Chapter 202 Give way to Gaozu

Hearing this, Ma Chao and Huo Qubing looked at each other suspiciously. They were about to ask, but found that Li Chengdao had already got on the horse and was looking ahead thoughtfully. So he didn't open his mouth knowingly, but just cupped his hands and shouted "Yes".

At this time in Chang'an City, the rebellious parties everywhere have been quelled, and Gan Ning also led his people to come. Looking at Li Chengdao's serious face, Gan Ning subconsciously thought that Li Chengdao had blamed himself for the matter of Shenjiying, so he hurried He knelt down and pleaded guilty in his mouth.

When Li Chengdao heard Gan Ning's plea, he seemed to wake up, looked at Gan Ning, and said strangely: "General Gan Ning, why is this so?"

"Reporting to Your Highness, the last general is not strict with his orders, yet such traitorous officials and thieves have appeared in our Shenji camp, the last general deserves death! Please forgive me, Your Highness!"

As Gan Ning spoke, his head hit the ground heavily, making a bang.

Seeing this, Li Chengdao quickly stopped him and said: "General Gan Ning doesn't have to be like this. This king has already found out about this matter. It's just the manipulation of the people below. As for committing rebellion, he was also deceived by others. Although General Gan Ning has no serious fault, But it is true that the subordinates are not strict. Fortunately, the guard has done a good job, and the merits and demerits are equal to each other, but General Gan Ning must pay more attention to it in the future!"

Hearing this, Gan Ning hurriedly thanked him, then stood up and stood beside Li Chengdao silently.

Half an hour passed in a blink of an eye. The guards who were keeping time behind him came to whisper a few words in Ma Chao's ear. Ma Chao and Huo Qubing stepped forward to salute. There was no dialogue. Li Chengdao nodded. Ma Chao and Huo Qubing immediately turned around and waved their hands. He waved, led a group of soldiers, and went straight to the palace of King Qin.

After a moment, Ma Chao and Huo Qubing hurriedly walked out, clasped their hands and said in a deep voice: "Your Majesty, there is no one in the whole house of Prince Qin's Mansion. Many secret passages were found in the study and woodshed. There are a lot of secret passages." Based on the traces of the troops, I believe that King Qin has led his people to escape, and his subordinates have already sent people."

"No need!" Li Chengdao said: "Call back all the people you sent out, don't chase after them!"

Ma Chao and Huo Qubing heard the words, although they hesitated for a moment, but Li Chengdao had already spoken, the two did not hesitate, immediately respected yes, turned and went into the mansion to deliver the order.

In the first year of the Celestial Dynasty, Li Chengdao ended the reign of the Celestial Dynasty by himself, announced it to the world, and gave way to Gaozu, that is, his grandfather Li Yuan.

The throne was abdicated, and the year name was naturally restored to Wude. Calculated, it should be the 18th year of Wude.

On the sixth day of June, the first day Gaozu returned to the court, he announced a series of personnel appointments. The original positions of the prime minister Kong Ming, the four guards, the director of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, and the director of national security remained unchanged. And the troops under his command were included in the Xiaoqi Battalion, and Ma Chao was the chief general: Huo Qubing formed the Iron Cavalry Battalion based on the original Huo Family Army, and Huo Qubing was the chief general.

On the seventh day of June, the director of the Independent Commission Against Corruption, Kong Ming, the prime minister of the current dynasty, and Qinglong, the commander of the Jinyiwei, came to inspect the Shenji Camp. They found out that the Shenji Camp’s staff general Bao Jinzhong, the third division commander Liu He and other generals and assistants + three people in total had embezzled military pay. , enriched his own pockets, and there were other illegal things to be investigated. The emperor was furious, and took him to the capital with brocade clothes and guard locks to wait for reference.

On the eighth day of the sixth lunar month, He Yong, the supervisory envoy of the Overwatch Council, and Bing Ke sent Chen Bing to impeach Shenji Battalion Commander Gan Ning for his laxity.

