Chapter 264
But the other two people were far behind Lu Zicong. The weaving eunuch Li Linxiang was thin-skinned and tender, with clear eyebrows and fine eyes. He really looked like a woman. At the same time, he is also the supervising army of thousands of soldiers in the Longshan Guard, but he does not have the appearance of a soldier, but thin and dry, with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks, and his robes are also empty, and he looks very weak.

Seeing His Royal Highness King Wu, the two hurried forward to meet Li Chengdao. Li Chengdao came here this time, not only as a prince, but also as an imperial envoy who investigated the three guarding eunuchs who were corrupt and reported. The Tu Emperor, but when he saw Li Chengdao at this time, he also bowed his knees and flattered him to the fullest.

After the three flirted with each other, other officials came forward to welcome Li Chengdao. After everyone had met Li Chengdao, Lu Zicong stepped forward and said with a smile: "Your Highness, you have worked hard all the way. There will be a banquet upstairs to welcome His Highness, and please change to an official sedan chair; when we get to the place, I will have a good chat with His Highness, and we will not go home until we are drunk!"

Li Chengdao waved his hands with a smile on the other hand, and said: "Masters, three father-in-laws, this king is ordered to inspect, and you adults came to greet you in the midst of your busy schedule. If you don’t want to drink, why don’t you let me and my subordinates take a bath to rest, and I will trouble everyone in the next few days, and after a few days, Chengdao will hold a banquet in person, and then we will have a good drink with you!”

Hearing this, Lu Zicong smiled flatteringly and said, "Your Highness, this Zuixian Tower is at the foot of Gushan Mountain. It is only one mile away from where you live. Your Excellencies also have your best wishes. Can Your Highness go there for your pleasure?" ?”

Hearing this, Li Chengdao couldn't refuse anymore. This kind of entertainment was just a matter of spectacle, just giving each other face. If someone invites you, if you don't go, you will save money for them, but he feels guilty about it.

Li Chengdao had no choice but to agree: "Since this is the case, this king is really not willing to betray the kindness of your lords, so I will work for you, lords!"

When Lu Zicong heard that His Highness King Wu had agreed, he happily agreed and ordered people to go to the ship to take Li Chengdong'an's luggage to the cabin. He, officials and local famous gentry accompanied Li Chengdao to Zuixian Tower.

So, gongs and drums cleared the way, firecrackers were blasting, and dozens of official sedans headed straight for Zuixian Tower.

Speaking of Zuixianlou, it is the most upscale and famous restaurant in Hangzhou, located at the foot of Gushan.

Although the high-end restaurants in Chang'an City are also magnificent and magnificent, but in terms of artistic conception, compared with this place, they are nothing.

As soon as Li Chengdao stepped into the restaurant, he thought he had entered a garden. In the large courtyard, there were nine winding corridors and the fragrance of flowers. The several small buildings in the courtyard were even more unique and exquisite, and from time to time, the sound of the piano could be heard.

A group of people waited to pass through the courtyard, along the path paved with white pebbles, and after turning around, there was a small bridge with flowing water, and a small building appeared in the shadow of the bamboo forest. The red small building was surrounded by slender and tall bamboos. Among them, green bamboos are swaying, fresh and elegant, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.Even Li Chengdao felt that his fatigue was swept away when he was here.

Having just arrived in Hangzhou, Li Chengdao didn't have time to take a good look at the scenery of the south of the Yangtze River. At this time, he only saw a corner, like a fairyland. As the saying goes, you can know the autumn with a leaf. From this point of view, the scenery of Hangzhou is really worthy of the name.

Everyone stepped into the small building and sat down as guests and hosts. Before they could say a few words, a few women in white dresses with fluttering belts came in with melons, fruits and tea.

Long hair fluttering, white clothes like snow, clothes and people are also elegant, Li Chengdao looked at these women, and saw that all of them had eyebrows like distant mountains, eyes like autumn water, every move, every frown and smile carried the unique characteristics of women in water villages. Kind of warm and soft.

Seeing this, Li Chengdao sighed in his heart that the garden is a refined scenery, and these women with willows in the breeze, are they not an elegant scenery?
Thinking of this, Li Chengdao couldn't help showing a hint of admiration in his eyes. Seeing this, Lu Zicong smiled at Yuan Ziwei, who was opposite him, and then raised his glass and said: "Your Highness has traveled a long distance, and I have worked hard all the way. I have heard that His Highness has been in the army for a long time. He also fought in the north, so he must have a good capacity for alcohol, Jiangnan water wine is as light as water, please drink three cups to show our welcome to His Highness!"

King Wu's residence is located in a separate courtyard. This courtyard is exactly Lu Zicong's house. It covers an area of ​​nearly one hectare and is luxuriously decorated. It is used by the king of Wu to go to the palace.

In the west courtyard, there are rockery corridors, flowers and insects everywhere, and all kinds of utensils are also available. Lu Zicong is also a discerning person. Seeing that Li Chengdao went there this time, he did not bring a maid with him. Everyone is a factory guard, so you might as well call all the maids, wives, and cooks in your house to serve Li Chengdao.

Soon after, the two sedans returned to the courtyard and stopped under the corridor at the entrance. The Hangzhou buildings were just like the local people, all small and compact, and even the cloisters were built to be claustrophobic and narrow, so the corridors were somewhat dark, and the walls There are some open doors, but the paint is the same color as the wall. You can't really tell unless you look closely.

Li Chengdao and Lu Zicong got out of the sedan chair one after the other. The weather in Suzhou and Hangzhou is changeable. It is drizzling outside at the moment. Although it is autumn, the weather is not very cold. It was shining brightly, although I could see and hear the sound of the pattering rain, but everything in this other courtyard did not have the slightest desolation of autumn coming and winter coming.

Lu Zicong cupped his hands and said, "Your Highness, please go back and have a good rest. Wait until tomorrow, and I will report to you in detail about Jiangnan's taxes!"

"Okay!" Li Chengdong nodded and said, "Eunuch Lu, please take a rest. I will take my leave first!"

The rice wine from the south of the Yangtze River does not have a high alcohol content. Just now in the restaurant, I was poured a few glasses by this group of officials and gentry, and I didn't feel much, but now when I got out of the sedan chair and saw the wind, Li Chengdao felt a little top-heavy. I just want to lie in bed, have a cup of tea and rest.

Li Chengdao was just sitting in the room, pouring himself a cup of warm tea, when Qinglong came in and said:
"Your Highness!"

When Li Chengdao saw Qinglong, he stopped talking, rubbed his brows, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Qinglong said: "Your Highness, there are people outside asking to see you!"


Qinglong looked around and said, "It's someone sent by the inner factory who came here in advance to inquire about the situation!"

Hearing this, Li Chengdao nodded and said, "Go call him over, I'm also anxious to hear what's going on here!"

(End of this chapter)

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