Chapter 45 Debate (Part [-])

Fang Xuanling is dealing with government affairs in the study.

He wants to sort out what Suning told him yesterday.

I am going to lead some officials to go down to control the locust plague this afternoon and destroy the locust eggs.

When he was in the middle of his work, the door of the study was slammed open, and Fang Tingting walked in panting.

Fang Xuanling was immediately unhappy, and looked at Fang Tingting with a frown.

The study room is an important place, and it is generally not allowed to break in so rudely without notification.

If it wasn't for his favorite eldest daughter, Fang Xuanling would have gone berserk and scolded the person who broke into the door.

"Daddy, it's bad. Suning killed Liao Wangji in Yihong Courtyard. Zhou Ruru led the Xuanjia Army to surround him. Go and save him."

Fang Tingting turned pale and said in a panic.


Fang Xuanling's expression suddenly changed, and she suddenly stood up from the stool.

I don't care about the ink splashing on the materials due to violent movements.

There was only one thought in his mind, and that was to stop Zhou Ruru from killing Suning.

Su Ning is the eldest prince who has been separated from His Majesty and Empress for many years. If Zhou Ruru kills him, the two of them will probably go crazy.

Fang Xuanling ran away and rushed towards Yihong Courtyard at an extremely fast speed.

Changsun House.

Changsun Wuji is also dealing with government affairs.

There are too many government affairs recently, and he feels that he has lost a lot of hair.

Moreover, the originally chubby figure seems to have lost several catties now.

This made Changsun Wuji, who has always liked being slightly fat, feel extremely uncomfortable, and often sighed.

Just as he was sighing again and again, the door of the study was gently pushed open.

His eldest daughter's eldest grandson walked in like a fairy like smoke.

"Daddy, do you want me to pay more attention to that boy named Suning?"

"What is there to pay attention to? He is young and frivolous, and he doesn't know how to write dead characters."

The eldest grandson Ruyan spoke softly.

She was as beautiful as a fairy with disgust on her face.

"Young and frivolous?"

"How do you say this?"

Changsun Wuji asked puzzledly.

"He just trampled that illegitimate son Zhou Ruru to death in Yihong Courtyard."

The eldest grandson Ruyan spoke lazily.

It's just that before she finished speaking, she was frightened by her father's appearance.

Changsun Wuji's face changed drastically, and he suddenly got up from his seat and was about to rush outside.

As soon as he got out of the door of the study, Changsun Wuji turned his head to look at Changsun Ruyan, and said in a hasty tone:

"Yanyan, please go to the palace immediately and notify His Majesty and the Queen as quickly as possible!"

"Use the fastest speed!"

After Changsun Wuji explained this sentence, he ran away in a panic.

The eldest grandson Ruyan was stunned and stunned, and his beautiful face was a little stunned.

She had never seen such a calm father's face before, thinking to herself about that boy named Suning, what could make her father care?
Thinking of his father's instructions before leaving, the eldest grandson Ruyan took a deep breath and entered the palace as quickly as possible.

On the other side, Fangfu also received the same message.

Fang Xuanling also rushed towards Yihong Courtyard at the fastest speed.

The gate of Yihong Courtyard.

"The last general, Wanfu, is here to meet the prime minister."

General Wan Fulai of the Xuanjia Army dismounted his horse and saluted Zhou Ruru respectfully.

The three hundred Xuanjia troops behind him also saluted Zhou Ruru one after another.

The Xuanjia Army is divided into the left and right Xuanjia Army, with one general, two generals and various official positions below.

The Xuanjia Army was mobilized, firstly because of his status as prime minister, and also because he and Li Yuan supported the general named Wan Fulai to the position.

If it is about dispatching the generals of the Xuanjia Army, Zhou Ruru naturally does not have that ability.

Because people like the general are almost all loyal to the emperor Li Shimin.

It is almost impossible for the Supreme Emperor or Zhou Ruru to mess with him.

"Have you seen this person?"

"How dare you commit murder in the street."

"The truth ordered you to take him down, and try not to hurt his life."

Zhou Ruru's tone was cold, making people shiver like ice.

He hated Suning to death, but he didn't want Suning to die so cheaply.He wanted to torture Suning severely, making Suning's life worse than death.

Let him know the consequences of trampling his son to death.

"The last general takes orders!"

Wan Fulai responded and waved to the three hundred Xuanjia troops.

Boom boom boom.
The neat pace, the dazzling light of the armor, the scene was shrouded in a depressing atmosphere.

Suning retreated.

It's not that they are afraid of the three hundred Xuanjia troops.

Instead, she came to Luo Qianqian and prepared to leave.

"Girl, I'm ready to go back to my hometown."

Su Ning said softly.

"Yeah, let's go home."

"Chang'an City is not fun, and I will never come here again."

Luo Qianqian pouted, her face full of unhappiness.

She didn't say anything sorry, and she didn't apologize to Suning or anything.

Luo Qianqian felt that with the relationship between her and her younger brother, she didn't need to talk so much if she was being polite.

Anyway, if you want to die, you can die together later, no one owes anyone else.

Let's live and die together.

There is not so much gossip to say.

As he said, he threw himself into Suning's arms, holding Suning's waist tightly with both hands.

I just feel that the safest place in the world is in Suning's embrace.

Su Ning put one arm around Luo Qianqian's small waist, kicking her feet opened the distance from Wan Fulai and the others.

He is ready to go.

Although Chang'an City is heavily guarded.

But as long as he wants to leave, no one in the world can stop him.

Even if Luo Qianqian was hugged, no one could stop her.

"Archer ready!"

Wan Fulai immediately drank.

When he saw Suning easily distanced everyone, he knew that Suning was a super expert.

In the face of a super master, the wheel battle may be able to keep the opponent exhausted.

But if you can't catch up with the opponent, the so-called wheel battle is just a thought.

Therefore, he made a decisive decision and asked the soldiers of the Xuanjia Army to change their formation.

The three hundred Xuanjia troops stopped immediately and took bows and arrows from behind to take aim.

"The murderer in front stops immediately."

"Otherwise, shoot random arrows to death!"

Wan Fulai looked at Suning's back and shouted again.

As long as Suning didn't stop walking, he would immediately give the order to shoot arrows.

Suning stopped.

The corner of his mouth lifted into a sneer.

Prepare to take out treasures from the virtual space of the system.

But at this moment, voices sounded from three directions in the distance:
"Stop it, stop it, stop it all!"

"I am Fang Xuanling, Zhongshu Ling, and I order all of you to stop!"

"I'm going to shoot Fang Xuanling at the right servant, and order all of you to stop."

"I am Sun Wuji, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and I order all of you to stop!"

Shouts sounded.

During this time, they can be heard gasping.

Everyone looked in the direction of the voice in horror.

I saw Fang Xuanling, Fang Xuanling, Changsun Wuji and others running in panic.

While running, he waved his hand to stop the fight.

Zhou Ruru, who had shown a smug expression just now, froze her smile.

The three big bosses rushed to stop the battle in a panic, what is the so-called matter?
Is it to keep that bastard Suning?
After thinking of this, Zhou Ruru immediately yelled out: "Shoot the arrow, let the arrow go, let the truth go!"


How dare Wan Fulai shoot an arrow?

Although Zhou Ruru is high and powerful, the three big bosses who came here are not far behind.

Everyone who can get himself down from the position of general of the Xuanjia Army.

He gritted his teeth, and finally acted as if he hadn't heard Zhou Ruru's words, and didn't order to shoot.

"Do you really want to shoot?"

(End of this chapter)

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