Chapter 102 Suffering from Insanity

At this time, Feng Li's head became confused.So, he stood up and asked Li Chengdao.

"Your Highness, as far as I know, the total number of troops under your command has not exceeded 5000. However, the number of troops Li Shimin sent to strangle you this time is probably more than 5.

At the same time, among our soldiers, one-third of the surrendered soldiers have just been added. Even if they can really serve us in such a short period of time, the number of enemies is more than three times that of ours.

Besides, will those who surrender to us really do their best for us?I'm not optimistic about the results that are too good.Therefore, our combat effectiveness will also drop by one level.

The strength of the troops is far from that of the enemy. In terms of combat effectiveness, we have retreated again. The opponent still has the pass of Tongguan, so.I would like to ask Your Highness, what is the specific plan that you said will be completed in one battle?

Feng Li's voice was full of calmness, because in his perception, this young His Highness might make a huge mistake this time,
Therefore, he clearly told His Highness about his own disadvantages and the advantages of the locals. Now, what he wants to hear is His Highness's plan.

Because in his opinion, to accomplish such an impossible thing, unless the gods in the sky really come to help Li Chengdao.

"Well, General Feng, don't worry, speak slowly, sit down and say, as for me, I naturally have a perfect plan.

Originally, my original idea was the same as yours, to take down Tongguan directly, and then find some good opportunities to take down Li Shimin directly, and then take back the position of emperor.

It's just that the plan can't keep up with the changes. For me now, the importance of Tongguan has become less important. Of course, for Li Shimin, Tongguan is still our lifeline.

Because I am very sure that as long as all Li Shimin's troops gather at Tongguan, then he will fail. "

Although Li Chengdao said this, to Feng Li who was eager to know the specific plan, these are all your useless nonsense.

So he said, "Your Highness, can you tell me your plan directly?"

"General Feng, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. It's a good thing, so I have to take my time. If I tell you directly, it would be so boring."

At this moment, Li Chengdao was still in the mood to talk in front of Feng Li in a leisurely manner.

"Okay, okay, General Feng, don't worry, I'll just say it.

My plan is very simple, that is, when Li Shimin's subordinates are all gathered in Tongguan, we will swarm them directly, and then we will be fine if we take them down. "

When he heard Li Chengdao's words, Feng Li really wanted to dig out his ears to see if there was really something blocking him, otherwise, how could he hear such funny words.

"Your Highness, you, are you not joking with us?" Huo Qubing asked Feng Li.

"Although I usually like to joke about such a big matter, but at this time, I must be telling the truth." Li Chengdao said.

"Your Highness, if you are not joking, you should have heard what I just said about the enemy's advantage."

"I heard that, General Feng said that the enemy's strength will be at least 5, which is at least three times that of ours, and Tongguan is still on the opposite side, giving us a great advantage in terms of terrain.

In addition, I would like to add that there is a great possibility that the ones coming this time will be the Tiance Mansion Army, whose combat power will naturally be higher than the 5000 people we have just formed. "

"Since His Highness knows this, why do you still insist on taking such a big risk? Does His Highness really want to give up the position of emperor to Li Shimin?" Feng Li said in a calm voice.

"Give it to Li Shimin? General Feng, don't be joking. I am the best candidate for the position of emperor. Of course, apart from me, the rest, the most suitable for that position is Li Shimin.

The enemy's military strength is stronger than ours, and the enemy's combat effectiveness is stronger than ours. The enemy still occupies Tongguan and has an advantage in terrain.

But what if Tongguan is gone?In other words, what if Tongguan is broken like a piece of paper?

Moreover, did it shatter in front of Li Shimin's subordinates?In that case, do we still have a chance? " Li Chengdao said.

"Tongguan is gone? Shattered in front of Li Shimin's army? In that case, we can take advantage of the opportunity to reap some benefits, but this is of no great use to the overall situation." Xue Wanche said.

"Let me put it this way, one night, when most people were asleep, Tongguan opened up, and at the same time the guards at Tongguan were confronting us.

So, in this case..."

Xue Wanche picked up Li Chengdao's words and said: "In this way, the morale of the enemy will definitely be hit hard, and we will be able to kill them and completely defeat them.

"Yes, that's it." Li Chengdao said.

"Your Highness means that you have a way to shatter Tongguan?" Ma Chao asked suspiciously.

"Sure enough, General Meng Qi is the one who really understands me. You already understand what I mean." Li Chengdao gave Ma Chao a thumbs up.

"Your Highness, you are not joking. What do you mean, can you really crack Tongguan?" Feng Li didn't believe it, and asked again.

"Of course it is true. I called you here this time just to let you see why I left Tongguan to them instead of holding it in our hands.

That's because, Tongguan is such a pass, I can break it whenever I want, and I can break it whenever I want. " Li Chengdao's tone was light, as if repeating the fact that something had happened.

But when these words fell on Feng Li's ears, he felt that Li Chengdao was suffering from mental illness.

It's just that due to his status as a courtier, he can't directly express his inner thoughts.

"Your Highness, do you know that Tongguan has always been a battleground for military strategists, so this pass has been reinforced or repaired throughout the dynasties.

The reason why it is the east gate of Guanzhong together with Hangu Pass is naturally because of its high and thick city wall, extremely deep moat and complete defense equipment.

If we go directly to attack him now, it is naturally because there are not enough guards in the pass, but if there are too many guards and you want to open Tongguan, then unless it is the god of thunder in the sky, Tongguan will be struck by lightning.

As Feng Li spoke, he felt more and more that there was something really wrong with His Highness's head.

"Yes, General Feng really understands me. How do you know? This time I am going to rely on the power of Thunder God." Li Chengdao also clapped his hands, talking about Feng Li's understanding.

What is this called!All the people present fell silent for a while, because they all felt that there was a great possibility that there was something really wrong with Li Chengdao's head today.

Otherwise, how could such whimsical words appear in the mouth of Li Chengdao, who has always valued the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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