Chapter 126
Kong Ming said: "Your Majesty, the fight against corruption is indeed related to the overall situation of the country. It's just that you have just ascended the throne, and the world has been in war for a long time. First, the corrupt officials will be wiped out, and no one will be able to use them for a while. You also need to plan slowly, don't be anxious!"

"What Mr. said is very true. To put it bluntly, we have no manpower and no funds. Today, I invite the two lovers to come here to solve this matter for you!"

When Kong Ming and An Xidong heard this, they immediately beamed with joy. Both of them are people with ideals and ambitions, and their hearts are full of enthusiasm. It's hard to cook without rice!

"Mr. Kong Ming, I have ordered Ma Chao and Qinglong to investigate today's incident. By the way, you may not know about Qinglong. He is another shadow force of mine, named Jinyiwei. It is a detective force secretly cultivated by me. You and Qinglong Contact, this Jinyiwei will be temporarily handed over to your ICAC for use, and the personnel will be deployed by you, but there is only one thing, don't let them be exposed!"

"As for the funds, Zhao Shengtai is a big family in Chang'an. Now that he has committed a rebellion, the crime of ransacking his family and exterminating his family is unavoidable. General An and Mr. Kong Ming will cooperate with Jin Yiwei to seize the family property and not enter the national treasury. All of it will be used for the funds of the two of you!"

"Old minister obeys!"

"Mr. Kong Ming, from now on we will use war to support war, seize the property of a corrupt official, and put all of it into the use of the two of you, and support the development of the Independent Commission Against Corruption and the Safety Institute in turn!"

"The old minister accepts the decree to thank you!"

In doing so, Kong Ming and An Xidong immediately burst into smiles. It must be known that the magistrate was cleared for three years, and the [-] snowflakes of silver, with the family background of a corrupt official, can be imagined.

Li Chengdao excited the two of them, and a smile spread across his lips, but then he seemed to think of something and reminded them:
"You have to remember that only a few of us know about the existence of Jinyiwei. This matter must not be leaked, otherwise it will lose its role as a surprise soldier. In addition, Jinyiwei is only temporarily handed over to the two of you until the ICAC and the Security Council are established. , will be independent, so you are only coordinating, the leader of the Jinyiwei is still the Qinglong Commander, understand?"

"Subordinates obey!"

"Okay, get up. General Anxidong will go to Dali Temple first to contact General Ma Chao and Commander Qinglong. Mr. Kong Ming will stay here for now. I still have something to do!"

An Xidong left happily, and only Li Chengdao and Kong Ming were left in the room. Li Chengdao looked at Kong Ming, sighed suddenly, and said, "Mr. To solve the funds, you need to have self-hematopoietic function!"

"Self-hematopoietic function?" Kong Ming didn't quite understand this word, Li Chengdao explained it in a few words, Kong Ming nodded and said: "Your Majesty's words are very true. Although corruption can solve temporary difficulties, it is by no means a long-term solution!"

"That's right, so I thought of another way! Does Mr. Kong Ming have any research on water warfare?"

"Naval battle? The Maritime Silk Road?"

Kong Ming is still a little unfamiliar with these words.He looked at Li Chengdao with some doubts.

"That's right, on the other side of the sea, there are hidden rich resources beyond our imagination, such as gold, spices, etc., and the Maritime Silk Road has been formed since the Qin and Han Dynasties. After Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, there are still many businessmen Going out to sea for trade, now, the forces of overseas countries are awakening, so we must seize the opportunity and take this golden road as our own!"

As Li Chengdao said, his face was full of longing, but immediately, Li Chengdao said seriously: "But the premise of all this is to have a strong maritime armed force. I once heard that Wu Guo in the Warring States Period once trained naval divisions. And it's powerful!"

Only then did Kong Ming understand Li Chengdao's meaning, but Kong Ming thought for a while and said, "Your Majesty's ambition is certainly good, but as far as I know, apart from naval ships, the most important thing in this voyage is the chart. Yes, this..."

"Mr. Kong Ming, please take a look!" Li Chengdao said, took out a chart from his sleeve, and handed it to Kong Ming. This is the gift package given by the system last time, and Li Chengdao had already drawn it.

Kong Ming held the chart and looked at it carefully. After a long time, he was ecstatic and said: "Your Majesty, with this chart, the achievement of maritime supremacy is just around the corner!"

"Unfortunately, having charts is not enough. We also need manpower, navy and ships. These are the most critical!" Li Chengdao said with a frown: "Today I wanted to see the Ministry of War to see if there are any warship drawings left behind. , it’s a pity…”

Li Chengdao sighed and said, "It's all my fault that I was young and ignorant and short-sighted!"

"I have a plan, I don't know if I should say it or not!"

"What's the master plan, but it's okay to talk about it!"

"I heard that there are often water bandits in the Dongting Lake area. They wander around the lakes and rivers and rob passing merchant ships, but they never take the initiative to harm people's lives. These people are good at water and have sufficient fighting power. If they can be used by me, they can By quelling the water bandits, we can also recruit considerable combat power for our Tang navy, not to mention I heard that there are many builders and craftsmen among the water bandits. In this way, wouldn't it kill three birds with one stone!"

When Li Chengdao heard this, he thought about it carefully and was very happy. Isn't this just a recruitment plan?Why didn't I think of it earlier?Li Chengdao hugged Kong Ming's arm and said, "Sir, this is my timely gift!"

The excited Li Chengdao pulled Kong Ming to sit next to him, and the two discussed the details of the recruitment in detail until nightfall before leaving the Ministry of War.

Kong Ming still went back to General Anxidong's barracks. Li Chengdao originally wanted to take Kong Ming back to the palace, but according to Kong Ming's own words, a villager in the mountains can't bear the constraints of a high-walled compound, so he still feels comfortable staying in the wild.

Li Chengdao did not force him to stay, so he returned to the palace with Da Bang Hammer.

By the time Li Chengdao, Da Bangchui and his party arrived in front of the palace gate, the sky was still dark.

Li Chengdao retreated from the car and walked back to the palace with the big stick and hammer.

Passing through the Taiji Palace, I saw a shadowy figure kneeling at the gate of the Taiji Palace in the darkness.

Li Chengdao and Da Bangchui were very puzzled. Who would be kneeling here so late?

Li Chengdao was about to step forward to check it out, but was stopped by a big stick. Li Chengdao looked at the big stick and asked, "What's wrong with you, you ramming goods?"

"Your Majesty, beware of fraud, what if it is an assassin?"

Big Banghammer said cautiously. Hearing the words, Li Chengdao looked at Big Banghammer's slightly ferocious face due to excessive tension, and said with a smile: "Fart, do these forbidden soldiers you treat as me eat for nothing? If so strict If you can still let assassins in, then the sky will kill me!"

After finishing speaking, Li Chengdao pushed away the big stick and hammer, and walked forward steadily. Seeing this, the big stick and hammer had to follow step by step, not daring to leave half a step.

"Hey, who is that kneeling there! The current emperor is here, you... what do you want to do!"

The two came in front of the man, and before Li Chengdao could speak, Big Banghammer spoke first, but what he said was neither fish nor fowl, and Li Chengdao almost laughed out loud.

(End of this chapter)

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