Chapter 214
Why didn't Zhang Tianshi know that if he was awarded the title, he would just become Li Shimin's tool, Zhang Tianshi was unwilling to do this, so he kept rejecting Li Shimin's award, and as a last resort, he always used the excuse of wandering outside.The emperor's envoy was not seen.

Li Shimin is also a ruthless person, since you don't want to see me, I will set fire to the mountain and force you to leave the mountain.In other words, if you do what you do, even if Zhang Tianshi doesn't care, it is impossible for the disciples below to watch what happened to Longhushan and ignore it.

In the end, the honor of Li Shimin's protector of the country fell on Zhang Renfeng, Zhang Tianshi's junior brother. Zhang Renfeng's biological sister became Li Shimin's in-laws. Naturally, Zhang Renfeng's two children, one Hongcheng and the other Lingbao, were both Longhushan Zhengyi The Celestial Master who taught the Celestial Master's Mansion was also a relative of the emperor.

Although these words are many, they only last for a moment. Princess Xiuhe found that Li Chengdao didn't seem to be too interested in this matter, so he said

"Okay, okay, Hongcheng, don't be too anxious. I will tell my father what you said. I have been out for so long. Go back and see your grandfather. Yesterday your mother came into the palace. I miss you, I finally went down the mountain once, go back and have a look!"

After hearing the words, the Hongcheng brothers and sisters bowed to Li Chengdao and the princess, and then left the palace under the leadership of the young eunuch of the Huangmen.

Li Chengdao was stunned in place, looking at the backs of Hongcheng and the two who were drifting away, his heart was full of question marks.

The biggest doubt in Li Chengdao's heart was that based on his understanding of Grandpa Huang, he never believed in the so-called ghosts and monsters, not to mention that this so-called heavenly master was canonized by Li Shimin.How did Grandpa Huang let this Daoist Hongcheng mix into the palace, and also be received by Princess Xiuhe, who is much loved by Li Yuan?

Lingbao gave Li Chengdao a strange look for the last time, and then left with his brother's push and push. After walking for a long time, Li Chengdao smiled, but immediately realized that his dry aunt, Princess Xiuhe, was still here Woolen cloth!

"How are you recently?"

Xiuhe asked shyly, but at this moment Li Chengdao was still immersed in curiosity about the two young Taoist priests from Longhu Mountain, and for a while he didn't hear clearly what Xiuhe said.

"Huh? Auntie, what did you say?"

Xiuhe blushed when she heard the words, and wanted to ask again, but the word Aunt Li Chengdao immediately brought her back to reality, she talked silently in her heart, and said with a forced smile on her face: "I mean, I haven't seen you enter the harem for a long time, what's going on today?"

Li Chengdao hurriedly smiled and said: "Oh, my aunt originally asked this. Chengdao told my aunt that just now in the Wenhua Palace, the sutra feast just ended, Grandpa Huang summoned me and asked me to meet him in the imperial study."

Princess Xiuhe's eyes quickly flashed with a trace of reluctance, and she nodded slightly: "Then go quickly, don't keep the emperor waiting!"

When Li Chengdao heard the words, he said "yes", and after saluting, he turned and left. Princess Xiuhe looked a little startled at Li Chengdao's leaving figure.

But Princess Xiuhe quickly realized her gaffe, a blush flashed across her suet-like white jade face, she blushed, turned around and said softly to the maid: "Let's go, go back!"

At this time, the two little heavenly masters Hongcheng and Lingbao, accompanied by the little eunuch Huangmen, came to the palace gate. Xiaohuangmen looked at the brother and sister with a smile, and helped them hand in hand on a giant car. carriage.

To say that this Longhu Mountain is full of incense, although the real Tianshi Zhang is not there, as the chief disciple of Zhang Tianshi, Hongcheng naturally has the essence of Taoism, and he has the canonization of the imperial court, so Hongcheng came here this time. There are 36 Taoist disciples.

This little yellow family has been in the palace for a long time. Such a rich and noble person naturally has to serve him wholeheartedly. After all, although Hongcheng is a member of the Taoist sect, he is not shy about the rules of the world. The little eunuch at the carriage gate also rewarded 50 taels!

But at this time, Hongcheng was a little absent-minded, his fingers were moving inside the huge sleeves of his robe, his brows were furrowed, as if he was thinking about something.

The little eunuch from the Yellow Gate is a little confused, what's the matter?Hasn't the reward been given yet?Does Hongcheng really look like this kind of person?

Thinking of this, Huang Men smiled all over his face and said: "You two real people, you have worked hard today, and you should rest early when you go back!"

Hongcheng didn't say anything when he heard the words, let alone express anything, but Lingbao was very clever, and replied: "Eunuch, you are being polite, but it is even more difficult for your father-in-law to accompany our brothers and sisters for a whole day today!"

"Haha, Master Lingbao was just joking. Aren't we people doing the work of serving people? To put it bluntly, if you have money and power, who would want to do this! Fortunately, some adults give rewards from time to time. It's barely passable!"

Lingbao is so smart, he immediately heard that there was something in the little eunuch's words, and immediately smiled and said:

"Oh, look, how did you forget this!"

As he spoke, Lingbao put his hand into the sleeve of his robe, but when he touched it, his face turned red, but it turned out that the money was with his brother, and he had nothing on him.

Lingbao coughed slightly as a reminder, and Hongcheng finally woke up and looked at Lingbao and Lingbao in confusion. Lingbao winked at him and pointed at the sleeve of his robe imperceptibly.

Hongcheng came to his senses, and quickly took out a 100 tael bank note from his sleeve, and handed it over. Seeing this, the little yellow gate waved his hands, and said in fear and fear, "Oh, you two real people, isn't this a bad guy? Is it? It is a great blessing to be able to serve two real people, if I accept this money, I will not be punished by God!"

"Father-in-law is serious!" Hongcheng said, "It's just a little idea between us brothers and sisters. I hope that father-in-law will not dislike it and can accept it with a smile!"

Hearing the words, Xiao Huangmen didn't refuse any more, put the silver bill into his arms with a smile, and said: "In that case, that villain will be disrespectful, thank you Hongcheng Lingbao two real people!"

Hongcheng Lingbao got on the carriage, Xiao Huangmen watched the carriage go away, took out the banknote and looked at it, 100 taels!
These bulls from Longhu Mountain are really rich!Thinking of this, Xiao Huangmen smiled slightly, collected the banknotes with great care, turned around, put his hands behind his back, and left humming a ditty.

On the way, Lingbao looked at his brother and asked in a low voice, "Brother, what did you figure out just now? Do you also think that Li Chengdao's expression is a little weird?"

Hongcheng came to his senses when he heard the words, and concealed it: "Where is it, no, brother, I was just wondering where the master went?"

"Come on!" Lingbao said disdainfully: "I don't know you, brother? Is this the way you look when you miss the master? Tell me, brother, have you discovered anything?"

Hearing this, Hongcheng gave Lingbao a hard look, and said, "Shut up, my little ancestor, be careful not to speak out!"

As he spoke, Hongcheng lifted the curtains on the car, looked around, and made sure that there was no one around, and then he did it carefully, and said: "Let's talk about it when we go back, if you cause me trouble again, I will never take you with me again." Out!"

(End of this chapter)

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