Chapter 138

Both Ma Zhong and Big Banghammer couldn't figure out why Li Chengdao didn't allow himself to track down the assassin. In fact, the moment the feathered arrow was dropped by him just now, Li Chengdao found that two black figures in flying fish suits flashed from the roof. However, the movement was so fast that it seemed to disappear into the sky in an instant.

No one can go beyond Jin Yiwei in pursuit of the detectives. Since Jin Yiwei's people have caught up, why send a large force to chase after him?On the one hand, it is easy to startle the enemy, and on the other hand, Jinyiwei and Xiaoqiying do not know each other. In case of unnecessary misunderstandings and frictions, no matter which party suffers, Li Chengdao does not want to see it.


Li Chengdao looked at the corpse of Chang'an Prefecture Yin in the court and let out a long sigh, while Kong Ming on the side said: "Your Majesty, is there anything on your mind?"

"Sir, look, in a small Chang'an, under the feet of the emperor, in broad daylight, there is someone who dares to do such a murderous act in front of me. His heart can be punished, his heart can be punished!"

After Li Chengdao finished speaking, his expression darkened suddenly, and he said: "My father taught me to take the world as my own responsibility when I was alive, but now it seems that I may really not be the material to be the emperor!"

"Your Majesty, you don't have to blame yourself. Your Majesty is the destiny. It will be a matter of time before the world returns. What happened now is because the predecessors did not manage it well. It has nothing to do with the Emperor!"

"Take care of this place, Big Bang Hammer, let's go back to the palace!"

After finishing speaking, Li Chengdao did not turn his head back, and took the big stick and hammer and Kong Ming on the way back to the palace...

Sitting in the study, Li Chengdao was in an extremely depressed mood. He originally wanted to be a reformer, but he didn't want to. The road to reform was so bumpy. Now that things have not been completed, three or four people have died one after another.

Thinking of this, Li Chengdao suddenly felt a headache. He sat on the dragon chair, holding his forehead with his hand, looking quite painful.

"Your Majesty, let's have something to eat. After you came back from Chang'an Mansion, there is still plenty of water and rice. This is not acceptable!"

Da Bang Chui held a bowl of fragrant rice porridge in his hand and said with concern, but Li Chengdao was not moved at all. Da Bang Chui did not dare to say anything, so he had to put the bowl aside and said nothing.

After a long time, Li Chengdao looked up at the big stick hammer, and said: "Big stick hammer, you said that I have been fighting outside, and I have ignored life and death for many years, but I didn't find it so difficult. Now I don't need to fight, but just govern the country, so I feel I'm so overwhelmed, why on earth is this!"

After hearing the words, the big stick hammer thought for a while and said: "Your Majesty, I don't understand these principles. I know that our soldiers don't have as many twists and turns as those literati. When these two armies confront each other, what we pay attention to is aura and real kung fu. But when it comes to governing the country, I have heard others say that it is a matter of virtue and strategy. I don’t understand these things, but I know that a good emperor either knows it himself or his subordinates understand it. If he knows it, he can govern naturally. A good country should be understood by his subordinates, as long as the emperor knows how to use his subordinates well, he can also govern the country well."

"That's right!" Li Chengdao listened to the truth in Da Bangchui's simple language and couldn't help but sigh: "It's a pity that I don't understand it, and there aren't many people who understand it!"

"Your Majesty, I think you know a lot. You see, when you were in the Chang'an government office today, you discovered things that even the clerks didn't discover. Even Mr. Kong Ming told me that you used these things. The method, he has never seen it before!"

Li Chengdao looked at the big stick hammer with a sincere face, and suddenly felt that this simple and cute guy was the one who really had great wisdom.

Thinking of this, Li Chengdao suddenly came up with a plan. The rules in the officialdom have been formed for a long time. Over time, the people in it can only be restricted to such and such unspoken rules. They can't help but be infected by this big dyeing vat. In this case, why not Like Emperor Yongzheng, simply send Li Wei, who knows nothing, to stir him up?
Thinking of this, Li Chengdao looked at the big stick and asked, "Big stick, if I entrust this Chang'an to you to manage, can you manage it well?"

"Leave it to me?" Big Bang hammer stared at Li Chengdao, and said, "I can't do it! I can't read. I heard that those who are officials must know how to read!"

"Who said that? I know that there is an official who doesn't know how to read, and he is very good at it!" As soon as Li Chengdao came up with this idea, he suddenly became playful and said, "I will obey the order with a big stick! Now the governor of Chang'an is dead." , However, Chang'an Prefecture is the capital of the country, and the Prefect of Chang'an has an important duty to maintain the security of the capital. It cannot be left alone for a day. I now order you to act as the Prefect of Chang'an Prefecture until after this Enke incident is over!"


"Ah what?" When Da Banghammer was dumbfounded, Mr. Kong Ming walked in from behind, patted Da Banghammer on the shoulder, and said, "Don't kneel down to thank you!"

Da Bang Chui then knelt down and thanked him. After getting up, he said with a confused look on his face: "I'm going to become an official now?"

"Well, that's right, and he is also a high official. As the saying goes, the emperor guards the gate of the country! You, the governor, should watch the gate of Chang'an City for me!"

"Your Majesty, don't worry, I will definitely help you keep a good look at the gate, and no bad guy will be let in!"

Looking at Da Bang Chui's serious statement, Li Chengdao suddenly realized something and said: "I said Da Bang Chui, this gatekeeper is just a metaphor. Don't take it seriously and guard it at the city gate!"

"Huh? Then what am I doing?"

With a dazed look on his face, Li Chengdao explained, you go to the Yamen of Chang'an Mansion, check for me what the governor of Chang'an Mansion has done wrongly, and then settle the case for the common people, that's all! "

"Oh! Then I understand! Your Majesty, I still have something to ask!"

"Go ahead!"

"Then can I call myself Weichen from now on?"

"Weichen, is the Governor of Chang'an still a Weichen? In Chang'an City, besides Zhen, you are the biggest. No one dares to care about you even if you call yourself a minister!"

After just one week of emergency training, Big Stick took up his post.

On this day, Big Banghammer came to the Yamen of Chang'an Mansion and stood there blankly, looking carefully at the huge plaque hanging under the wide eaves. Come on, that word seems to have a kind of magical power, which makes people feel more happy the more they look at it.

Da Bangchui has come here not once or twice. He came here before to protect Li Chengdao. At that time, he was still a guest of the Chang'an government office.

But today is different from the past. Today is the day when Da Bangchui takes office. To put it bluntly, today's Chang'an government office is like Da Bangchui.

"Mother!" Da Bangchui looked at the majestic building of Chang'an government office, with tears in his eyes, and said secretly in his heart:
"You know under the spring, my son has won you over, and now he is the Governor of Chang'an Mansion!"

Da Banghammer stood blankly at the door, but his face was very exciting, with tears, snot, and saliva flowing. From a distance, he looked like an imbecile child.

"Mr. Wu, this is the government office of Chang'an, an important place for the imperial court. What are you doing standing at the door? Leave quickly!"

(End of this chapter)

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