Chapter 178

After everyone listened, Kong Ming thought for a moment and said: "Now it seems that Mr. Zhu's approach of throwing stones to ask for directions is right. I just don't know what the accounts are like. No, I can ask Commander Qinglong to send some people over to check in detail. !”

"No!" Before Li Chengdao could speak, Kong Yi over there spoke first. She frowned and said, "If a large number of outsiders suddenly enter the Shenji Camp, it is inevitable that they will not attract attention. It will be difficult to do something!"

Hearing this, Li Chengdao looked at the kawaii little loli in front of him in shock. He really couldn't understand how this little girl grew up. She looked harmless to humans and animals on the outside, but she always hit the nail on the head.

Li Chengdao nodded, and said: "Miss Kong Yi is right, so I decided that Jin Yiwei will only be responsible for the peripheral investigation and the final arrest operation. As for the accounting issue..."

"Why don't you leave it to us!" Kong Yi volunteered, and said, "Anyway, our identities are your relatives. It would not be too much for a general to arrange a few relatives by his side as personal soldiers!"

Li Chengdao looked at her, and there was a strong breath in the immature smiling face.

Kong Qia seemed to notice Li Chengdao's gaze, and his face became flushed, and he said: "Actually, I also want to do something for the emperor. After coming to Chang'an for so long, the emperor has been avoiding me, and I don't know that the emperor Has he already forgotten about me, or is it just making up for the fact that he hates the disciples of the Kong family for causing such a disaster to him?"

In the afternoon, Li Chengdao ordered his subordinates to take people to the Procurement Department, and together with Ma Zhong, transported all the account books back to the commander's account.

Although the General’s Mansion was rebuilt on the basis of the original house in the east of Anxi, Li Chengdao’s current house of the General’s Mansion is built on a gentle slope on the hill. It is divided into three courtyards. The account books were transported to the third entrance courtyard, poured into the main room, and spread all over the floor.

At this time, only Li Chengdao, Kong Yi, Suzaku, and Ma Zhong who were disguised as soldiers were left in the main room. Everyone looked at the running accounts and felt a headache, but Kong Yi looked indifferent.

I saw Kong Yi calmly taking out paper, ink, pen and inkstone, then picking up a pile from the ground, finding a table and starting to sort it out carefully.

Seeing this, Suzaku and Ma Zhong followed suit and started working.

Kong Yi grew up in a scholarly family. She is proficient in playing piano, chess, calligraphy, and painting. In addition, she is smart from a young age. Naturally, she can keep accounts with her hands, and she can understand those chaotic journals at a glance.

And Zhuque and Ma Zhong were also very smart people. They imitated what they had learned, and after a while, they also entered the state and remembered the pattern.

Li Chengdao came to Suzaku, but as soon as Suzaku saw Li Chengdao approaching, he immediately turned around, leaving him with a cold back. Li Chengdao was extremely embarrassed and felt bored, so he had to pretend to look at the other two.

Ma Zhong's handwriting is wide open and closed. Although it is a bit sloppy, it is vigorous and vigorous, and the words are like human beings.

Suzaku is a female military officer, but she has a very delicate mind, and her handwriting is neat and clear, and there is a hint of heroism in her handwriting.

Looking at Kong Yi again, she is a scholarly family, everyone is a lady, and her handwriting is beautiful and neat.Seeing Li Chengdao couldn't help but feel relaxed and happy.

However, when Li Chengdao saw that they copied the accounts, although the words were neatly copied, it was only a copy. It was a real record of the journal, and it was very troublesome to classify and count the addition and subtraction of income and expenditure.

Doing this is nothing more than turning these chaotic journals into a pile of neat journals, which is of no benefit to audit statistics.

Thinking of this, Li Chengdao remembered the modern scientific counting method he had been exposed to in his previous life. He simply stopped the three of them, then took a piece of paper and drew a simple three-column table.

Li Chengdao thought to himself, although the three of them are smart people, it is obviously impossible to explain the loan relationship of assets and liabilities to them in order to fight urgently overnight.

Thinking of this, Li Chengdao slightly modified the form, marked the account type on the eyebrows, and explained the simplest payment accounting method to the three of them in detail.

This accounting method is easy to understand, the recorded accounts are clear, and each time one page is recorded, the balance can be checked one by one. These three people have a solid foundation and are smart. After listening to his explanation, they will feel The brilliance of this accounting method was revealed only when they saw the Arabic numerals and crooked symbols written there when Li Chengdao was explaining it. None of the three of them recognized it.

Seeing this, Li Chengdao thought to himself, this modern accounting method can be understood by three people in a few words, isn't it easy to learn to use Arabic numerals?So he carefully taught Arabic numerals.

Who knows that for these three people who have long been accustomed to writing accounts, Arabic numerals are not easy to accept. Every time they finish an account, when calculating the balance, they still habitually write Chinese characters first, and then a Chinese character A Chinese character is compared with the Arabic numerals translated into this ghost-like character.

Gradually, using Li Chengdao's scientific bookkeeping method and Arabic numerals, the efficiency of the three of them was greatly increased, and each of them quickly sorted out an account. The three of them gradually got used to this novel and concise number. , The speed of accounting has also been significantly improved.

Li Chengdao saw that the three accountants and anti-corruption fighters were very interested at this time. Even Suzaku seemed to have forgotten what happened just now, and asked some questions from time to time. Li Chengdao also knew everything and said everything.

Seeing that the audit work of the three people was on the right track, Li Chengdao sat on the chair, adjusted a comfortable posture, leaned on his back and closed his eyes to rest.

But at this time, the mansion of Deputy General Bao Jinzhong was really depressed.

Bao Jinzhong was sitting on the bed at the moment, drinking wine with a gloomy face, his brows were frowned into a pimple, and his face was indescribably depressed and gloomy.But nothing morbid.

As for the Shenji Camp, Bao Jiuhai, Bao Jinzhong’s younger brother, sat across from him, looked at the silent elder brother who was drinking alcohol, and said anxiously: “Brother, you should think of a way. Said that this little boy is shady enough, and the soft knife with a smiley face stabbed it down. Now he has taken away the whole three sacks of account books. Although I didn't remember them all at first, and the inside is messy, just in case he finds out What are the traces, so what should I do?"

Bao Jinzhong listened to Bao Jiuhai's words, and felt even more depressed. He drank the wine in the bowl in one gulp, and after a long time, he sneered and said, "If he likes to investigate, let him do it. Even if he finds out, so what? How can someone be afraid of him?"

Hearing this, Bao Jiuhai said with embarrassment, "But, brother, this..."

Before Bao Jiuhai could finish speaking, Bao Jinzhong scolded, "Damn, it's just such a small matter. You don't care about it. I know that procurement in the military is a fat job. You have made a lot of money and contributed a lot over the years, but You have to know that our two brothers are both prosperous and both are prosperous! If that surnamed Zhu really catches you with some excuse to get me down, then we both have to drink the northwest wind!"

"No, brother, I didn't mean that, I meant to say..."

(End of this chapter)

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