Chapter 100

The eldest grandson Wugou naturally didn't have any expression of belief, but she also knew that Li Chengdao had no reason to deceive her, especially when it came to such things that would definitely give the correct answer in the end.

So after Li Chengdao left, the most important thing for Changsun Wugou every day was to stare at the planting tank.

And less than ten days after Li Chengdao left, green seedlings grew out.

So the eldest grandson Wugou put all his thoughts into taking care of it, and she who was bound by melancholy also gradually lost her former melancholy because of her daily activities.

Li Chengdao didn't know about these things.

He is now discussing with the system how to use up his lottery chance as soon as possible. After all, he needs something to strengthen himself.

If an AK47 or something is pulled out, who in this world can resist his own shot!

Li Chengdao's thoughts were spinning wildly. Of course, what he didn't expect was that even if he could get an AK47, he had never touched the front sight of a gun before. It would be a strange thing to be able to aim at people!
However, when you put your thoughts into something like a lottery, especially when you see something that you particularly want, the feeling in your heart is really like having countless cats' claws scratching it, which is really unbearable. Can't live.

However, Li Chengdao was in a hurry, but the system was not in a hurry.

A dispassionate electronic voice echoed among Lee Seung Do's boys.

"Has the host confirmed that you want to use the lottery opportunity? Your cumulative number of draws is four."

"The host confirms that he wants to use the lottery chance."

"The three items are the Code of Modern Soldiers, special props that double the rewards, and the earth furnace steelmaking method.

One of these three items will then be chosen at random. "

"Hey, it seems that there was this earth furnace steel-making method last time. It seems that there is no need to worry about it. Some items that have appeared will not appear again.

Rewards are doubled. Special props, system, is this props used for lottery or summoning or can it be used for anything? " Li Chengdao is also expressing his doubts.

"Special props within the system can naturally only be used for system draws and summons."

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained a special item that doubles the reward."

Li Chengdao was obviously taken aback, why did he get this because he was more interested in this?
It was the same in the last lottery draw. I was naturally more interested in potatoes, so I got it in the lottery.
"So, this fate reward system, it is possible to manipulate things with high inclinations, and then allow myself to be able to draw him."

Li Chengdao was thinking wildly, but the electronic sound didn't mean to stop.

So after three lottery draws, Li Chengdao won a special item with double rewards, a Luma of Liu Bei's mount in the Three Kingdoms, and [-] catties of high-quality black gunpowder.

All in all, this harvest is pretty good, after all, there are two special props that double the rewards.

If he can draw elite soldiers in the future, then this reward will be doubled, and it will not increase the strength of his army even more.

So, after just having some free time, Li Chengdao fell into busyness again.

Because his territory was constantly increasing, especially after he learned that he was already in Hangu Pass, more territories took the initiative to lean towards him.

He talks seriously with visitors every day, and at the same time deceives those who inquire about his truth and falsehood without any flaws.

This is really a very hard work.

The generals under Li Chengdao, after taking all the soldiers they wanted into their own hands, put into intense and orderly training.

At this time around Tongguan, the people who obeyed Li Shimin's orders were already moving towards Tongguan quickly. Although it was said that the distance could not quench their thirst, the confidence of the defenders in Tongguan was still quite high.

At this time, Li Chengdao seemed to have abandoned the capture of Tongguan to the back of his mind, but was studying the integration of logistics supplies and weapons every day.

And the generals under his command are all pulling their teams out for training, because they know that although Li Chengdao has nothing to do now, the place of Tongguan is really too important to them.

And if you want to do it, you have to take it quickly, and you can't be dragged by the defenders, otherwise, they are afraid that they will really be dumped.

I waited for Li Chengdao's order every day, but no order came every day, and just like that, three days passed.

At this time, the army was almost purged, and it seemed that they were all soldiers capable of fighting in name.

After all, on the battlefield of cold weapons, old soldiers are relied on to lead new soldiers, and at least half of the generals under Li Chengdao are old soldiers. Therefore, after facing the enemy, as long as these people can listen to the command of the veterans, it will not be too difficult. Something big will happen.

However, it is really puzzling that His Highness's order has not yet come down.

Even if it is to be safe, but if the time is delayed like this, the soldiers in the surrounding cities of Tongguan may have become the guards of Tongguan. In this way, the longer the delay, the more obvious the enemy's advantage will be.

So, on the afternoon of the fourth day, all the generals came to Li Chengdao's residence where he handled official duties.

When Li Chengdao saw them, he was not puzzled.

After all, if they don't come again, I'm afraid I have to ask them to explain otherwise, if the generals don't have confidence, how can the soldiers under their leadership have the confidence to defeat the enemy.

After listening to Li Chengdao's order, the four of them sat down slowly on the chairs.

"Your Highness, what I want to know is when we will take action against Tongguan." Xue Wanche was impatient and asked.

"We will not attack Tongguan."

Li Chengdao was also very straightforward, and replied directly.

The four generals in the hall were stunned and looked at each other to indicate that they heard correctly.

"I said, we won't attack Tongguan." Li Chengdao looked at the four people in the hall, all of whom doubted his ears, and repeated his words again.

"Your Highness, this, this is why, if we can win Tongguan, then we will be on a particularly favorable side." Xue Wanche stood up anxiously, and said in his mouth.

"General Xue, don't be in a hurry. Your Highness must have his considerations in making such an arrangement. Let's listen to what His Highness has to say."

Although Feng Li beside Xue Wanche also felt that there was some difference, but according to his understanding of His Highness, he must have his own considerations in making such an arrangement, so he stood up and stopped Xue Wanche who wanted to continue talking.

At this time, Xue Wanche also realized that he had lost his concentration because he was so anxious.

"Your Highness's redemption, I was too anxious."

"It's okay, General Xue's temperament has always been like this, I still know it well, besides, I don't blame you."

(End of this chapter)

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