Chapter 230
Li Chengdao was taken aback for a moment, and immediately remembered that it was a big stick and hammer. With a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, he looked at Ma Zhong and said, "Although this guy is a jerk, he is quite punctual!"

Ma Zhong also smiled slightly, and joked: "His Royal Highness, I think he is clearly greedy for the food of the palace, otherwise he would come to visit the door for a meal!"

Ma Zhong's words made all the soldiers laugh out loud.Li Chengdao also laughed a few times, then looked at the soldier who reported and said, "Go, let him come in!"

After finishing speaking, just as he was about to continue eating, he saw the soldier's face twitching with a strange expression. Li Chengdao asked suspiciously: "What's wrong?"

Hearing this, the personal soldier replied: "His Royal Highness, I have been advising you for a long time, but the general refused to come in, and... and... well, I don't know what to say, if it is really impossible, please go out and see for yourself. Look!"

Li Chengdao and Ma Zhong looked at each other when they heard this. Li Chengdao smiled and said: "Oh, do you have to let me personally greet this guy? He is already here, and he has set a record for me!"

If other people heard this, they would probably be terrified. After all, the prince who thought he was the most powerful in the dynasty went out to greet him in person. Except for the current emperor, I am afraid that no one is qualified to do so.

But when Ma Zhong and the other soldiers heard this, they just laughed, because they all knew that what their master, the current King of Wu Li Chengdao, valued most was the so-called etiquette.

Li Chengdao put down the bowls and chopsticks, stood up, and said, "Go ahead and eat, Ma Zhong, let's go, follow me to see, what kind of plane is this ramming goods?"

Hearing this, Ma Zhong quickly put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands, and while walking out behind Li Chengdao, he asked puzzledly: "Your Highness, what do you mean by flying? Is it for food? How to eat..."

At the gate of King Wu's Mansion, a large number of melon-eating people had already gathered. These people gathered about ten steps away from the gate of King Wu's Mansion. They were all smiling, pointing and whispering from time to time, discussing a lot .

As soon as the gate of Prince Wu's Mansion was opened, the onlookers immediately fell silent, and His Highness Prince Wu came out, followed by two generals in full armor, Ma Zhong, and the personal soldier who reported.

As soon as Li Chengdao came out of the gate, his eyes were attracted by the gathered common people, he wondered why these people gathered at his gate, it was time for dinner, why didn't any of them go home, what's so interesting.

When Li Chengdao was muttering to himself, the soldier came to Li Chengdao's side, then bowed his hands and saluted Li Chengdao, pointed with his hand, Li Chengdao and Ma Zhong looked in the direction of the soldier's finger, and saw not far ahead, A dark shadow loomed faintly, and there seemed to be a few long thorns growing on its back!
Li Chengdao and Ma Zhongju were taken aback for a moment, didn't they say that the big stick and hammer are coming?What's the situation, did this big stick get deformed by eating something unclean?

The sky was dark, so Li Chengdao and Ma Zhong hurried forward to check it out. After taking a look, they found that the black lump was actually a big hammer, and those long thorns were thorns on his back. .

I saw Da Banghammer's upper body was naked, and a few thorny thorns on his back had already pierced Da Banghammer's majestic back, shedding a little blood.

At this time, Big Banghammer was kneeling on the ground, his head bowed deeply, and he was silent. Seeing this, Ma Zhong stepped forward and coughed twice, wanting to remind Big Banghammer that King Wu was coming, but Big Banghammer was He didn't listen or ask, and still maintained his posture.

Seeing this, Li Chengdao and Ma Zhong felt even more strange. When Li Chengdao approached, he heard light snoring sounds in his ears, and immediately burst out laughing. This idiot can actually sleep like this!

Ma Zhong couldn't help laughing, and hurried forward, and touched the big stick hammer without anyone knowing it. The big stick hammer only felt a flicker, and his whole body felt like falling into a cliff. The weightlessness made him wake up all of a sudden.

Rubbing his eyes, he saw two people standing in front of him. Taking a closer look, they were Ma Zhong who was smiling and His Highness Wu Wang who was serious.

The big stick hammer knocked his head quickly, and said loudly: "Your Highness, forgive me. Today is the last general's sloppy, and there is a place where he collided with His Highness and the palace. The last general doesn't know how to plead guilty, so he has to imitate the old general Lian Po, plead guilty, and please His Highness." forgive!"

Li Chengdao and Ma Zhong heard the words, although their faces remained unchanged, they were extremely puzzled in their hearts. Both of them knew this big stick and hammer. Please come to the allusion of sin!

Hearing this, Li Chengdao smiled slightly, then restrained his expression, and said, "Idiot, don't you feel ashamed enough? Hurry up and get out of here!"

After finishing speaking, Li Chengdao walked into the palace without looking back, but here, the big stick and hammer were stunned by His Royal Highness Wu Wang's words. According to what Xiaolu said, at this time, His Highness Wu Wang should step forward to help him, It's right to say something like forgiveness in your mouth, why did you leave after saying such a sentence?
For a while, it was not right for the big stick to kneel or walk. Fortunately, Ma Zhong saw the big stick and hammer who was in a dilemma, stepped forward to help him and said, "Okay, are you still here to bask in the fat? Hurry up and get rid of these troublesome things." Now, follow me into the mansion!"

Big Stick Hammer hastily agreed, thinking to himself that this little deer is really good at predicting things, if someone supports him, he will be supported, although it is not His Royal Highness Wu Wang himself, but whoever supports him is not the one who supports him!
The Big Stick Hammer would just go down the slope, and with the help of Ma Zhong, he stood up, removed a few thorns behind his back, and happily followed Ma Zhong into the palace.

The soldier picked up the twigs and was about to take them to the back kitchen and firewood room, but seeing a crowd of people still watching, he couldn't help shouting loudly: "Let's go, let's go. Everyone is gone, why don't you leave?" What catches your eyes!"

In Prince Wu's mansion, above the living room.

Li Chengdao sat on the main seat, holding a cup of fragrant tea in his hand, and Ma Zhong stood on the left holding a sword.

And directly in front of the two of them, a naked-chested burly man was kneeling on the ground. It was the big stick hammer that had just staged a scene of pleading guilty. There was a little blood on the back of the big stick hammer. Can't help but tremble a little.

Li Chengdao smiled coldly and asked: "Hey, are you feeling cold now? I see you fell asleep outside just now. What's the matter? Is it colder in my palace than outside?"

"Your Majesty, your humble position is not frozen!" Da Bang Hammer replied.

Hearing this, Li Chengdao was taken aback for a moment, and then asked, "Oh? Why is that?"

"Your Majesty, I am humbled because I am frightened and ashamed, so I am trembling!"


Li Chengdao was shocked by the words of the big stick and hammer, and Li Chengdao couldn't help muttering in his heart, this guy is a rough man, when did he know how to talk like this?
After a long time, Li Chengdao asked, "Oh? Then tell me, what are you afraid of? What are you ashamed of?"

When the big stick hammer heard this, his heart immediately burst into joy, Xiao Lu sincerely did not deceive me, what His Highness said was exactly the same as what Xiao Lu taught me.

(End of this chapter)

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