The next day, Emperor Gaozu summoned King Wu to the palace and severely reprimanded him for being unfavorable in capturing the King of Qin. He also ordered Li Chengdao to rectify the military aircraft, gave Li Chengdao the Double Tiger Talisman, and led the Shenji Camp, Xiaoqi Camp, and Iron Cavalry Camp to perform martial arts in the mountains.

Twenty miles west of Chang'an is Xiaobeishan, the venue for this martial arts performance.

It is now the third day of the martial arts exercise. On the first day, Li Chengdao watched the formation drills of various troops, and found that even Ma Chao and Huo Qubing led the army, they still could not get rid of the restrictions of the military formation during the martial arts exercise.

So Li Chengdao decisively proposed the next day to use training as a battle, and actual combat exercises. The Xiaoqi Battalion commanded by Ma Chao and the Cavalry Battalion commanded by Huo Qubing played the offensive and defensive sides respectively, and a wave of real red-blue confrontation took place.

Ma Chao and Huo Qubing gave full play to their talents and techniques in the actual combat drills. Although they were drills, they were also shouting and killing. They have been fighting outside for many years. The bravery of the frontier army is naturally incomparable to that of the guards. Seeing the red-eyed Ma Jiajun With Huo Jiajun, the soldiers of Shenji Battalion were all astonished, but they were also greatly encouraged.

On the third day, the Shenji Battalion's martial arts performance began. Because it was a practical martial arts performance and all live ammunition was used, there was no one to cooperate with the Shenji Camp's martial arts performance. All they had were humanoid targets set up one by one.

At the foot of the hillside, the soldiers of the Shenji Battalion were divided into groups and conducted marching shooting and in-situ shooting training in the valley. Suddenly there was the sound of artillery, bursts of gunfire, and large clouds of gunpowder smoke rising into the sky.

This time the forces of the three divisions of the Shenji Battalion were gathered together. After Gan Ning's further reorganization and sorting, in accordance with Li Chengdao's requirement of having elite troops rather than redundant ones, the total strength of the three divisions of the Shenji Battalion now totals 500.

Including the personal soldiers and guards directly under the commander-in-chief, there are more than 600 people in total.Among them, there are 200 pikemen, each armed with an infantry gun; 200 grenadiers, each carrying ten grenades and five smoke grenades; 180 artillerymen, equipped with 500 red cannons newly developed by Gan Ning and foreigners There are 400 multi-barreled gunmen, each equipped with a multi-barreled gun that can be fired six times in a row. At the same time, each of these [-] people is also equipped with a pistol for close combat.

Li Chengdao was originally the commander in charge of the Shenji Battalion, and now he has received the Golden Order Arrow bestowed by Emperor Gaozu, entrusting him with full authority to handle military exercises.

Li Chengdao saw that the whole army of the Shenji Battalion received firearms and ammunition, and when he saw this team standing on the school ground, he felt a sense of time travel back to modern times, except for the soldiers brought by the two tiger generals behind him. The guards are fast horses and long swords, and the entire team on the school grounds is a fully weaponized force.

Looking at the valiant and high-spirited soldiers of the Shenji Battalion in the school field, Li Chengdao couldn't help thinking to himself, is this the army of Datang?Although these firearms and ammunition were improved by himself, the excitement in Li Chengdao's heart was even stronger.

Looking at the bursts of smoke in the martial arts arena, and the sound of roaring guns and guns, Gan Ning, Ma Chao and Huo Qubing beside Li Chengdao were all very excited.

These are all actual combat generals. In the ancient battlefield, which has always been dominated by horses and sharp knives, seeing that their side has mastered this powerful long-range attack weapon, the three of them are excited. In addition, the three of them are trying to quell the rebellion. When I saw the power of these new weapons with my own eyes, I was full of confidence in next year's war against the Turks.

Ma Chao, Gan Ning and Huo Qubing were extremely excited when they saw the new weapons used by the Shenji Camp on the school field. Especially Gan Ning, who was known as the explosive maniac, his face was flushed with excitement.

But when the three of them cast their eyes on Li Chengdao, they found that Li Chengdao was frowning and watching everything that happened on the school grounds, as if he was not very satisfied with the things in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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