Chapter 104 Great Good Deed

"General Feng was at the city gate when we came out of Chang'an together, so you may not have paid much attention to my actions before leaving the city gate."

Seeing Feng Li's probing eyes, you pointed at Xue Wanche anyway.

"At that time, the one closest to me with me was General Xue."

"General Xue, come on, tell me, what did I say at the gate of Chang'an before I left Chang'an?"

"Well, at that time, your subordinate was seriously injured, and His Highness didn't seem to have said much, but I remember that His Highness seemed to have had some verbal battles with Fang Xuanling, the general opposite."

Seeing Li Chengdao shook his head, Xue Wanche continued.

"Any other words? They are just ordinary words. Of course, the most unexpected thing is that His Highness prayed to the deceased Crown Prince, asking him to open the gate of Chang'an.

Of course, the city gate of Chang'an was already under the control of the troops led by General Feng, so after His Highness prayed for the gate to open, the gate really opened.

The faces of the soldiers who were confronting us at that time changed drastically. As soon as we charged, they scattered and fled in all directions, and then His Highness left Chang'an City.

As for the other words, my subordinate's memory is not very good, so I really can't remember some of them. "

"Everyone, you all heard what General Feng said just now. When I left Chang'an, I did something that many people didn't understand.

The father is above, and the son Chengdao kowtows, and today is hard to escape. I hope the father can help the child to open the gate of Chang'an, and the son Chengdao kowtows again, wishing the father well-being and happiness. "

Li Chengdao paused, then continued.

"This is what I said when I prayed to the sky. Not only General Xue heard it, but our people heard it, and the enemy also heard it. So after we left Chang'an, most people in Chang'an knew that I got my father's bless.

And those who are against us naturally know it clearly. "

Li Chengdao pointed to Xue Wanche, and continued.

"A period of time had passed since we left Chang'an. General Xue said that his memory was not very good, but he remembered my prayers very clearly.

Well, those soldiers who heard other people's report, they will naturally know that I have been blessed by my father. "

Feng Li reacted at this time, "Your Highness means that you want to use strange power to confuse the gods? So that the other side's soldiers will fall into chaos."

"Well, that's my plan. Rumors are the most afraid of being spread. The wider the spread, the more people will believe it.

And if the city wall of Tongguan is combined with a loud noise in the middle of the night, and the originally impenetrable city wall shatters, then I think the impact on the morale of the enemy will be fatal. "

Li Chengdao shook hands with confidence on his face.

"Your Highness's plan is naturally good, and at the same time, we can spread more rumors in Tongguan so that more people can know about it.

However, the premise of this plan is that His Highness's gunpowder can really achieve the results we want, otherwise, even if it won't have any good results. "

Feng Li still maintained his wait-and-see attitude when gunpowder exploded the impenetrable Tongguan city wall.

"General Feng, you don't have to doubt this matter, as long as you bury the gunpowder and ignite the fuse, the city wall can't stop it at all."

"Also, General Feng, the reason why I am so anxious this time and want to finish all my work is because we really don't have much time to waste.

It is already autumn, I think, the iron hooves of foreigners are about to set foot on our land.

We must quickly take down the entire pass before they enter us or before they cause too much killing.

Only in this way can we gather the power of the whole country to fight against the foreigners. "

"Since His Highness has made such a decision, and at the same time has confidence in the power of gunpowder, then his subordinates will naturally follow.

It's just that His Highness's plan seems a little too crude, we have to make a good and complete plan.

After all, the battle of Tongguan is very likely to be a battle that determines the ownership of the whole world. No matter how careful we are, we can't be too careful. "

Feng Li said to Li Chengdao.

At this time, in Li Chengdao's mind, an electronic sound sounded quietly.

"Congratulations to the host for inspiring the destiny reward system."

"Option [-], attack Tongguan. If you choose, reward Gan Ning, General Wu of the Three Kingdoms Period."

"Hey, this is the first choice for a good general. This Gan Ning was a tiger minister of the Wu Kingdom during the Three Kingdoms period. If I can choose him this time, I will have another one under my command who is good at fighting. General. But having said that, what I lack most now is civil servants. Dealing with official affairs in the army every day really makes my head hurt. I hope I can produce a civil servant, please ask the system!" Li Chengdao said silently in his heart. Thinking.

"Choice two is not to attack Tongguan. The chosen one is to reward Zhuge Liang, the prime minister of Shu during the Three Kingdoms period."

Li Chengdao slapped the table hard and jumped up excitedly.

Zhuge Liang, this is Zhuge Liang, the top among the top civil servants. In the late Shu Han period, he was almost the one who dragged the Shu Kingdom forward by himself.

Why is there any hesitation? Don't say you won't let me attack Tongguan now. As long as you give me Zhuge Liang, even if you let me attack Chang'an now, I will charge directly without hesitation.

"I choose two." While excited, he hurriedly said his answer, for fear that something would happen and he would lose the Prime Minister who had obtained it.

At this time, looking at Li Chengdao who was jumping up and down excitedly, the four people present were a little strange.

Obviously nothing happened, why is this Highness so happy.

Feng Li, who was telling Li Chengdao his thoughts, was even more stunned.

"Could it be that there are some good words in what I just said that I didn't notice, so His Highness was so excited when he heard it?"

But now is not the time to hesitate. Seeing that Li Chengdao has not stopped the trend, he is jumping around in the hall excitedly even more.

Feng Li opened his mouth: "Your Highness, I don't know why you are so excited?"

"For what purpose, everyone, in short, it is a great good thing. Now I have no intention to discuss other things. Just stay here with me for half an hour, and you will naturally know."

Seeing Li Chengdao so excited, although everyone was a little puzzled, they also listened to his words and stayed quietly in their positions.

And Li Chengdao jumped around for a while, and finally realized that what he did was really not in line with his identity, so he also patted his face to ease his excitement.

Just sitting in the seat, the time passed bit by bit, and the feeling of anxiety in Li Chengdao's heart increased even more.

(End of this chapter)

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