Chapter 252
When Gao Shida heard the words, his eyes lit up, and he hurriedly asked: "Okay, okay, if there is such a plan to kill two birds with one stone, Wang Zhi, you have done a great job, tell me quickly!"

Seeing this, Wang Zhi said, "My method is very simple. It can be said in four words. I want to play hard to get!"

After hearing this, Gao Shida said anxiously: "Eunuch Wang, don't be so tricky, tell me quickly, how can you play hard to get?"

Wang Zhi heard the words, and said slowly: "Give over the tax supervision power to the inner factory!"


As soon as the words were spoken, everyone was shocked. Gao Shida and the other leading eunuchs were all shocked.

As if he had anticipated everyone's reaction, Wang Zhi explained: "My dear father-in-law, haven't you noticed that since the news that the tax supervisory power was about to be transferred to the internal factory spread, the filial piety of the eunuchs guarding the tax supervisors in various places has been reduced by half. Even the normal tax payment is pushed back and forth, why is it delayed?"

When Zhang Shou heard this, he was filled with righteous indignation: "Hmph, if these snobs weren't recommended by our men, would they have gotten such a fat job? Now men are working hard here, they don't want to relieve our family's worries, But sitting on a mountain and watching the tigers fight is really a killer!"

Zhang Shou's words resonated with everyone, and everyone began to condemn these guarding eunuchs who acted according to the wind. Seeing this, Wang Zhi smiled and said: "As you can see, these guarding eunuchs are half-hearted towards us, let alone A Lu Dingyi who doesn't know the details!"

"Today, I received a secret note from the eunuch who was sent to guard Jiaxing. Not long ago, the eunuch who guarded Suzhou and Hangzhou collected taxes privately. It’s all kept for your own use!”

"There is such a thing!" Gao Shida was trembling with anger when he heard this. Although he was more greedy than anyone else, the worst thing was that even his subordinates were greedy.

The guarding eunuch of Suhang is Zhang Shou's subordinate. Gao Shida looked at Zhang Shou quietly. When Zhang Shou saw this, he knelt down and said, "Eunuch Gao, this matter has nothing to do with humble positions! The guard of Suhang is a The subordinates of the humble staff are thousands of miles away, what they have done, the humble staff is beyond the reach of the whip!"

"Hmph!" Gao Shida snorted coldly, and said, "I'll settle this matter with you later! Wang Zhi, keep talking!"

"Yes! Eunuch Gao! Originally, this matter was not a big deal. It's no surprise that guards in various places collect miscellaneous taxes privately. It's just that the money was handed over to us in the past, but this time they dared to withhold it privately. I wanted to ask someone to beat them and forget it, but now it seems that if you make good use of it, it can be regarded as a sharp weapon for training the inner factory!"

Seeing that everyone was still puzzled, Wang Zhi sighed inwardly, and had no choice but to continue to explain: "Eunuch Gao, all father-in-laws, we will hand over the tax supervision right now. Report to His Majesty, when the time comes, the factory will be in charge of tax supervision, do you think he will handle this case?"

Gao Shida thought for a while, smiled on his face, and praised: "High! It's really high! If they handle this case, the eunuchs guarding the world will have no illegal activities. Everyone must feel insecure. With a little help, how will he collect this tax?"

"That's right," Wang Zhi said with a smile: "This year, the imperial court is not at peace. Money is being spent like running water, and taxes cannot be collected. The imperial court has no money, so what else can it do? His master, King Wu, is holding back his energy." Going to war with the Turks!"

"If we don't do it, let those guards break the law and indulge. We can't control this foreign official, but this guard eunuch is also an eunuch! Our twelve eunuchs have the right to report and expose! Let's hand over some evidence, and it has always been the same. Give these dishonest guys some warnings, and come here to prove the crime of being unfavorable to the internal factory supervision!"

Gao Shida clapped his hands excitedly and shouted: "Okay, this plan is very clever. You can kill three birds with one stone without bloodshed! I think it's feasible, gentlemen, what do you think!"

The boss clapped his hands and praised, and the rest of the people had any opinions, so they naturally catered one after another. With an excited scarlet color on his face, Gao Shida said: "Since this is the case, the opportunity is now, I don't think we need to hesitate, let's start first." For the sake of strength, since Eunuch Wang brought up this matter, let Eunuch Wang go to the boat to let the boys in the inner factory know that the men are not vegetarians!"

"What? You said that Gao Shida has handed over all the tax supervision rights to the internal factory when he played today?"

"That's right! Your Highness, do you think there is something wrong with it?"

In the Shenji camp, Ma Zhong, who came to report the news, looked at the thoughtful Li Chengdao and asked.

Just this morning, Gao Shida and others started their own plan to play hard to get, and proposed to hand over the power of tax supervision to the inner factory early in the morning. As for the collection of taxes mentioned earlier, it naturally fell on the inner factory itself .

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar inside and outside the court. Lu Dingyi and the Wu Wang faction were only shocked, but when the officials in the outer court were shocked, they were furious. Wang Jinao and Li Xiyang felt the same in their hearts for the behavior of those people in the inner court who backtracked on their promises. Curse the eighteen generations of ancestors of this group of eunuchs.

Li Yuan didn't think too much about it. He was afraid that Gao Shida and others would not be willing to hand over the position of the God of Wealth, but now that they took the initiative to hand it over, this also increased Li Yuan's trust in Gao Shida, so the court announced that Accurate.

"Where's the deer?"

Li Chengdao looked at Ma Zhong who had just arrived in a hurry and was covered in dust and asked.

Ma Zhong replied: "Master Lu retreated from court, and was called away by Gao Shida, saying that he wanted to hand over relevant seals, ribbons, accounts, etc., and at the same time said that the tax supervisor was up and down, complicated, and he wanted to teach Lord Lu a lesson.

Li Chengdao nodded when he heard the words, and said: "Ma Zhong, you go back, I know about this matter, you are right, there must be a problem here, and it is not a small problem, I know Gao Shida very well , this person regards money as his life, and has an absolute passion for power. He voluntarily handed over the tax supervision power. There must be a conspiracy. You go back to assist the deer, so that you can hand over the handover. The imperial edict ordering me to patrol has arrived. , when I'm not around, there must be no trouble!"

"Follow your orders!"

After saying that, Ma Zhong turned and left. Li Chengdao paced in the camp for a long time, wondering what he was thinking about.

The river is surging, the sky is vast, and a group of geese flying south fly gracefully from where the water and the sky meet.

On the plains on both sides of the river bank, the crops have already been taken away, leaving only withered yellow branches and leaves, proclaiming the awe-inspiring autumn.

As the breeze blows, the sounds of fisherman's songs come from the white-glowed blue waves, intertwined with each other, bold and unrestrained, or sad. The fishermen laugh and withdraw their fishing nets into the river, singing fisherman's songs and waiting for the harvest.

Suddenly, the fisherman's gaze was attracted in one direction. Looking along the fisherman's gaze, he saw a red-hulled single-masted clipper sailing upstream at an extremely fast speed.

(End of this chapter)

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