "I tell the Elder, all my family members are dead. I fled famine and came here just to beg for food. I don't know why, so I came here after going around for a while!"

"How come the whole family died?" Li Chengdao asked doubtfully, "Could it be that he was infected with the plague?"

Lu Zicong shook his head when he heard the words, and said, "I haven't heard of a plague spreading in Suzhou and Hangzhou in the past three years." After speaking, Lu Zicong turned to the young boy and asked, "Little guy, tell me, your family members are How did you die?"

The toddler heard the words and stopped talking. Li Chengdao had nothing to do when he saw this, but it was Lu Zicong who saw the clue and ordered someone to bring a few plates of dessert fruits. The toddler ate it and then opened his mouth.

It turned out that the child's home was originally in a fishing village on the coast, and his parents were fishing for a living. In May of this year, the high tide flooded his family's land, so his father went to a nearby market to make a small living. Buy and sell for a living.

But because he needs to pay taxes when he goes to the city to do business, his father secretly climbed the city wall in order to evade taxes and broke his arm. His mother sold it in order to see a doctor for his father. Not to mention the money from his family, he would also slaughter the entire family. The child escaped a catastrophe because he played outside, but after the death of his parents, he had to beg for a living.

The boy ate some desserts, looked at Lu Zicong, and couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Is the old man Lu Ye Lu Dashan?"

Lu Zicong was taken aback when he heard the words, nodded and asked, "Do you recognize me?"

Hearing this, the boy licked the remaining dessert scum on his fingers, and said excitedly: "I know you, I know Lu Dashan, who is famous in Suzhou and Hangzhou. I used to go to give out porridge in the city before. The one who begged for food in your porridge shed, the mother of Erhei in our village, a widow, passed away after leaving Erhei behind, no one cares about her, and she was also taken in by Lord Lu!"

Naturally, Lu Zicong didn't remember these things. Hearing what the young boy said, he just frowned and nodded, as if he was recalling who these people he was talking about.

The young boy immediately fell to his knees and said: "Master Lu, you are a bodhisattva with a heart, and you do good deeds every day. Let's take the kid in. I'm afraid I'll starve to death now. Master Lu, what am I doing?" You can do it, you are kind, so take the kid in!"

Li Chengdao was shocked when he heard the words, he never thought that this Lu Zicong was quite famous in the local area, Lu Zicong was a little uncomfortable when he heard the words, and said: "Okay, okay, you boy, you are a ghost, How about I find you a place where you can learn a craft and have food to eat?"

The young boy was quite clever. When he heard this, he immediately knelt down and said happily: "Thank you, sir. I only need to give you food. I can do anything you want!"

The child was filthy, but Lu Zicong didn't seem to care about it at all. He stroked his head with a smile and said, "He's a clever little child." Then he turned around and told his subordinates, "Take this child and give it to him." Let him eat some food and bring it back to the manor!"

Then some of his subordinates led the young boy to the back of the convoy. Li Chengdao looked at Lu Zicong and couldn't help but said, "Eunuch Lu really did a great deed by taking in these orphans!"

When Lu Zicong heard this, his face turned red and he said: "Your Highness has given you the compliment. In fact, Your Highness has always believed that people with such humble positions are doomed to have no future in their lives. They only want to do more good deeds in this life and have good retribution in the next life!"

After Lu Zicong finished speaking, he paused for a moment, and continued: "Besides, I dare not lie to Your Highness, and I have never stayed in the mansion with these children. Fortunately, I still have some troubles in Suzhou and Hangzhou, so I entrusted someone to send them to the local weavers. You can do some chores there, and you can also learn a craft."

After Li Chengdao heard the words, he really respected the eunuch at this time. No matter whether he wanted to accumulate virtue or seek good returns, what he did was compared to those who were impassioned for the country and the people, but could only talk about it in general. The civil servant is more than noble. He may not understand those great principles, but he is actually doing good deeds.

Li Chengdao naturally also knows that three years of clearing the magistrate, one hundred thousand snowflakes in silver, how can an official not use his power to profit for himself, but even so, in Li Chengdao's view, he can still think of corrupt officials who help the world's poor, It is still several times stronger than those mediocre officials who boast and do nothing.

The weaving households in the Suzhou and Hangzhou areas were all under the jurisdiction of Li Wenxiang, and these weaving households were basically concentrated in the Suzhou area, so Li Wenxiang's weaving office was also located in Suzhou.

Li Chengdao and Lu Zicong left Lion Peak and returned to the city at noon. The group found a small restaurant. behind them.

"Your Highness, do you need to take a break at noon?"

Lu Zicong asked, and Li Chengdao heard the words and said, "You don't need to rest, I didn't do anything this morning, so I don't know how Eunuch Lu arranged for this afternoon?"

"But according to His Highness's instructions, the humble staff can just follow and serve His Highness!"

Lu Zicong's humble answer made Li Chengdao a little at a loss. Looking back, Qinglong had a lifeless expression, and then looked behind Lu Zicong, but it was Lian'er who smiled sweetly and looked at him with beautiful eyes.

This girl's eyes seemed to have a special kind of magic power, and even a man seemed to be unable to resist that kind of charm. Even though Li Chengdao had been a man for two generations, he still made his face turn red when he saw her.

Li Chengdao settled down, forced himself to laugh and said, "Don't ask me all the time, is there any place Madam Lu wants to go? Mr. Lu is usually busy with official duties, so it is estimated that he rarely has time to accompany Madam, right? How about today?" Let Madam Lu's interest prevail!"

Lian'er smiled when she heard this, and everyone except Qinglong was attracted by this smile. This is the real look back and smile with beauty!
Lian'er parted her vermilion lips lightly, her tone was lazy, but it sounded indescribably comfortable.

"Master, why don't you take your highness to Su Xiaoxiao's tomb?"

Hearing this, Lu Zicong frowned and said, "What kind of status is your Highness, how can you go to such a place?"

Hearing this, Li Chengdao interrupted Lu Zicong and asked: "It doesn't matter, Eunuch Lu, where is the Su Xiaoxiao tomb that Mrs. Ling mentioned? How far is it from here?"

Lu Zicong saw that Li Chengdao seemed to be very interested, so he ordered his men to prepare carriages and horses, and the group rushed to Su Xiaoxiao's tomb.

Because he saw what Lu Zicong did before, Li Chengdao's favorable impression of Lu Zicong increased greatly, so this time he directly invited Lu Zicong to sit in his carriage so that he could tell him the origin of Su Xiaoxiao's tomb.

It turned out that Su Xiaoxiao was a famous singing girl in the Southern Qi Dynasty during the Six Dynasties.She has a beautiful face.He behaves dignifiedly, is personable, and is intelligent and quick-witted. He speaks words casually, and all of them become good sentences. At that time, all the officials and dignitaries competed for his family, and his reputation was important.

(End of this chapter)

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