Chapter 75

See what you said, you are my son, you are my biological son!

Both Li Shimin and Empress Changsun were frightened.

The two looked at each other, both wanting to tell Li Chengqian the real situation.

It's just that as soon as this thought arose, they were forcibly suppressed.

Save others by yourself.

If a child from an ordinary family knows that there is an older brother, the child may be worried that the sudden appearance of the older brother will compete with him for candy.

And born in the emperor's family, Li Chengqian is the prince.

If he knew that he had an elder brother, would he think that his elder brother was the real prince, and that everything he owned would be taken away by his elder brother?
Will he be so angry because of this, he will hate his parents and his brother who suddenly appeared, and thus do some irreversible things?

Everything is possible.

Li Shimin, the emperor, knows the matter of power best.

He had no choice but to kill his brother and imprison his father, but it was also caused by the temptation of power.

Because of his own affairs, he does not want and does not allow his offspring to have brother-in-law killings!
Now Suning is still weak and does not have any power in his hands.

At least let him establish prestige in the Xuanjia Army, and wait until he can barely resist the assassination and other situations before revealing his identity.

Neither Li Shimin nor Empress Changsun wanted to see any accidents happen to Suning.

Let the relationship between the two of them become more harmonious first.

"Ahem, isn't this someone who saved your mother?"

"If it hadn't been for Suning, your mother would have died by now."

Li Shimin coughed twice, and turned Li Chengqian's attention to Suning's rescue of Empress Changsun.

"Indeed, if it weren't for Suning, the queen mother would be afraid now."

Li Chengqian also sighed.

My heart is full of gratitude to Suning.

If it weren't for Suning, the current mother who had always doted on so many of their brothers might have passed away.

Thinking of this, Li Chengqian's dissatisfaction with Suning gradually disappeared.

"Yeah, so, you should be more grateful to Suning in the future."

Li Shimin exclaimed.

Li Chengqian is being induced to have a friendly impression of Suning.

"Okay father, my son knows."

Li Chengqian saluted and assured Li Shimin and Empress Changsun.

Empress Changsun taught him since he was a child that he must have a conscience, even if he is in a high position, he must not forget his heart.

After Suning saved his mother, he will definitely remember this kindness well.

If there is an opportunity, there must be a lot of rewards!

"Li Yuetian, my mother sees that the two of you are not much different in age, so you can be regarded as good playmates."

"In the future, you will go out of the palace to play with Suning more often and communicate more with each other, do you understand?"

Empress Changsun thought for a while and said.

She thinks that the age difference between Suning and Li Chengqian is four or five years old, which is not a big problem.

As long as the two get along more, the relationship will definitely improve, and when the relationship between the two is revealed in the future, they will not be too conflicted.


"Mother, my son has a lot of homework now, so I don't have time to go out of the palace to play."

Li Chengqian was overjoyed, but soon became depressed.

The reason why he was able to go out today was because his teacher Wan Fuyuan gave up his teaching time and let Li Chengqian go out.

Otherwise, with studies at Li Chengqian's age, he wouldn't have much time to go out and play.

Every day, I either learn this or that, and I can't play like ordinary children.

It's not unreasonable that the children of the emperor's family are better than the children of ordinary families.

"It's a combination of work and rest."

"In the future, I will give you two more hours to play every day."

"But there is one thing, you can only play with Suning. If the queen mother finds out that you are not playing with Suning, she will not let you out of the palace next time."

Queen Changsun said.

She is creating an opportunity to enhance the relationship between the two brothers.

"Really? Really?"

"Father, is what the queen said true?" Li Chengqian suddenly became excited.

He is still a child after all, and his instinct to play has not disappeared.

As for playing with Suning, Li Chengqian didn't care at all.

At most, when the time comes to bring Suning, Suning will be left alone.

Just play it!

"That is certainly true."

"When did your mother lie to you?"

Li Shimin nodded softly.

Although he felt that Li Chengqian's studies were very important.

But compared to improving the relationship with Suning, the latter is more important.

If the relationship between the two brothers can be improved, Li Shimin also thinks it is okay to pay more.

"Thank you royal father, thank you queen mother!"

Li Chengqian thanked him again and again, and was very happy in his heart.

"Oh, right."

"How old is Suning older than you, you can call him Brother Hong from now on."

Empress Changsun thought for a while and said.

Although it is a different title, she feels that it can bring a cordial relationship between the two.

"Huh? Don't want it?"

"Queen, I am the crown prince of the East Palace. Do you want to call a copycat master Brother Hong?"

Li Chengqian felt awkward.

With his status as the prince, who in the world would dare to call him brother?
If it is said that the sons of those uncles from the same clan are called Ming, it is okay.

But Suning's background is too ordinary. Is it inappropriate to call him Brother Hong?


"He's yours. Your mother's savior asked you to call him Brother Hong, why?"

Li Shimin suddenly flew into a rage.

He thought that Li Chengqian looked down on Suning's background, so he naturally looked down on Suning.

Therefore, he was furious and almost exposed Suning's identity.

"My son knows his mistake, and his son knows his mistake"

How did Li Chengqian think that Li Shimin would suddenly be so furious?
Immediately, he was so frightened that he knelt down and bowed to Li Shimin to show that he knew his mistake.


"Remember, Suning is your mother's benefactor and also your benefactor."

"In the future, you will treat him as your brother, do you understand?"

Li Shimin snorted coldly and said in a deep voice.

He absolutely can't let Li Chengqian look at Suning from above.

"My son, my son understands."

Li Chengqian still couldn't figure it out.

But seeing the expressions of the royal father and the queen mother, the incomprehension in his heart was swallowed.

All the problems were summed up as the father and mother were very, very grateful to Suning.

"Well, it's good to understand."

"Then let's start tomorrow. Tomorrow you will add two hours to play every day."

Li Shimin nodded in satisfaction.

Looking at Li Chengqian's appearance, he felt that Li Chengqian would not dare to look down on Suning anymore.

As long as the two get along as equals, the more they get along, the better the relationship will be.

"Thank you, Father."

Li Chengqian wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and said.

Li Shimin and Empress Changsun said some words of encouragement to Li Chengqian, and confessed to getting along well with Suning, and then left.

Li Chengqian was the only one left in the East Palace Hall.

He sat on the seat, sighed heavily, and sighed in his heart.

The emperor father and the empress mother are really strange today!

"Why is it strange? The attire must be unusual!"

(End of this chapter)

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