Chapter 234 Trading?

When they arrived at the reception room of Dongchang, they saw He Yong sitting carefree on the Taishi chair in the reception room. There was a cup of hot tea on the table. At this moment, He Yong was slumped in the chair, closing his eyes and concentrating.

Hearing the movement from outside the door, He Yong naturally knew that it was Gao Shida who came, but he still pretended not to hear it. Seeing this, Gao Shida knew that He Yong was deliberately posing with him, so he didn't point it out and smiled. Sitting on the upper seat, he said nothing and looked at He Yong with a smile.

After a long time, He Yong finally couldn't bear it any longer, opened his eyes, saw the notice of sitting upright, pretended to be surprised, and said, "Oh, Mr. Gao has already arrived, take a look , How do you say this, this household department is no better than you, the chief internal officer, I am so busy, I just took a rest for a while, and fell asleep, I am so rude!"

Gao Shida looked at He Yong's clumsy performance of jumping feet in front of him, and smiled even more on his face, and said: "Where is Mr. He, our family invited Mr. He over today, and we also have some things to ask Mr. He. I heard that the emperor has sent COFCO. The group and the internal treasury have been allocated to your household department. These two are cornucopias for making money. Now that they are handed over to your household department, wouldn’t the household department want to make a lot of money? Our family invites you to congratulate you today I came here just to make a deal with Master He!"

"A deal?" He Yong frowned upon hearing this, and said, "What deal?"

King Wu Li Chengdao handed over the financial, military and political power. Li Chengdao was the first to call out the inner treasury and COFCO Group. In recent years, due to a series of products such as fine salt and monosodium glutamate, COFCO Group has become the most profitable company in China. The inner treasury is a place for money, and this inner treasury has therefore become a money bag that dominates the national treasury.

Nowadays, the two cornucopias of COFCO and the Ministry of Hubu have been classified into the Ministry of Hubu by the Holy Sage, and the Minister of the Ministry of Hubu has directly assigned these two institutions to He Yong. In addition to revenge, this is another reason why Gao Shida invited He Yong. A reason.

Gao Shida just wanted to get a piece of the pie here, but He Yong didn't want Gao Shida to get such a way of making money so easily.

He Yong smiled and said, "Eunuch Gao is joking. This COFCO and the inner treasury belong to the imperial court, and they are not mine, He Yong. How can we trade them?"

Hearing this, Gao Shida said with a smile: "Master He, you and I have been in the court for many years, so there is no need to hide from each other. People in the Ming Dynasty don't speak secretly, and COFCO is also a royal business. This royal business has always been Your household department will manage it on your behalf, as the saying goes, if you start with three points, our family just wants to bring Dongchang into a stock, Master He, please save face!"

He Yong heard the words, but still did not relax his tone, and said: "Gao Gonggong, I can't decide this matter, otherwise, Gao Gonggong should go and talk to Master Shangshu! He Yong still has something to do at home, so I will leave first! "

After finishing speaking, He Yong stood up and was about to bid farewell. Seeing this, Gao Shida swept his hands casually, and the official blue and white porcelain cup on the table fell to the ground, smashed into pieces, and made a crackling sound.

As the sound sounded, suddenly a group of people rushed in, with swords drawn, aiming at He Yong.Seeing this, He Yong suddenly became angry, turned his head and patted the table and shouted: "Okay, Gao Shida, what do you think you are, just a eunuch, I really don't believe it, how dare you do anything to me!"

He Yong spoke one eunuch, poking at Gao Shida's heart, this eunuch is a pervert at first, and he can't stand others talking about his physical defects. He Yong's doing this made Gao Shida even more angry.

Gao Shida slapped the table, stood up, and shouted: "He Yong, you bastard, how dare you scold our family? Do you know where this is? This is Dongchang! What is Dongchang? , Civil and military officials, you are not allowed to ask your majesty for instructions, but you can summon them directly, and today I will tell you the truth, it is not so easy for you to leave when you come to my East Factory!"

Only then did He Yong realize that he was already a sheep in the mouth of a tiger, but he still insisted: "Hmph, old eunuch! I really don't believe it, how dare you do anything to me!"

"Good job!" Gao Shida clapped his hands, walked down, walked up to He Yong, and said coldly: "I really didn't realize that you Mr. He is still an upright guy, that's great, our family still likes it the most." Such a man, come on, detain Mr. He, take him to the imperial prison, and order him to go on, this Mr. He Yong is an old friend of our family, please take care of him carefully and take good care of him!"

After finishing speaking, one of his subordinates came up and took off He Yong's coat, leaving only Yuebai Xiaoyi, and then one left and one right, one front and one back, a total of four people hugged He Yong in the middle, and took him out .

Seeing He Yong being detained, Gao Shida suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of satisfaction in his heart, as if a blood vessel that had been blocked for many years was suddenly opened.

Looking at He Yong who was struggling, but was still being detained by the crowd, Gao Shida couldn't help but said in his heart: "Huh, this is the so-called man? It's just a coward. You men are powerful and have power over women. Okay, then our family will press on you so hard that you will never be reincarnated!"

A few days later, early risers found a dead body covered in clothes in a rubbish dump at Xishikou. It was said that the body was covered with skin and body, but as long as the face and mouth were clean, it seemed that it hadn’t been received. A trace of scar!
Someone recognized from his face that the man who died tragically was Mr. He Yonghe, the Minister of Household Affairs!Mr. He's family members burst into tears and came to identify the body. However, what they didn't expect was that as soon as the He family transported the body back, people from the Dongchang came to visit. The people from the Dongchang came to the door holding the so-called evidence of He Yong's corruption and bribery. The He family made a mistake, and finally found a large amount of gold and silver in the mezzanine of the wall of He Yong's study.

These gold, silver and jewels seem to confirm He Yong's charges of corruption and bribery. As a result, no one seems to care about Mr. He's tragic death.

Not long after, ministers from the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Civil Affairs disappeared one after another. Whenever his family brought the body of the deceased home, people from the Dongchang would appear at the right time, ransack the house, and then seal everything up.

The murder cases obviously did not have the excitement of confiscating their homes, so the people's interest in confiscating their homes quickly overshadowed the murder cases.

In this way, the Ministry of Household Affairs, the Ministry of Officials, and the Ministry of Industry replaced their servants one after another. Soon after, several servants of the Ministry of Accounting jointly signed a letter, proposing to take out the internal treasury and COFCO Group to jointly build and manage the east and west factories. The emperor agreed. , Gao Shida was also very happy, and naturally agreed.

Holding the largest authority and financial revenue agency in the court, Gao Shida is like a fish in water, although neither the officials of the court nor the common people in the world have any direct evidence that the killing of senior officials that happened before is related to the two factories in the East and the West , but now that we see the real winner in this matter, the black hands behind it are already coming out.

(End of this chapter)

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